IzhNews #0B
25 ноября 2000

BMP 1 - Brutal Miny Party: Day 2.

<b>BMP 1</b> - Brutal Miny Party: Day 2.
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(C) NoViSeT / BrC

       Brutal MiNy Party

            DAY II

        And again in a way.

       since the last gatherings in the homes of
Chemist was a whole week, another
week of continuous care and studencheskih
problems, and once again we came Kolka
mischievous idea to arrange the continuation of the
activities, which quietly
stanavilos rule. Moreover, was
pretty compelling excuse again found himself at the
blue screen Himikovskogo pisyuka so
as has finally been completed yet version 3.6
Pusher, which we had to pick up and
razmescheiya to annex this issue

  At this time, as the main sponsor
performed P! Xel, since the bulk of
resources in our holiday we had to replace
just him not to hurt family
Chemist's budget, especially Ilyukh
was to act as security, so
as this time his home was metal sovsmem
safe, but more on that below.

  And so, like last time, will settle all
parts, the first thing we decided to Kolka
go get a copy of the mega-project of the year
from Izhevsk Spectrum Scene:) -
magazine, which we have been waiting for
great name "ULTIMATHUM" (who?:)
work on which were finally

  Met in almost appointments
bus stop (Kolka decided
warn Ichthyander that we are going
drink beer at Ilyukh that he would go
appeared, resulting in 10 minutes I was freezing
at the bus stop), not far from home chemist
we moved to siSoft'u (aka Steve, he
as the main coder of all TRG, he is the chief
Maker listalki for Ultimatum) to
finally get (for the tonsils:) he still
smoking journal (this same).

  Safely back home dobravshs siSOFT'a,
We rang the doorbell, and a few
seconds, the door opened. Straining my eyes
the dark, we were able to discern the silhouette
young coder. Going into the narrow hallway,
More to the same scrappy everyone who is around
apparently not used junk, we
hardly undressed and went into at least
scrappy, I suppose, Hall (apparently
many spektrumistov about the same
situation), where on a little table
an unknown manner and was placed pisyuk
Spectrum (more precisely, Profik that, in my opinion,
same thing). In general, cast a spell over a magazine and
get a copy, we parted with the steppe and
rushed to the store for beer, as
Time was about 16:00, and
result, I forgot to call
Ilyukh, that he met us as we

  Having bought the beer, we will gladly, at a brisk pace
came to the house of N, and what was our
disappointment when we saw the closed
front door. In general, this time without
wild screams, echoes throughout the
street, and lead in wild horror
people passing by, has not done. Already
somewhere after the fifth of our exclamation, in a window
Elijah appeared and something shook his head.
We again approached the entrance, and the minutes
in 3 out chemist himself,
we, as expected, greeted each
each other and went inside the dark entrance. A
a minute later stood in the hallway
himikovskoy apartments, leisurely throwing
yourself extra clothing.

       Second Coming.

  And this is where it starts to get
interesting when Ilyukh had
act as a bodyguard.

  While we are quietly undressed in the hallway,
Someone phoned and Ilya fled
in the other room to answer the call, and we
undressed and began to quietly move to wade
deep into the room, when suddenly the way we
blocked the strange-looking creature,
effects have been himikovskim
favorite test. It was of medium height,
hairy, and his vague, crooked
voice of, perhaps, one week
neprosyhaniya as a result of C2H5OH
became interested in who we are, and
a dick we're doing. At that time, as
we wonder wondered what would reply
This fellow appeared with a chemist and
the words "what is happening here?" showed
feelings of love and respect for his beloved
tests, and we meanwhile, slipped to
another room so as not to interfere
relatives in their relationship, after
then another five minutes from the hallway could be heard
strange noises and moans. That's what it means
true love and respect for their
beloved family members, take an example from Ilyukh.

  After 5-6 minutes appeared slightly
Horny chemist (yes, respect for elders
- That's fine:) and we started to the most important.

          And away we go.

  As always, as razlivalshika
I acted, that's why I re-
got the biggest dishes. We again
sat at pisyuka, savoring the fresh beer in
While Ilya finished scribbling HELP
your Pusher, which was still in
sources and waiting in the wings when
as it will lead to normal for understanding
many juzverej:) look.

  Finally, having added helpar, we decided to
demonstrate Ilya recently received
magazine, and the first bottle of beer, so
Thus, gradually ceased. Throwing up
Log in screw himikovskogo pisyuka, but with
it - to drive to the Kolka, we started
record appears and Ilyukh nove,
incidentally discussing what he saw in a magazine.

  After finishing this process, Ilya started assembling
a Pusher, well, we have a market
how about this, not forgetting to pour a beer and
ihteandru, despite the fact that the missing
rodstvennichek suddenly could suddenly return, and no one found 
us in rasploh. 

  Well, in general, as time went on, the beer slowly
disappeared in the depths of our stomachs, we
sat, pinned, Chemist something there
chemi:) with his Pusher, and behold,
Finally, said that everything is ready. A couple of times
running and making sure that everything works
We have a long-awaited copy.

  Then for some reason began to listen Sector
Gas, probably because the chemist is
a longtime fan of the group and,
In my opinion, has all her albums,
Basically, we were not opposed, as
some songs were very personal. AND
whether this time the beer was different, then I
most currently pouring, but for some reason
began to make strange gestures
(Perhaps it should be seen).

      Home, go home ...

  Remnants of finishing his beer and plenty of
after hearing Strip, we decided it was time to
already moving toward the exit, the more so, Ilya
going to make us a company, as
wanted to go to her parents.

  Ha! In moving into the hallway us again
forward to meeting lyubviobilnym father-
who could not even bark tie:)
although this time he was not one, but with his
gerlfrendshey, we managed to avoid
conflicts, and we were in rapid wear, finally plesnuv second 
beer bottling insatiable Ichthyander. Meanwhile, Dad (aka test) 
cram his old lady, how much his son loves what she stated that, 
most likely it is to him imagined, and it was not-in-law, and

law enforcement officer (in
parlance - an element rotten), which is so
also welcome at all of the tests, because
that he is already married. In general, in the words
old could be some truth, but we all
also know how it was:).

  Quickly gathered, we crawled out into the street
and they decided to walk. Although the road we have
was not short, I kill at least not
remember what we there said. Reaching the
right place, we said our goodbyes, and more
we had everything their own way.

  In general, this time everything went smoothly, and
half an hour I was home. That such
instructive party, which will surely
will continue. But it is quite
another story.

           THE END!

Other articles:

Introduction - We were struck by the brutality of the worst of its terms.

BMP 1 - Brutal Miny Party: Day 1.

BMP 1 - Brutal Miny Party: Day 2.

Dictionary - informal slang expressions used by the organizer of Power of Sound.

Fuck to - a song about spektrumistov "Electronic Boy" and other nonsense about the times when the ZX-Spectrum was almost God of the universe from a certain segment of the population.

pent - an impression that our paper does not reach or address, if any, is ignored and immediately erased.

Svezhak - an overview of the new magazine Izhevsk Ultimathum, archiver Hrust RiP archivator ripper and music THE PUSHER CRACK MUSIC SYSTEM.

torture room - an interview with a representative of a new group of Izhevsk Infant'a / HOAX.

Present - Application of the newspaper.

Afterword - create a story in this issue of the newspaper.

Advertising - the motor trade!

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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