IzhNews #0B
25 ноября 2000

Dictionary - informal slang expressions used by the organizer of Power of Sound.

<b>Dictionary</b> - informal slang expressions used by the organizer of Power of Sound.
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(C) the expression: Himik's ZxZ / PoS
(C) decoding: NoViSeT / BrC

          this section, you will be able to
acquainted with the informal jargon
expressions used by the organizer
Group Power of Sound Himik's ZxZ in
everyday life and, in particular,
writing their own programs. And if you
real programmer, you probably
will adopt more than one expression
from the dictionary, which greatly
reduce your 'machine' time, when
izverganii flow of emotions in the process
creating another masterpiece of software.
In general, the wind on the condition and do not take
all as set forth below, close to the heart with very,
watch out, and so his poor health.
Let's go!


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Gondonstvo-pidarstvo and zaschekanstvo -
abuse when it detects an error in the program,
used in cases where it seemed
would have been hopelessly non-working program
suddenly starts to work, and the error of the wing
in the place where she least of all looking for. In
this situation, voltage limit,
so that the arm is better not to fall.
Pidarstvo - a cross between the previous
and then:). Where the correction of errors
about as much is still left.
Zaschekanstvo - it's not that bad, but
nervous breakdown is near. In such situations,
psychiatrist advised to forget about
computer and do less sadistic
Prick - all worse than ever, unfortunately,
this case, modern psychiatry
powerless. The programmer who uttered this
the word needs to be an emergency izolyazhii from
computer, otherwise the consequences could be
terrible: a broken keyboard and the monitor is broken is 
unlikely to do. Fuck going without panties as adults -

it's unpretentious phrase used before hard work over
creating another mad project. AND
means that anything good this idea
bodes, therefore all the piercing-cutting
subjects is better to put away,
otherwise chances are that soon they will be
have the right people at the right place. :)
Mazga sect - in the translation from the Tatar for
language programmers means obdumyvaenie
particularly complex procedure, vklyuchayushey a
trigonometry, in
combined with modern methods
output the result directly to
punched tape, in real time, with
Permanent podgruzki from the hard drive and
landings on a magnetic disk array
data available raznoperemennye numerical
values, calculated by randomly
neighbor who was sitting behind the wall, and sent
modem with a variable rate not
exceeding 600 cubic meters per second.
Well, if you are Novorussky, just -
brain fuck.


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Mazdaystvo - clearly, that today
Something broke and do not necessarily have
computer, so unauthorized persons,
located near the computer, it is better to leave
away, otherwise ...
Gnidstvo - indeed, so write
programs can not. For this and keys
povytaskivat possible, and a mouse squeal.
Sucking dick in a drunken hedgehog - the position
almost hopeless, but the output still
there. Incidentally, this is the way out:).
Glyuchnitsa prog did - an analogue of the expression
from the famous film, although the semantic
content slightly modified in this
If it means low-quality
software product made by man
whose knowledge of programming languages, like
low and high levels
so great that of all the teams he
aware of only one - lamers mustdie x, y, th.
Sneakers turn - to finish work on the
another mega-project. Although most
probability that no longer sneakers and comfortable and
stylish white sneakers, and wrap them
will be none other than the pathologist,
pretty poizvraschavshis over depleted
ostyvshim body of the programmer.
Turnip soar - the next medical
term for manic-depressive syndrome caused by prolonged stress 
brain podkorochnoy muscles, leading to the boiling gray matter 
and decrease in the level of sanity to the significant period. 
Method of treatment - vnutrevennoe introduction C2H5OH followed 
zakusyvaniem. Mulepestrin - super-strong medications help to 
more effectively address tasks. This drug

has many varieties, but one of
the most famous - is C2H5OH, which is
safest for the body,
Contraindications: sometimes
causes excessive sweating, drowsiness,
nausea, irritability, and sometimes vice versa,
reduces the harmful effects of the above.
Otsosinovik grew fungus on my way -
expression used in the detection of
serious and rare glitch in the program and
accompanied by uncharacteristic movements
hands and feet in the direction of the keyboard, often
leading to destructive consequences
as for the keyboard, and for the aforementioned body parts.
Pink oblomingo - this expression is also
symbolizes the presence of serious
shortcomings in the program.
Mazday grandfather - a man who has devoted himself
nice to eradicate errors in others'
programs that deserves special respect
and daily servings Mulepestrina.
Zhampnut pimpochku - means easy
touch of a sledgehammer on a gentle silhouette
button labeled RESET,
accompanied by a wild crash and razletaniem
pieces of plastic out of scope.
Yes razebis you promudoblyadskim proebom,
triblyadomudskaya pizdaproebina,
oblyamudevshaya pizdootdushina, zalupoglazaya
mordoproushina - the expression says it all
myself (no comments).
"Zaebis," - he said, and all zaeblos -
you never want to rejoice too soon.
Hat - Censorship version of the word "dickhead"
meaning the same thing.
Dickhead ears do not need - without the bazaar:).

Other articles:

Introduction - We were struck by the brutality of the worst of its terms.

BMP 1 - Brutal Miny Party: Day 1.

BMP 1 - Brutal Miny Party: Day 2.

Dictionary - informal slang expressions used by the organizer of Power of Sound.

Fuck to - a song about spektrumistov "Electronic Boy" and other nonsense about the times when the ZX-Spectrum was almost God of the universe from a certain segment of the population.

pent - an impression that our paper does not reach or address, if any, is ignored and immediately erased.

Svezhak - an overview of the new magazine Izhevsk Ultimathum, archiver Hrust RiP archivator ripper and music THE PUSHER CRACK MUSIC SYSTEM.

torture room - an interview with a representative of a new group of Izhevsk Infant'a / HOAX.

Present - Application of the newspaper.

Afterword - create a story in this issue of the newspaper.

Advertising - the motor trade!

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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