ACNews #06
01 ноября 2001

Soft - Customize keyboard shortcuts and change cursors ACEdit.

<b>Soft</b> - Customize keyboard shortcuts and change cursors ACEdit.
/================ Customize shortcuts ====================
(Idea by Death Moroz)

   In the BASIC file at # 5d60 (offset from the start sector =
# 25) is a plate of compliance with key Extend the editorial 
team. The format of the following signs: 


   <2 bytes of the address processing procedure>
etc., at the end of zero.

   Scan code is the original. Byte consists of 2 parts:
% Rrrmmmmm

   rrr - a number poluryada: 000 = Caps-V ... 111 = Space-B.

   mmmmm - a mask key. Must have one bit
corresponding to the key and other bits - reset. Although
You can set the 2 bit and examine simultaneously pressing;)

   The keys are queried the following subroutine (slightly 

      LD BC, # DFFE

      IN A, (C)

      BIT 3, A

      JR Z, EXTU; pressed U = Undo (can not be overridden)

      LD HL, TSCAN; that same plate

      OR (HL)

      JR Z, KSC0; 0 - end plates

      INC HL

      LD B, C

      RRC B

      SUB -32

      JR C, $ -4

      IN B, (C)

      AND B

      LD E, (HL)

      INC HL

      LD D, (HL)

      INC HL

      JR NZ, KSCAN

      PUSH DE

      JP PUTLIN7

KSC0 LD (EXTIME +1), A; no key is pressed from the list


   Originally, the keys are located in the plate as follows:
(It's that it may be easier to understand the principle of its 

Space (Quit)
M (Move block)
B (Mark begin)
A (Mark all)
S (Save)
D (Delete block)
F (Find / Replace)
P (Print)
O (SetUp)
I (Insert / Overwrite)
Y (Music on / off)
C (Copy block)
W (Centering line)
E (Mark end)
R (Remove mark)
T (Merge)
L (Load)
K (Save block)
H (Help)
3 (Goto begin)
4 (Goto end)
5 (Home)
0 (Delete word)
9 (Delete line)
8 (End of line)
7 (Mark up)
6 (Mark down)

   Your Selection - interchanges addresses or change scancodes 
... ================================================== 

--- Change Cursor
(Idea by Way of the Samurai)
Locate the file editor, Dr. sequence

   # 05, # 07, # 16, # 16, # 00, # 0e, # 1a, # 1a
Here are coded for the types of cursor modes (respectively)

   rus, lat, grf, grf, RUS, LAT, GRF, GRF

   You understand, is to replace tsiferki, and the cursor will 
switch places as you wish;). Only desirable still keep the 
title Russian cursor, just as he was - zero, and the graphics 
cursor to leave the pairwise equal, ie, grf = grf, GRF = GRF, 
grf <> GRF, not to sglyuknul module "ace64qua". He is looking 
for this sequence, because after it is the font =) 

# 00 - underlining;
# 07 - Reverse (rectangle familiarity with);
# 05 - square in the bottom half of familiarity;
# 0e - outline rectangle with familiarity;
# 16 -, # 1a -

   For example, you can make all character cursors dashes:
# 00, # 00, # 16, # 16, # 00, # 00, # 1a, # 1a

   Or vice versa - all of inversion:
# 07, # 07, # 16, # 16, # 00, # 07, # 1a, # 1a
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
--- For beta testers:
Fixed compared with betaversiey:
- 42 characters after the Find and after the Load during the 
regime of "Running the window + - Sausage font after the Save 
Setup (Capry) - Kills ramdisk at KAY (AlexUzer)

- Do not read from disk by default the file specified in the 


   A> RUN "B: ACE59FIX", filenameW
- In the catalog of free displays five digits.
- Addresses nek.peremennyh editor.

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Soft - Customize keyboard shortcuts and change cursors ACEdit.

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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