Amazing #01
29 сентября 1997 |
Assembler - nachinyuschim: playing music on interrupts, running line and the procedure for hours.
Section: Assembler Text: J. Jury Music: IRONMAN Information: Mr.Beeper, Activator. Probably everyone who is just starting to study chat assembler, faced with this problem. HEX - system. I will say frankly that there is nothing surprising in the normal "human" relation to this system. But still, I'm sure that the more you communicate with your SPECCY at assembler level, the more will change your attitude to HEX - system. It is simply inevitable. Now imagine that situation. man going to, say, abroad. How to get to know of unknown country, about the lives of people who live there, and get the most from your trip? Of course, if you know the language. After this You to discover the many nuances that you would never have learned otherwise. You will have not "understand" and "feel". The computer "talks" in their language and if you want (and in fact you certainly want to!) learn more about it, do not even know and "feel" it, learn its language - hexadecimal system. And the way here only one - as much as possible to "talk" in this language - to work in HEX system. Try, for the sake of interest to undertake such experiment. Everything connected with assembler, write only in HEX - system, and only in it, even if at first be difficult. At least a week. After all, how natural to write elegant: LD HL, # 4000 than absurd: LD HL, 16384 and so on. I am sure that within a week Work on the assembly of HEX - system in place: LD A, 2 You will want to write: LD A, # 02 And things such as loading a register of BC length and the opcode TR-DOS: LD BC, # 2005 generally looks natural and you do not even come in a head load registers B and C separately - it all happens at subconscious level - you will sixth sense! In general starting with this issue, we you try to make small, but beautiful DEMO, and if you then go on it and send to our office, it will be inserted in the application log! So, all in order: The first thing to do to us, it's mouth novit attributes that make tsykl, and tsykle Poll SPACE key to exit in TASM. ORG 25000 XOR A; installation OUT (254), A; attributes LD HL, # 4000; LD DE, # 4001; and clear screen LD BC, 6144; LD (HL), L; LDIR; LD BC, 767; LD (HL), 7;
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