Echo #01
31 октября 1996 |
ZX-PROFI - Managing resources. Map of the computer system, SP-DOS. FDD 5.25/1.2Mb, 3.5/1.44 to SPECCY.
Writer: Andrew Panyutich. Computer ZX-PROFI. Resource management. I welcome all fans of the computer ZX-SPECTRUM in Belarus, and congratulations on the publication of the first national e-newspaper. I think that everyone is clear is an urgent need in obtaining and exchanging information among our programmers, hackers, and all the others. Feature of the computer market in Belarus sphere Spectrum-compatible machines is the almost complete lack of quality and advanced computer models (PROFI, SCORPION, ATM, KAY, etc.) and information on them. In connection with the This appearance of newspaper covering among other things features the work of such computers, a very important event. I will cite just one example of ignorance of hardware features: HARDWARE analyzer in ECSTASY Mega Demo. At PROFI startup indicates a lack of turbo mode even if it is included! A everything is very simple - in PROFI TURBO mode sampled signal MOTOR (parallel connection of output 32 and 28-RDY-HOLD LSI Microcontroller 1818VG93) Controller TR-DOS. This fact means that at the time of the controller TR-DOS (or rather the time turning the engine drive disk drive) TURBO mode automatically turns off. Now it is clear the program's behavior when you start: download the program has occurred, and immediately began working analyzer computer hardware, although the signal is VG93 MOTOR has not withdrawn (time delay) and TURBO-mode is not enabled. Treat this feature so the computer is very simply: - Installation procedure to delay before starting the program. - Blanking signal by programming the VG93. Well, Now for the most entimi resources PROFI. Unlike proprietary 128-th SPECCY PROFI has not one but two system ports and CMR0 CMR1, which control all modes computer. In this case, port CMR0 (# 7FFD) is fully compatible with computer "SPECTRUM-128", and port CMR1 (# DFFD) is an extension of and manages the equipment and additional features, This is very important in some cases, has the switch. With the port and CMR0 CMR1 16 kilobyte segments Extended memory can be included in the card processor one of two fixed place (with address # C000 - Box Projection Room 1 at address # 4000-window projection room 2). In addition to a memory card includes a processor has 2 segments: a Address # 0000 - segment 0 from the address # 8000 - segment 2. Appointment bit port CMR1 (# DFFD): D0 D1 - the projected number of extended memory segment of RAM. D2 D3 - the choice of the window projection: "0" - the window number 1, "1" - Box No. 2. D4 - "1" - disables lock port CMR0 and off ROMs, putting in its place memory segment 00. D5 - "1" - blocks the controller TR-DOS, and includes ports controller on the CPU access. D6 - "1" - projecting an additional screen (segment 06) on the map processor memory to place the segment 02, while bits D3 CMR0 must be equal to "1". D7 - "1" - includes an additional screen to display (toggles the clock). Map of the computer (in the SP-DOS): 07 - The segment, which is up and running 07 / / operating system. 06 - Additional ekrannnoe RAM for screen 06 / / / 512 * 240 pixels. 05 - Hardware-dependent modules. 05 / / / 04 - Reserved for system expansion and downloadable 04 drivers. 03 -----"---- 02 - Transit Programs (lies in the addresses 02 / / / # 8000 - # 0BFF). 01 - Transit Programs (lies in the addresses 01 / / / # 4000 - # 7FFF). 00 - Transit Programs (lies in the addresses 00 / / / # 0000 - # 3FFF). This extra segments of the extended RAM. They 08 can be used in the system as a RAM disk Their presence, location and sequence 09 of the computer is not mandatory. . . 2F The structure of the enlarged screen and other features of PROFI continue next time. (Prepared according to the firm describing PROFI v3.2) ****** FDD 5.25 '/ 1.2Mb and 3.5' / 1.44 to SPECCY. Probably not one person buying or just SPECCY procured in some way above mentioned drives, ran with cries of joy home with them to quickly connect to your treasure (and benefit from this there is a line - at least in Minsk, 5-inch BASF DDHD can buy much simpler and cheaper than the floppy DSDD!). And what was the same mold as wonderful working in the IBM-PC drive with a rare tenacity refused read and format in the TR-DOS. In this case, do not flee to the sellers with accusations of selling substandard technology, or seize favorite hammer. All is not easy, but very simply (though not always). To begin with some information: Controller TR-DOS for the normal operation requires index impulses coming from the drive, and not just a collection of every kind rubbish of any frequency - as a strictly defined. All drives, designed to 800Kb, give these pulses with a frequency of 5Hz (disc rotation speed of 300 rpm). Drives, calculated at 1.2 MV, rotate the disc at a speed of 360 rpm (ie, 6 Hz) and the system TR-DOS in this case simply Crazy. Try to circumvent this trouble can be by jumpers (which can change the speed to acceptable) to be installed on board drive. But here too a clear council can not be, because there is a huge selection of drives of different companies, guided by the principle: I want - then tossed! Accordingly, I am simply not able to check them all and This opens space for young technicians. It is quite possible that on some models of disk drives such bridges are not provided and will be one solution - to regulate the speed of rotation ROM manually. This will require an oscilloscope or frequency counter and a bit of experience in amateur radio. You can izgolnutsya and in the absence of special devices: connect the drive, take out the panels VG93 and tire selection drive to sit on the ground, apply for a tape input or any input, say Kempston J. signal with an 8-second contact interface connector, write a program that counts pulses from a connected port, find Trimmer on board disk drive that regulates speed, insert a floppy disk, turn on the computer ... Better yet, find a specialist in this field and instruct all these things to him. (C) FALCON 24.7.96 phone 8-01632-21390 (Andrew) ******** -------------------------------------------------- ------------- A huge thank you, Falcon, that you responded and sent it letter. We are waiting for more information from you! Hello to all the other members of your group! -------------------------------------------------- -------------
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