Echo #01
31 октября 1996 |
HELP - Game Description LORDS OF CHAOS.
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INTRODUCTION: THIS GAME IS A ADVENTURE and ACTION, THAT IS NOT HERE JUST HAVE TO FIGHT, BUT your head. By genre it is very Like playing "LASER SQUAD", JUST HERE TO MANAGE without owner Fighters, and sorcerer who CAN fight not only himself, but also Through magic build their ARMY CONSISTING OF Mythical ANIMALS. And now MORE about the game: Game description: After loading the game YOU CAN CHOOSE MANAGEMENT (Q, A, SPACE): KEYBOARD - Q, A, O, P, SPACE KEMPSTON JOYSTICK - STANDARD KEMPSTON SINCLAIR JOYSTICK - RIGHT SINCLAIR (6,7,8,9,0) AFTER THE CHOICE you to the menu DESIGNER: 3. WIZARD DESIGNER: 3.1 DESIGN WIZARD 3.2 LOAD WIZARD 3.3 SAVE WIZARD 3.4 DELETE WIZARD 3.5 LOAD SCENARIO 3.6 LOAD SAVED GAME 3.1 DESIGN WIZARD: NOTE: BEFORE YOU "DO" YOUR wizard, Select MENU (you see him AFTER the choice of this function), in which place WILL STAND YOUR Wizard. 3.11 NAME 3.12 CHARACTER 3.13 SPELLS 3.14 EXIT -------------------------------------------------- ------------- 3.11 After a choice, you can enter the name of your Koldun. 3.12 CHARACTER (character). HERE YOU CAN INCREASE DATA HIS KOLDUN by the experience (EXPITIENCE). FIRST gives it 600, BUT DURING EACH level, he will restore DEPENDING ON THE NUMBER OF KILLED AND NEUTRAL Enemy ANIMALS. DESCRIPTION OF DATA Koldun: MANA - STARTING ABILITY TO MAGIC SORCERY; ACTION POINTS - The number of steps per stroke; STAMINA - ENDURANCE; CONSTITUTIONS - power energy; COMBAT - POWER in melee; DEFENCE - PROTECTION RUKOPASHOM battle; MAGIC RESISTANCE - Magic Resistance (enemy); INCREASE AND DECREASE OF MAGIC left and right keys. 3.13 SPELLS (MAGIC). This feature allows you by the experience CHOOSE THE MAGIC THAT CAN BE USED IN BATTLE YOUR Wizard. COST - "Cost" in the experience; LEVEL - LEVEL OF PURCHASE OF MAGIC (as well as number of times USE IN THE FIGHT) 3.13.1 list exists, that can appear in your army: GOLD GRAGON - GOLD, GREEN AND RED DRAGONS. GREEN DRAGON VERY strong animal. FIRE WITH FIRE. RED DRAGON FLY. Cook is possible using the boiler and DRAGON HERB. PIXIE - Man is weak, but a good Scout, INVISIBLE AND FAST. DWARF - a dwarf. WEAK AND slow. GOBLIN - Goblin. Feasibly dwarf. MOSTLY Use for exploring and search VE Ing. TROLL - TROLL. QUITE strong. GIANT - GIANT. ALMOST THE SAME AS THE TROLL. CENTAUR - Centauri. Well treated with a sword. UNICORN - Unicorn. CAN ride. PEGASUS - Pegasus. Summer. CAN ride. UNICORN - winged horse. Summer. You can ride RIDING. ELEPHANT - ELEPHANT. QUITE strong. You can ride the BEP HOM. GORILLA - GORILA. LION - LION. BEAR - BEAR. CROCODILE - CROCODILE. It swims in a river. GIANT BAT - Giant bat. Summer. Mild, But it is well used for reconnaissance. HARPY - Garp. Summer. GIANT SPIDER - THE GIANT SPIDER. Very fast and strong. The only kind of neutral ZHIVOTVYH At the first level. ZOMBIE - ZOMBIE. VERY SLOW. The weakest of DEAD. GHOST - GHOST. IS VERY IMPORTANT WAY NOSTA - to fly through walls. DEAD. Much stronger than a zombie. VAMPIRE - VAMPIRE. The only Alive, which RY picks up the articles. Summer. ENOUGH Strong. SPECTRE - SPECTRUM. ALMOST the strongest of all. DEAD. DEMON - DEMON. The strongest and most expensive Of all kinds. DEAD. 3.13.2 LIST OF MAGICAL BREW: STRENGHT POTION - POWER brew. Increases in Nes How many times. PREPARATION NEEDED KO BODIES AND MISTLETOE. PROTECTION POTION - PROTECTIVE brew. INCREASES PROTECTION Several times. PREPARATION NEEDED BOILER AND CLOVER (very common LIMITED). INVISIBILITY POTION - Invisible. ENEMIES YOU DO NOT SEE, BUT MO GUT, such as accidentally Stumble Upon YOU. NEED FOR THE PREPARATION OF BOILER AND CRYSTAL. SPEED POTION - VELOCITY brew. INCREASES KOLI Unpack the kettle ACTION POINTS several times. NEED FOR THE PREPARATION OF BOILER AND SULPH. FLYING POTION - the ability to fly. READY NEED A BOILER AND FAIRY WINGS. SUPER POTION - SUPER BREW. INCREASES ITS ALL YOUR DAN NYE. NEED FOR THE PREPARATION OF BOILER AND AMBERGRIS. HEALING POTION - Brings brew. FULLY restored LEBANON'S ENERGY. PREPARATION NEEDED BOILER AND GREEN APPLE. 3.13.3 LIST magic, are used to combat with the enemy: MAGIC FIRE - THE MAGIC FIRE. VERY GOOD SREDST BO, as it VERY QUICKLY spread Conserved. GOOEY BLOB - PUZYRISTOE Swamp. IT IS CHEAP, BUT FE Effectively means, if you want A creature though, would be one step Stuck. TANGLE WINE - thickets of vines. THIS MEANS A similar Previous BUT, BUT IT IS WORTH MORE, More efficiently. FLOOD - FLOOD. THIS IS GOOD WAY. In HIM, UNLIKE Previous, you can not ONLY stuck, BUT and drown. ENCHANT - CONVERSION. THIS MEANS TURN Any weapon in the magical weapon. SUBVERSION - EXCHANGE. VERY GOOD MAGIC YOU CAN MAKE ANY ENEMY IN HIS. K Sorry, this is very rare MAGIC SRABA Tuva. CURSE - THE CURSE. THE USE OF THIS MAGIC The enemy begins to decrease, ENERGY, AND IF HE DOES THIS DOES NOT PREVENT, TO THROUGH A couple of moves he will die. UNFORTUNATELY, SHE AS NOT ALWAYS Previous Tripping Vaeth. MAGIC ATTACK - magic attacks. MAGIC BOLT - MAGIC BOLT. ANOTHER KIND OF ATTACK. MAGIC LIGHTING - MAGIC LIGHTNING. Very powerful weapon, It kills not only one, but & Thu RYH at a time. TELEPORT - teleportation. MAGIC EYE - MAGIC EYE. WITH THE HELP IT CAN BE SEE IN ANY POINT CARD ITEMS AND Most importantly, even invisible BPA GOV. MAGIC SHIELD - M. Def. 3.14 AFTER YOU HAVE CREATED YOUR Koldun can press EXIT. 3.2 LOAD WIZARD: THIS FUNCTION to upload your edited with ONCE Koldun. Just choose the place where they will be, and type it NAME. LEVEL - the level at which at this moment may play PLAYER (SEE Boot menu). 3.3 SAVE WIZARD: THIS JUST WRITE edited with KOLDUN to disk. 3.4 DELETE WIZARD: This function is to remove from the disc menu, ANY Koldun. 3.5 LOAD SCENARIO: This function is the loading level from memory or disk. IN MEMORY ARE THREE LEVELS TO CHOOSE - 1,2 and 3. Just do not forget that at the second or third YOU DO NOT GET UNTIL It will not be ONE. 3.6 LOAD SAVED GAME: DOWNLOAD GAMES UNPROCESSED. After downloading SCENARIO (TIER), you will enter the Main Menu: 1. PLAY GAME 2. LOAD SCENARIO 3. LOAD DESIGNER 4. LOAD WIZARD 5. LOAD SAVED GAME 6. SAVE WIZARD ON FUNCTIONS 2,3,4,5,6 I mentioned earlier, but remains the same: PLAY GAME: Ok, if you select this function, you can start your game. FIRST COMPUTER YOUR QUESTION How many players will play. MAXIMUM NUMBER - 4 Koldun. If you choose ONE Warlock, you will have something against computer game. At the first level AGAINST YOU PLAY KOLDUN TORQUEMADA. It's pretty easy KOLDUN In contrast to the second (ELBO SMOGG) and third level (RAGARIL). MOST POWERFUL BEINGS at it - is a vampire, and the next two "New" not only them, but also SPECTRA AND DEMONS. DESCRIPTION EACH LEVEL I WILL NOT AFFECT, AND DESCRIBE THE TEAMS TO MEET IN THE GAME: 1. ICONS: FLASHING SKULL IS THAT YOUR OR enemy creatures DEAD (in the description of magic I mention who is dead, and about the benefits of THE DEAD DO YOU DO NEXT). DIRECTION WINGS means that this creature has ability to fly (in the list of magic I pointed out who these exists, but you CAN DO SO ANY IF let them DRINK FLYING POTION). MAN IN THE SADDLE FLASHING INDICATES THAT THIS CREATURE CAN ride (I normally used for carrying Warlock, EG, GRYPTON'E). DIRECTION A drop of blood means that there BLEED And if it does not cure THIS (HEALING POTION), TO it will die, because with each turn its energy decreases. Blinking eyes means that there are invisible. This effect MAY CAUSE INVISIBILITY POTION. 2. TEAMS: SELECT-G - This command gives you control SEL Nogo BEINGS. NEXT - This command automatically finds the following FOLLOWS BEING. INFORM - FULL INFORMATION ON HEALTH Of any creature (your, enemy, Neutral). BIG MAP - FULL MAP. It had already been noted and ITEMS (squares), summer there BA (butterfly), flightless CREATURES (KRU JOC), Warlock (triangle), although Only those who see it. END TURN - END OF. TRANSFER OF THE ENEMY. CANCEL - Return to the previous menu or game. END MOVE - END OF. IF YOU ALREADY SURE THAT DATA There is more to not walk SRT IT, THEN CLICK. CENTRE - This is useful for THAT The computer automatically found on the MAP Creatures you control. CAST-A - the use of magic to the substance (Eg MER) in the air. CAST-G - ISPILZOVANIE MAGIC on the substance (Eg MER) from the Earth. PICK UP - TAKE THE SUBJECT. DROP - PUT THE SUBJECT (USED IN DAN Dipole moment). USE - Opening doors and chests, not closed TYH or closed (finally arrived BUT WITH Clue CHA). FLY - FLY. LAND - landed on the Earth. RIDE - ride. RIDER - AKTIVIROVAT rider. DRINK - DRINK substances used. EAT - SEST substances used. CHANGE - to select the main object. THROW-A - Throw (Spear, EG) into the air. TNROW-G - Throw (Spear, EG) in the land. FIRE-A - FIRE! (Archery, EG) into the air. FIRE-G - FIRE! (Archery, EG) in the land. But the game itself, I think you will not be difficult RAZOBRATCYA. And in the end I will give some useful tips: 1. Living creatures Merv NOT KILL, THEY CAN KILL OR SAME DEAD SUSCHESVOM, onions or Magic Weapon, and of course magic. 2. FAIL THE FIRST LEVEL, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET TO SECOND, ONLY IF NOT EDIT KOLDUN THAT interesting. 3. Pass the level you can either killing all neutral creature, OR after a certain number that appears RUNNING LOG PORTAL. That's it. Geek. Sincerely, + PRECISION + GROUP (02144) 2-90-98 TWA / PSN NOVOPOLOTSK GUYS, BYE. ______ __ __ ________ __ / ____ / / / / / ______/ / / / /___/ / / / __ / / / /_____ / / /_______/ / __ __ / / ______/ / / / _____ / / / / / _ / / /____/ / / / / __ /______ /________/ / _ / /________/ / _ / COPYRIGHT BY AIR 'N' TWA FROM + PRECISION + GROUP -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Thanks, guys! We hope that this is not the last letter in your Echo! -------------------------------------------------- -------------
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