Inferno #10
30 апреля 2007 |
Softinka - Comparative table of the results of packing code files with various packers.
Here is a comparative table of how well the pack code files (the main content - code, plus a little text and tables) different wrappers on the ZX and PC. The results of such experiments have not been published Spectrum in the press and published operate mainly legacy wrappers. An asterisk indicates a program on the PC. For some of them depakera for the Z80 is not. depaker glukpack perfpack glubonus Col.Lines naked file 0 6376 11142 1652 1231 MS Pack 195 5352 8986 1349 983 Bitbuster * 112? 5281 9099 1319 989 Pletter * 112 5244 8954 1326 975 Hrum 119 5238 8956 1297 970 MegaLZ * 110 5195 8883 1293 969 Hrust2 (QC) 181 5,195 8,798 1,304 976 Pucrunch * 255 5164 8797 1257 do not pack Hrust1 225 5123 8740 1271 967 ZIP (zlib) * no 5013 8627 964 1249 ZIP (7zip) * no 4984 8552 962 1247 RAR 2.50 * 1968 4976 8479 1258 977 RIP 244 4969 8443 1262 977 mRIP 220 4970 8457 1252 974 ZXRAR 385 4959 8449 1250 967 LZMA (7zip) * no 4952 8406 960 1201 All depakery - excluding the initial transfer of data. All archivers - excluding the archive structure. Col.Lines - my version of the game Color Lines. The remaining files - part of Mr Gluk Reset Service: - Glubonus contains the CMOS setup, Help and tests run on Reset + button. - Glukpack contains the main part glyukservisa. - Perfpack includes Perfect Commander. A compressed file is in RAM while running glyukservisa menus (and because of this memory under the new bells and whistles constantly lacking - in Gluk6.3 left only 3 bytes, while that of Perfect'a even had to throw help). Now glyukservise used Hrust 1.3 reasons speed run. In Gluk5.3 used MS Pack, which is still faster, but loses Hrust'u by file size, since optimized code is not under, and under the text (as well as Hrust 2.x). * In Packer Hrum and Hrust1 search strategy - search through. If would use at least Lazy Evaluation, packed files would become smaller. There are sources of these packers (as well as Laser Compact 5.2) in the language C (by Nikita Burnashev, 2005). I hope someone to finalize ... * Since the last issue ZXRar package was heavily modified. The programs themselves, their sources and lists of changes can be found in the appendix. Since mRIP in the shell has not yet formally release (although he is almost 4 years), it is also here. Glitches corrected similarly ZXRar (see Errata). Alone Coder
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