Inferno #10
30 апреля 2007

Formats - details on the decoder jpeg.

<b>Formats</b> - details on the decoder jpeg.

   Hello! Remember me? :) Since the topic of this article
interest to many, I'm not thinking long, he decided to scratch 
an article. Despite all the apparent complexity, I will try to 
present all simple, understandable form. I want to warn: all 
the things I I will write is the result of my own experiments, 
and therefore, is not the ultimate truth. It's just

my thoughts. Thus, if something goes wrong, I'm not guilty:). In
article will use excerpts from the documentation zhpegu by
Ceryx, as well as optimized and terribly mutilated:)) pieces
code from source code pasovskogo zhpeg decoder by Alex Abramov.
There are, however, little is left of it, but in any case it i
used as the base. This material is not meant to but
vichkov - at least, require knowledge of Pascal. Entry
said, now go directly to the case.

   Decoding zhpega can be divided into two stages.

   1-I - Scan zhpega, processing and loading of the markers 
table persons. This stage of initialization, it is carried on

setting the decoder to the appropriate zhpeg, all of which I 
will describe in first.

   2-I - Just the process of decoding, it will find
further in the text. For a better understanding of algorithms, 
some places will lead pieces pasovskogo source.

   A bit of theory. JPEG is a packed frame
photorealistic images, that is, it is targeted mainly at
compression of color images with 24 bit color depth (up to 
colors transformation implied by 8 bits per color component

the component of RGB). To understand how to decode zhpeg briefly
describe the compression frame.

   Frame is divided into blocks of 8x8. Over each block is
DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), thereby going
transformation of the brightness data from time domain into the 
frequency domain. Then, the frequency matrix kvantiziruetsya, 
with about proceeds optimization frequencies. Actually, at this 
stage and the Origin of goes compression due to excessive 
high-frequency rejection information. Further, all members of 
the matrix are drawn in a single chain zigzag and coded by RLC 
(Zero Run Length Coding). Final stage - Huffman coding, which 
resulted in our complete 8x8 block is just packed a handful of 
bits. The process of deco coding is performed in reverse order 
of encoding. Of course, I described a general scheme for the 
compression process, but I think as long as this enough.

   We will need some more ideas. Colors in zhpege stores
not as RGB, and in the format of YCbCr: Y - component of the 
brightness, Cb / Cr - color difference components, roughly 
indicates how many blue and the red in color. Thus, if we

not interested in color, you can extract only the Y component. 
Also on text will appear designation DC / AC. In a 
communication received by us vector of 64 elements necessary 
for the subsequent transformation tion of monetary policy, the 
first element with offset 0 is the DC - it so to speak, the 
zero frequency, the background brightness, and all after 
following 63 elements - AC. This is necessary because different 
coefficients coefficients are encoded differently. 0-I 
frequency, as a rule, I tsya weak, so the coefficient itself is 
not encrypted, and the difference in metal waiting for this and 
the previous DC coefficient. AC has to encode as it is, there 
is the frequency change is essential for the whole frame.

   Zhpeg is a file divided into parts - the segments.
That's what it represents segment:

   - Header (4 bytes):

        $ Ff segment identifier

         n type of segment (1 byte)

        sh, sl size segment, including those 2 bytes

                but not including the $ FF and the type of 

                Not Intel'ovskom, and Motorol'ovskom order:

                byte first, the younger the last!

  - The contents of the segment, max. 65,533 bytes.

   At the beginning of the segment is a marker - a definite 
mark: the first byte is always FF, the next - the type of 
segment. The JPEG format uses motorolovskoy format for word, 
that is the most significant byte is the word first, the second 

   We present the main markers that we will need:

   D8 - SOI Start Of Image

   C0 - SOF0 Start Of frame (baseline)

   C2 - SOF2 Start Of frame (progressive)

   C4 - DHT Define Huffman table

   DB - DQT Define Quantization table

   DD - DRI Define Restart Interval

   DA - SOS Start Of Scan

  D9 - EOI End Of Image

    Describe a little bit more tokens:

    D8, D9 = start, end file;

   C0, C2 = define the basic parameters of the frame 
(resolution, CEE  tnost, table);

   C4 = Huffman table (needed for decoding the bit

    DB = quantization table (needed for the process 

   DD = define restart interval (rarely used in

   DA = the beginning of scan (a marker of the start neposre
dstvenno compressed data itself zhpega).

   So as not to clutter up your heads, dear readers, I will not
delve into the algorithms zhpega packing, I'll do this later.
Let me just say that everything that we need to first do - it
scan the file from the beginning of the SOI marker to marker 
SOS, simultaneously initiating the appropriate variables, and 
tables. March Coeur SOS determines the beginning of packed data 
zhpega, and all that goes after him, is already in the process 
of decoding, it consider further.

   The scanning process begins with reading zhpega marker SOI.
If at the beginning of the file it does not, then it's not 
zhpeg and can be safely pre terminates chtenie.Srazu for marker 
followed by 2 bytes of the segment length, with the exception 
of SOI and EOI, they have a segment missing. 

   Here's the basic scan cycle:



     BlockRead (PictureFile, v, 2);

     if Lo (v) <> $ FF then begin WriteLn ('Invalid file 

                              Close (PictureFile); Halt end;

     b: = Hi (v); Marker [b]: = True;

     if (b <> $ D8) and (b <> $ D9) then begin

       BlockRead (PictureFile, v, 2); FilePtr: = Swap (v) -2;

       Case b of

         $ C0, $ C2: ... {Main Image Parameters}

         $ C4: ... {Read 'compile Huffman Tables}

         $ DA: ... {Start Of Scan}

         $ DB: ... {Define Quantization Tables}

         $ DD: ... {Define Restart Interval}


       while FilePtr <> 0 do begin

                             BlockRead (PictureFile, v, 1);

                             dec (FilePtr)


       if IOResult <> 0 then begin

                             WriteLn ('I / O error!');

                             Close (PictureFile);




  Until (b = $ D9) or (b = $ DA);


   BlockRead - read from the file specified number of bytes

   Lo / Hi - selects junior / senior bytes

  Swap - older than me and the low byte of places

   All other markers and their segments, respectively, the 
transmission repent. Scanning the markers is performed until 
such time until meet SOS. This suggests that all the 
preparatory opera radios are made and followed by bit data 
stream itself zhpega. We now consider themselves more 
processing markers. From We shall assume going in that order: 
first, a full format the corresponding segment, then the code 
snippet, and then comment. While I will give a brief 
description, a more detailed look at all on. So, if suddenly 
you something that will clear the Council has skip this place 
and read on. 

SOF0, SOF2: Getting a shot:

   - $ Ff, $ c0 (SOF0)

   - Length (high, low byte), 8 + * 3 kol.komponent

   - Accuracy of data (1 byte) in the format bits / cell, 
typically 8 

   - Height zhpega (2 bytes, St-MA)

   - Zhpega width (2 bytes, St-MA)

   - Kol.komponent (1 byte): usually 1 = grayscale, 3 = color 

   - For each component: 3 bytes

      - ID of the component (1 = Y, 2 = Cb, 3 = Cr)

      - Sampling factor (bit 0-3 vert., 4-7 Mountain).

     - Quantization table number


   $ C0, $ C2: begin

           vv: = ReadByte; {Main Image Parameters}

         Height: = ReadWord;

         Width: = ReadWord;

         planes: = ReadByte;

         if (vv <> 8) or ((planes <> 1) and (planes <> 3))

         then begin

           WriteLn ('Only 8-bit Grayscale / RGB images 

           Close (PictureFile);



         For hh: = 0 to planes-1 do begin

           CmpID [hh]. C: = ReadByte; vv: = ReadByte;

           CmpID [hh]. H: = Hi4 (vv);

           CmpID [hh]. V: = Lo4 (vv);

           CmpID [hh]. T: = ReadByte


        method: = b end;


   ReadByte / ReadWord - read byte / word from a file

  Lo4/Hi4 - highlights the Junior / Senior Part bytes

   At first, followed by: the bit data (typically 8 bits, the 
remaining values ​​can not handle), height, width of the image 
at the peak villages, the number of components (specifies the 
type of image: 1 = black but-and-white, 3 = color). Next to 
each component implies 3 buy that: the type of components (1 = 
Y, 2 = Cb, 3 = Cr); sampling factor; room table Litsa 
quantization. All these parameters must be stored in the 
corresponding corresponding variables and arrays, you will need 
it later. 

DHT: Define Huffman Table (TX):

   - $ Ff, $ c4 (DHT)

   - Length (high, low byte)

   - Information TX bytes:

      Bit 0 .. 3: number of Tx (0 .. 3, otherwise error)

      bit 4: type TX, 0 = DC table, 1 = AC table

      bit 5 .. 7: not used = 0

   - 16 bytes: number of characters with codes of length 1 .. 
16, the amount 

     these bytes is the total number of codes that must be <= 

   - N bytes: A table containing the characters in order of 

    code length (n = total number of codes)


   - One DHT segment may contain multiple tables

    each with its own information byte.


   $ C4: begin

         Repeat {Read 'compile Huffman Tables}

           hh: = ReadByte;

           For vv: = 0 to 15 do HT.L [vv]: = ReadByte;

           aa: = 0;

           For vv: = 0 to 15 do

             For m: = 1 to HT.L [vv] do begin

               HT.V [aa]: = ReadByte; inc (aa);


           c: = 0; aa: = 0;

           For vv: = 0 to 15 do begin

             if HT.L [vv]> 0 then begin

               HT.H2 [Hi4 (hh), Lo4 (hh), vv]. SV: = aa-c;

               HT.H2 [Hi4 (hh), Lo4 (hh), vv]. EV: = aa + HT.L 


             For m: = 1 to HT.L [vv] do begin

               HT.H1 [Hi4 (hh), Lo4 (hh), aa]. V: = HT.V [aa];

               if vv <8 then begin

                 HT.H1 [Hi4 (hh), Lo4 (hh), c]. L: = vv +1;

                 HT.H1 [Hi4 (hh), Lo4 (hh), c]. LV: = HT.V [aa];


               inc (aa); inc (c)


             c: = c shl 1;


         Until FilePtr = 0;



   It is more difficult. The fact is that not enough just to get
these tables. It is also necessary to convert them into 
easy-to-pa Bots decoder format. Therefore, we dwell on this 
detail. First, a little theory. Huffman is a statistical

coding, that is, characters with a large number of entries in 
the file assigned a code with a lower bit depth, with a smaller 
number - bo Most bit. Thus is formed a character alphabet with

disproportionately long code assigned to it. Due to this
compression is achieved by groups of characters. Resulting in a
output bit stream data. For successful decoding Bito
flux must be concordance of characters and their
codes of appropriate length. We are interested in codes of 
lengths 0 to 15, ie 16 bits maximum.

   Back to our bit of code. In the beginning is the Information
LIMITED bytes in it: bits 0 .. 3 - Huffman table number, bit 4 
- type Table 0 = DC / 1 = AC. Followed by 16 bytes, which 
describe the number of characters with a length codes from 1 to 
16, the sum of these bytes is the total number of codes and 
must not exceed 256. Then are symbols in order of increasing 
code length. Attention! Go characters, but their codes. That is 
code we still need them to set group it. Single DHT segment may 
have a few tables, each with its information byte. Total number 
of such tables can be 8: 4 for 4 for DC and AC. We have a 
symbol table and their lengths. Now we need to define the 
Huffman codes for each character. This is done by the following 
algorithm: first start code c = 0; order go through all the 
symbols of our table of length 1 16, at each iteration we 
increase the code value per unit; when the code length of code 
multiplied by 2, which is equivalent to shift code by one digit 
to the left. As a result, we have a full table face of all the 
characters and their corresponding Huffman codes. That with her 
to do next, it becomes clear later. While we need to just keep 
all this data. 

DQT: Define Quantization Table (TC):

   - $ Ff, $ db (DQT)

   - Length (high, low byte)

   - Information bytes TK:

      Bit 0 .. 3: number of TC (0 .. 3, otherwise error)

      Bit 4 .. 7: precision of the TC 0 = 8 bits, or 16 bits

  - N bytes of TC, n = 64 * (precision +1)


   - One DQT segment may contain multiple tables

     each with its own information byte.

   - For exactly 1 (16 bit) sequence - a senior, then

    Jr. (for each of the 64 words.)


   $ DB: begin

         Repeat {Define Quantization Tables}

           hh: = ReadByte;

           For vv: = 0 to $ 3F do

             if Hi4 (hh) = 0 then qtmp [vv]: = ReadByte;

           for m: = 0 to 63 do Quant [Lo (hh), m]: = qtmp [z2t 

           for v: = 0 to 7 do

             for w: = 0 to 7 do begin

               if w = 0

               then cw: = frac

               else cw: = round (frac * cos ((w * PI) / 16) * 
sqrt (2)); 

               if v = 0

               then cv: = frac

               else cv: = round (frac * cos ((v * PI) / 16) * 
sqrt (2)); 

               cw: = (cw * cv) shr prec;

               Quant [Lo (hh), v * 8 + w]: = mul1 (Quant [Lo 
(hh), v * 8 + w], cw); 


         Until FilePtr = 0;



   Quantization tables are needed to restore the frequency
matrices and have dimensions 8x8, that is all of these 
coefficients defects in one matrix will be 64. Listing: First 
read information bytes, there bits 0 .. 3 - quantization table 
number from 0 to 3, bits 4 .. 7 - bit elements of the matrix (0 
= 8 bits otherwise 16-bit). Next reads and scaling elements

ntov. One DQT segment may contain multiple tables quantum
tion, each with its own information byte. Most zhpegov
designed for 8-bit table.

DRI: Define restart interval:

   - $ Ff, $ dd (DRI)

   - Length (high, low byte) = 4

   - Restart interval (high, low byte) in units

     MCU blocks - this means that every n MCU blocks may

     be found marker RSTn. The first delivery has to be a 
marker RST0, 

    then RST1, and so on, until RST7, then again RST0.


  $ DD: begin RestartInterval: = ReadWord end


   All that needs to be done - it keep it in a variable.
I note that they occur very rarely.

SOS: start a scan:

   - $ Ff, $ da (SOS)

   - Length (high, low byte)

     6 +2 * (kol.komponent scan)

   - The number of components of the scan (1 byte)

     must be> = 1 and <= 4 (otherwise error), usually 1 or 3

   - For each component: 2 bytes

      - ID of the component (1 = Y, 2 = Cb, 3 = Cr), watch SOF0

      - Huffman table is used:

         - Bits 0 .. 3: AC table (0 .. 3)

         - Bit 4 .. 7: DC table (0 .. 3)

  - 3 bytes should be skipped (???)


  - Data zhpega immediately follow the SOS segment.

   $ DA: begin

         m: = ReadByte; {Start Of Scan}

         For hh: = 0 to m-1 do begin

           Scan.Cmp [hh]: = ReadByte;

           vv: = ReadByte;

           Scan.TD [hh]: = Hi4 (vv); Scan.TA [hh]: = Lo4 (vv)


         Scan.Ss: = ReadByte;

         Scan.Se: = ReadByte;

         vv: = ReadByte;

         Scan.Ah: = Hi4 (vv); Scan.Al: = Lo4 (vv)


   Followed by the number of scan component - typically 1
or 3. Next to each component of the next 2 bytes: 1 st - iDEN
tifikator components (1 = Y, 2 = Cb, 3 = Cr), 2 nd - No. used
Huffman table, here bits 0 .. 3 = AC table (0 .. 3), 4 .. 7 = DC
table (0 .. 3). Then there are the 3 bytes that need 
transmission tit. As mentioned earlier, this token is the last

him, followed immediately follow the compressed data zhpega.

   So, all preparations are done, now need to move
directly to the process of decoding zhpega.Dlya start
explain how the compressed data is located. Information in 
zhpege storage nitsya blocks of 8x8, that is, 64 bytes for each 
of the components Y / Cb / Cr. Although this particular case, 
when the sampling factor is 1:1:1, but about this later. 
Immediately after the Y component is followed Cb and Cr, in 
such a Thus, we have only 3 * 64 bytes per block 8x8 image. 
Units starting from the top left corner of the image and go to 
the left right and from top to bottom. That is, we gradually 
went down. In the end of the handle end is bitstrima zhpega 
EOI, which we not necessarily track, because we already know 
how much the peak mudflows, and, respectively, and blocks in 
our zhpege. All byte alignment markers shall fill the remaining 
bi Comrade units, so if the stream meets bytes FF, it

must pass.

   General list of stages of decoding is as follows:

   1) Huffman decoder (decoding of DC / AC coefficients)

   2) Dekvantizatsiya vector of 64 elements

   3) Zig-Zag sorting and recovery of 8x8 block

  4) Application to the block ODKP

   Repeat the first 4 stages for each block of 8x8, each of whom
component of the image Y / Cb / Cr.

   May) Scaling Cb / Cr

   6) Convert the level of

  7) Convert YCbCr-> RGB

   All these stages are described only decode a single block of 
peak mudflows MCU. For the rest you must repeat these steps, 
along the way reading data from a file and copying them to the 
appropriate place on the screen or buffer. We consider in 
detail each stage. 

                       1. Huffman decoder

   All data is encoded Huffman, this is achieved by a finite
compression zhpega. What is this kind of coding? As I
already written, each encoded symbol is associated code
Huffman, depending on the frequency of occurrence of a 
character in the stream. The lower the probability of 
occurrence of the symbol, the greater the length of the code it 
is assigned, and vice versa. Thus, a so-called disproportionate 
coding. Due to this is the optimal zation of redundancy. As a 
result, we have a bit stream (bit Stream). Since the data are a 
bit structure, and the current code is not known how long, our 
disk driver must be able to read data sequentially bit by bit. 
Furthermore, at each iteration radios must add bits to the 
existing and verify the corresponding correspondence from the 
tables Haffmana.Esli code is found, the decoded value is 
retained, otherwise continues decoding. Rises the question of 
how you can quickly find the current code in the table? 

   First, we present the procedure for reading the bit stream:

procedure NextBit (var V: byte); begin V: = (V shl 1) + 
Read1bit end; 

function Read1bit: byte; {Take one bit from Current Byte}

   if Current_bit = 0 then begin ReadByte;

     if Current_byte = $ FF then begin

       Repeat ReadByte Until Current_byte <$ FF;

       if (Current_byte> = $ D0) and (Current_byte <= $ D7) 
then begin 

         FillChar (DC, SizeOf (DC), 0); ReadByte;


       if Current_byte = 0 then Current_byte: = $ FF;



   Read1bit: = (Current_byte shr 7) and 1;

   Current_byte: = Current_byte shl 1;

  inc (Current_bit); if Current_bit = 8 then Current_bit: = 0

   As can be seen, the procedure NextBit just adds another bit 
to the variable V. Read1bit function returns the next bit 
schitanye from the stream. It also skips the byte FF and 
initializes all DC coefficients, if the marker is found 
RST0-RST7 (D0-D7). We now turn to the point, the decoder:

function hd (T, C: byte): byte;
{Decoding Huffman Code from bitstream}
var v, code: byte;

  v: = 0;
 {L - HuffCode len; L = 0 - no code; L = len +1 (1 .. 8) lookup}

   NextBit (v);

   if HT.H1 [T, C, v]. L = 1 then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, v]. 
LV; exit end; 

   NextBit (v);

   if HT.H1 [T, C, v]. L = 2 then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, v]. 
LV; exit end; 

   NextBit (v);

   if HT.H1 [T, C, v]. L = 3 then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, v]. 
LV; exit end; 

   NextBit (v);

   if HT.H1 [T, C, v]. L = 4 then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, v]. 
LV; exit end; 

   NextBit (v);

   if HT.H1 [T, C, v]. L = 5 then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, v]. 
LV; exit end; 

   NextBit (v);

   if HT.H1 [T, C, v]. L = 6 then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, v]. 
LV; exit end; 

   NextBit (v);

   if HT.H1 [T, C, v]. L = 7 then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, v]. 
LV; exit end; 

   NextBit (v);

  if HT.H1 [T, C, v]. L = 8 then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, v]. 
LV; exit end;  {SV - Start Value (aa-w); EV - Next Code Len 

   NextBit (v); code: = v + HT.H2 [T, C, 8]. SV;

   if code <HT.H2 [T, C, 8]. EV

   then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, code]. V; exit end;

   NextBit (v); code: = v + HT.H2 [T, C, 9]. SV;

   if code <HT.H2 [T, C, 9]. EV

   then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, code]. V; exit end;

   NextBit (v); code: = v + HT.H2 [T, C, 10]. SV;

   if code <HT.H2 [T, C, 10]. EV

   then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, code]. V; exit end;

   NextBit (v); code: = v + HT.H2 [T, C, 11]. SV;

   if code <HT.H2 [T, C, 11]. EV

   then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, code]. V; exit end;

   NextBit (v); code: = v + HT.H2 [T, C, 12]. SV;

   if code <HT.H2 [T, C, 12]. EV

   then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, code]. V; exit end;

   NextBit (v); code: = v + HT.H2 [T, C, 13]. SV;

   if code <HT.H2 [T, C, 13]. EV

   then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, code]. V; exit end;

   NextBit (v); code: = v + HT.H2 [T, C, 14]. SV;

   if code <HT.H2 [T, C, 14]. EV

   then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, code]. V; exit end;

   NextBit (v); code: = v + HT.H2 [T, C, 15]. SV;

   if code <HT.H2 [T, C, 15]. EV

   then begin hd: = HT.H1 [T, C, code]. V; exit end;

  hd: = $ ff;

   I want to give you the results of their experiments in this
area. Once again, I warn you that almost everything about what 
I will speak and say before, is the result of my own houses

words, so may differ from the conventional methods and forms
lirovok. As it turned out, most of the codes does not exceed 8 
bits, thus, you can create a 256-byte conversion table.

In this case, decoding is extremely fast: everything
what we need - just take from the table ready-made meaning. In
If the code is> 8 bit, here a little more complicated. We need 
to know all initial positions and final positions SV EV for 
long codes 8 .. 16. That is necessary to create plate values, 
or rather, three plaques.

   The first series will contain all of our encoded
Misformed characters, let's call it Table V. I'll tell you how 
to generate the other two. For each code length of 8 .. 16 to 
set the initial nuyu position SV = offset of the first code in 
Table V minus itself the first code. For example, we have a 
code of% 110 = 6, he goes under the of numbers rum 5 in the 
table, then SV = 5 - 6 = -1. The third table should contain the 
end position of EV for the current code length. As in the 
previous case, for all lengths of codes of 8 .. 16 need to ask 
EV = displacement of the first code in Table V, plus the number 
of codes this length. According to the previous example, if the 
current number of codes ing length L = 4, then EV = 5 + 4 = 9. 
All of this was given early hour above in a piece of code 
marker processing DHT. 

   Now explain why this is all nuzhno.V accordance with our
tables, as shown in the above snippet, the search values ​​to
Yes, proceed as follows obrazom.Dlya appropriate length of code:
add up the current code and SV, code = v + SV; if code <EV, then
extract from Table V decoded symbol, he goes on the bias
Niya code, or, equivalently, hd = V [code].

   Ed.: As the bits in the stream have to read in any metal
Tode Huffman decoding, it is easier (and, oddly enough, faster,
if you have a conversation about the processor Z80) decoding 
codes neposre dstvenno the tree, bit by bit, without using 
additional tables. Appropriate procedures you can borrow from

unpacker smallunr.H (см.в Appendix). In ZXUnRar decoding
of the same is one bit, but for this pre-generated
parsing Huffman codes based on the current tree, which is why
to get even more high-speed decoding.

   If you think that the process of decoding the coefficients on
This ends, you're wrong - it is just beginning:).
So far we have only the decoded bytes of which must be
obtain the coefficients of DC / AC. In addition to all to 
increase efficiency efficiency of compression has been added to 
RLC compression sequence zeros. Let's see how to decode these 

   Decoding of DC coefficients is performed by the following 
algebraic algorithm:

    At the beginning of DC = 0

  a) retrieving the corresponding Huffman code (check in
 Huffman Table for DC)

   b) Consider how to categorize this code belongs to

  c) read N = bits category, and determine the value of Diff =
 = (B, N bits)

   d) DC = DC + Diff

  e) write DC in the 64-element vector: vector [0] = DC

   Decoding of AC coefficients is performed by the following

   For each AC coefficient is not met and the EOB
 AC_counter <= 64

  a) retrieving the corresponding Huffman code (check
 Huffman table for AC)

  b) decode Huffman code in accordance with (kol_pred_0,

  c) read N = bits category, and determine the value of AC =
 = (B, N bits)

  d) writing in the 64 element vector sequence of zeros =
 = Kol_pred_0

   e) increase in AC_counter kol_pred_0

  e) write the AC in a 64-element vector: vector [AC_counter] = 

   The code snippet for reading coefficients DC / AC looks like

   hb: = HD (0, Scan.TD [b]);

   vec [0]: = DC [b] + Bits2Integer (Lo4 (hb), ReadBits (Lo4 

   DC [b]: = vec [0]; xx: = 1;

   if method <> $ C2 then Repeat

     hb: = HD (a, Scan.TA [b]);

     if hb = 0 then Repeat vec [xx]: = 0; inc (xx) Until xx> = 

     else begin yy: = Hi4 (hb);

       for m: = 1 to yy do begin vec [xx]: = 0; inc (xx) end;

       vec [xx]: = Bits2Integer (Lo4 (hb), ReadBits (Lo4 
(hb))); inc (xx) 


  Until xx> = 64;

   Explain in more detail. First, we define DC. To do this,
decode Diff. It is encoded by two elements (F, Nbit). In
start going 4-bit (notebooks) category, representing
the length of the read code, which is encoded by Huffman. That 
is first decode it, and then, knowing the length of the code 
Diff, read N bits. Next comes the conversion of N bits in the 
signed word for the following rules:

           Value Category Bits

               0 0 -

             -1,1 1 0,1

          -3, -2,2,3 2 00,01,10,11

    -7, -6, -5, -4,4,5,6,7 3 000,001,010,011,100,101,110,111

        -15 ..- 8.8 .. 15 April 0000 .. 0111.1000 .. 1111

       -31 ..- 16.16 .. May 31 00 000 .. 01111.10000 .. 11111

       -63 ..- 32.32 .. 63 6.

      -127 ..- 64.64 .. 127 7.

     -255 ..- 128.128 .. 255 8.

     -511 ..- 256.256 .. 511 9.

    -1023 ..- 512.512 .. 1023 10.

   -2047 ..- 1024.1024 .. 2047 11.

   -4095 ..- 2048.2048 .. 4095 12.

   -8191 ..- 4096.4096 .. 8191 13.
 -16383 ..- 8192.8192 .. 16383 14.
-32767 ..- .. 16384.16384 32 767 15.

   The transformation takes the following code:

   function Bits2Integer (bits: byte; value: word): integer;


     if (value and (1 shl (bits-1))> 0) then

       Bits2Integer: = value


       Bits2Integer: =- (value xor (a shl bits-1));


   At the end determine the value of DC as the sum of the 
previous DC and found Diff. The final value is stored in the 
vector to zero Left bias.

   Now, how to determine the coefficients of AC. Here is more 
complicated - there may be several. Furthermore, additional uses

coding sequence of zeros (RLC). For each element
from 2 to 64 must decode the byte containing tetrads
data (kol_pred_0, category), where kol_pred_0 = number
leading zeros. Next, from the current position must be filled
string vector with zeros in the number of kol_pred_0. Moreover, 
if B is (0,0), it is a sign the end of the block EOB, in this 
case the remaining elements of the vector filled with zeros, 
and at this filling equation of the vector ends. If not, the 
following Reading groups from Nbit bits and the conversion of 
AC coefficients cient, as in the previous case.

   Decoding of DC / AC coefficients must be performed by with
corresponding Huffman tables. One more thing. There are two
format of the data rate in zhpege. The first is called the 
baseline (Marker C0) about it and I wrote it all 64 of the 
coefficient vector go straight. Zhpegi of this type opened in a 
single pass from the top down. There is another format - 
progressive (marker C2). In it for one frame is read out only 
one factor, first DC, continue to consistently all AC. Thus a 
total scan divided into several consecutive scans. Koliches

GUT coefficient depends on the quality of compression zhpega. 
To open the zhpega of this type requires frame buffer for 
storing the coefficients coefficients of DC / AC. The advantage 
of this type is the possibility see the image frame, without 
waiting for end of file. Reading the following lowing portions 
of the coefficients will only improve the quality of pictures 
ki, the frame will be like focus. Due to the complexity of 
progressive scan, I did not support it fully, making only read 
the first scan containing DC coefficients. 

           2. Dekvantizatsiya vector of the 64 items

   At this stage, you restore the optimized
coefficient vector. This is done as follows. On
stage of preparation was done reading all we need tab
persons quantization. All we need now - just multiply all the
elements of our vector to the corresponding table entries quasi
ntizatsii. You can combine this stage with the stage ODKP 
(reverse DCT), as I have done myself.

        3. Zig-Zag sorting and recovery of 8x8 block

   At the stage of compression, the translation unit in the 8x8 
vector, the coefficients treated zigzag. This was necessary for 
better grouping sequence of zeros. Now we need to do the 
opposite surgery - to restore a block of 8x8 vector. The order

following factors in the matrix:

    0 1 5 6 14 15 27 28

    2 4 7 13 16 26 29 42

    3 8 12 17 25 30 41 43

    9 11 18 24 31 40 44 53

   10 19 23 32 39 45 52 54

   20 22 33 38 46 51 55 60

   21 34 37 47 50 56 59 61

  35 36 48 49 57 58 62 63

   That is, elements of the vector must be recorded in the cell 
matrix matrix, in accordance with their serial numbers. As a 
result, we we have fully restored the matrix for later, perhaps,

most important of all, the stage.

                   4. Application to block ODKP

   This is the most interesting part of the decoding. ODKP 
(Reverse Dis discrete cosine transform) belongs to the family 
of transformations Fourier transform and converts the data from 
the frequency area in the interim. That is, at the entrance we 
have a matrix of frequencies after applying ODKP is the matrix 
of discrete values, or brightness of pixels. The main 
difficulty of this stage is that in fact the Fourier transform 
performed too slow slowly. I shall not here to paint all sorts 
of classical mathematical cal formulas and calculations on this 
subject can write an entire book, cite only thing in my 
opinion, the best solution. There is a family of fast Fourier 
transform algorithms - IFFT (inverse fast Fourier transform). 
From the set of data GOVERNMENTAL methods I chose the scheme 
AA'N, as the fastest. Only minus this method - a small loss of 
accuracy, although the eye, I did not notice her.

   A fragment of code, assume that the matrix 1x8:


   {Even part}

   t0: = tout [i * 8 +0]; t1: = tout [i * 8 +2];

  t2: = tout [i * 8 +4]; t3: = tout [i * 8 +6];

   t10: = t0 + t2; t11: = t0-t2; t13: = t1 + t3;

   t12: = (t1-t3) * (2 * c4)-t13;

   t0: = t10 + t13; t3: = t10-t13;

  t1: = t11 + t12; t2: = t11-t12;

   {Odd part}

   t4: = tout [i * 8 +1]; t5: = tout [i * 8 +3];

  t6: = tout [i * 8 +5]; t7: = tout [i * 8 +7];

   z13: = t6 + t5; z10: = t6-t5;

   z11: = t4 + t7; z12: = t4-t7;

   t7: = z11 + z13;

   t11: = (z11-z13) * (2 * c4);

   z5: = (z10 + z12) * (2 * c2);

   t10: = (2 * (c2-c6)) * z12-z5;

   t12: = (-2 * (c2 + c6)) * z10 + z5;

  t6: = t12-t7; t5: = t11-t6; t4: = t10 + t5;

   tout [i * 8 +0]: = t0 + t7; tout [i * 8 +7]: = t0-t7;

   tout [i * 8 +1]: = t1 + t6; tout [i * 8 +6]: = t1-t6;

   tout [i * 8 +2]: = t2 + t5; tout [i * 8 +5]: = t2-t5;

  tout [i * 8 +4]: = t3 + t4; tout [i * 8 +3]: = t3-t4;



     tout [] - working matrix of 1x8

    i - number of the current row


     c2 = cos (2 * PI/16);

     c4 = cos (4 * PI/16);

    c6 = cos (6 * PI/16);

   This code should go first for all lines on
Shay 8x8 matrix, and then over all columns. Receive 16 
iterations tions: 8 + 8 on the line into columns. In processing 
the columns in front the final result should be recorded to 
divide it into 8, this requires a specific method. There is 
another subtlety, without which algorithm will not work. Before 
processing the initial matrix must be multiplied by a constant. 
Here's how it will look like: 


   for j: = 0 to 7 do

     for i: = 0 to 7 do begin

       if i = 0 then ci: = 1 else ci: = cos ((i * PI) / 16) * 
sqrt (2); 

       if j = 0 then cj: = 1 else cj: = cos ((j * PI) / 16) * 
sqrt (2); 

       tout [j * 8 + i]: = tin [j * 8 + i] * ci * cj;



   As can be seen if the item number is not zero, it is 
necessary to multiply this element in the cos ((i * PI) / 16) * 
sqrt (2), otherwise the unit, the same and j. These tweaks are 
made to reduce the number of multiplication tions in the 
processing cycle. If the pre-multiplied data constants of 
quantization tables and combine stages 2 and 4, is included in 
the IFFT dekvantizatsiyu, you can win a few short STI. This was 
done earlier in the processing of marker DQT, QS third piece of 

   All the above steps enable us to obtain the coefficients a
lko one component (Y / Cb / Cr). Therefore, the first four 
stages must be repeated for each component, of course, if zhpeg

Full color. The following is a description of the stages after 
the decoding tion of all 3 components.

                    5. Scaling Cb / Cr

   As a result of the previous stages had received information 
about 3 component Y / Cb / Cr. That is 3 blocks 8x8, describing 
the pixels image. In fact, this is a special case when

scale (sampling factor) component Y / Cb / Cr = 1:1:1, but it 
happens not always. Often the scale of the components taken 
2:1:1, which means that This means that the brightness of Y 2 
cells have an element of color surface Cb / Cr. Same thing 
happens on the other coordinate, then There are at X, and Y. 
This data is loaded before processing marker SOS. There is a 
concept of minimum coded unit - MCU (Minimum Coded Unit), which 
describes the image block. When sampling 1:1:1 MCU factor is 
equal to 8x8. With 2:1:1 MCU is 16x16. In the second case, it 
turns out that the data Y components in the 4 times greater 
than for Cb / Cr. If you submit a 8x8 block as DU (DataUnit), 
the latter case can be written as: YDU, YDU, YDU, YDU, CbDU, 
CrDU. Into 4 blocks of data for luminance Y has to one block 
chrominance Cb / Cr. This assumption allows us to obtain even 
greater compression with almost imperceptible quality loss 
pictures. Having said that, for each component must be also 
take into account the scale and comply fully load MCU. Data 
blocks of 64 elements is located in the MCU from left to right, 
top to bottom. Once all information is uploaded tion of all the 
components necessary to perform resampling, that is scaled 
down, if necessary, the components of Cb / Cr. When sampling 
factor 2:1:1 to obtain 3 of the matrix elements of the 16x16. 
In 1:1:1 case all components are one to one, and scaling

is unnecessary, MCU will be equal to 8x8. In principle, there 
are also Other variations, for example, Cb / Cr on X can be 2 
unit (1:1:1), and the Y 1 (2:1:1). But such cases are extremely

rarely, I did not fool them head and supported only two per

                    6. Level conversion

   You must convert the value of our component of the sign
in unsigned form. Make it very simple - all that is needed is 
to add 128 to all 8-bit signed values ​​of our com components. 
At this stage, and adjusts the brightness and color balance. If 
the tables take into account the brightness and color 
immediately and significance level, then this transformation 
will be executed tsya automatically.

                  7. Converting YCbCr-> RGB

   This transformation is the final stage of decoding
of and implement the transformation from color space
YCbCr format screen pixel RGB. This is done by standard
nym formulas:

   R = Y + 1.402 * (Cr-128)

   G = Y - 0.34414 * (Cb-128) - 0.71414 * (Cr-128)

  B = Y + 1.772 * (Cb-128)

   All values ​​YCbCr - 8 bit unsigned. As a result, we have
decoded pixel format image true color (8
bits per component).

   That's all what I wanted you rasskazat.Iznachalno,
however, intended to write an article in the format spekovskogo 
asma, but given the very heavy source, had to abandon

this undertaking and sign the example pasovskih fragments. Can
would still write about scaling the resulting image
of, about his handling of the output filters, but this is a 
topic of individual Noah article. And without that, I think, 
for further consideration threw enough. So, gentlemen, coders, 
learn, think  and write high-quality decoders zhpega for our 
beloved Speccy. 

   Ed.: The application is browser xjpeg by scor ^ 3umf and
the source of the viewer (publication source does not mean
that the author abandoned the project - before making any
changes please contact the author at

Other articles:

Likbez - Batteries. Practices.

Likbez - Batteries. Results of experiments with different batteries.

Opportunities Spectrum - The format ani-files on the ZX.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Opportunities Spectrum - How to play multichannel music on beeper.

Opportunities Spectrum - Support for the DVD format on ZX.

Gameland - On the competition absurd (or clumsy) games for the ZX Spectrum - Crap Games Competition.

Graphics - How to quickly draw colorful pictures.

Inferno - Entered from the editor.

Inferno - Errors in the previous numbers.

For Coderz - Gray code and optimization programs.

For Coderz - Building a graphical user interface.

Formats - details on the decoder jpeg.

Iron - Description of Products K561PU4.

Inferno - Letters to the Editor.

Formats - The format of a packed file MegaLZ.

Scorpion ZS - The structure of the markup on a computer hard drive Scorpion.

ZX Clones - multiplatform on the ZX Spectrum. Computers SAM Coupe and MSX.

Advertising - Advertising NedoPC.

Inferno - On the shell.

Activities - The "Spectrum" at the competition on the night orienteering Okinchitsa 2004.

Softinka - Comparative table of the results of packing code files with various packers.

Advertising - Advertising King of Evil.

Softinka - Software for printing in the annex to the magazine.

Softinka - Music Editor Pro Tracker v3.71. Revision history.

Advertising - Ads by V. Bogdanovich.

Iron - Some RND-generators.

Opportunities Spectrum - A hardware scrolling on ZX Spectrum.

Pentagon - Sinhroselektor video at Pentagon. Problems and the scheme.

DIY - Universal TAPE interface. Scheme of loading and recording tapes.

Sound - Features audio device TurboSound FM.

DIY - The scheme of the analyzer state TTL output.

Future Spectrum - Video Display V9990. Enhanced graphics capabilities ZX Spectrum.

Softinka - Updates to the image viewer: ANSI viewer, MCX viewer.

Interview - An interview with musician X-Raizor of Omega Hackers Group.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   3 May