KrNews #07
15 января 1999 |
History - Microprocessors.
_ Microprocessors _ (C) Mark Gerets, Byte No. 9, 1985 (C) Viper / Techno Lab, 1998 Informal History In 1959, engineers from the firm's Texas Instruments figured out how to arrange more than one transistor on the same substrate and to connect these transistors without wires. Thus was born the integrated chip, or abbreviated as IP. In Currently, such thin flat pieces of silicon can contain millions transistors, they are called simply chips. In 1969 the firm, which lasted for then only one year, called Intel, announced the creation of microchips, containing 1 Kbit Memory type RAM. Then yet there was no other computer chips, which could bind This memory chip, but there were many Other applications for such chips, the more so because this was the most capacious memory of all those that made up since then. Around the same time - the summer of 1969 year - the firm Intel has addressed the Japanese Company Busycom, engaged in release calculators, with the order for production a set of specialized chips. Chips were developed by engineers Company Busycom for a new family of calculators that a Japanese firm. Calculators should contain several chips, each of which consisted of 3000-5000 transistors. Group of engineers from the firm Busycom, which won representation in the firm Intel, was given by one of Intel's its developers Ted Hoff. Hoff met with the project, proposed by Busycom, and found that the project is too difficult to be profitable. Prior to that he worked with computer-PD-7 from Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), which has a very limited set of commands. Hoff decided that the complexity of the calculator can be greatly reduced if you use it a little generic processor. Such an approach, using software instead of electronic logic for computing, has dramatically increase the need for the calculator memory, but at the moment as Intel's times and engaged in the production of devices memory. Hoff also realized that such a processor could be applied to other applications, and he sold his idea to the leadership of the company Intel. Developers firms Busycom still continued to work on his original draft, when the Hoff and his team began working on an alternative project. While engineers from the firm Busycom to the limit of its simplified design, all equal to each chip should contain more than 2000 transistors, and running calculator required 12 such circuits. Group Hoffa believed that their processor will require 1,900 transistors. Hoff won the general-purpose processor competition with the project company Busycom, and Intel's got a contract from Busycom the production of general-purpose processor chips, which was later name 4004. 4-bit microprocessor Direct production of chips was quite difficult, until early 1970, by Intel not yet begun to cooperate Frederico Fadzhin (Who later founded the firm Zilog). Frederico Fadzhin brought on chip concept stage to the silicon crystal in just nine months. First, Intel's 4004 processor sold exclusively firm Busycom, but the summer of 1971 year won the right to sell the chipset to other manufacturers. In November 1971, the company touted its Intel 4004 as a four-digit processor that performs 60,000 operations second. By February 1972 the company Intel sold these sets on the processor $ 85 000 dollars. Birth of an 8-bit microprocessor At the same time as the developed processor 4004, the company CTC (Computer Technology Corporation, now Dataroint) invited the two companies - Intel and Texas Instruments - develop BISy for her new intelligent terminal. Both the company offered an 8-bit processor general purpose. You can trace the development of a stereotype: 4-bit processor for calculators as calculators operate in BCD code and 8-bit to the terminal because terminals are dealing with symbols. Firm CTC did not select any one of these options, it built its own terminal to standard logic chips. Nevertheless, both Intel and TI (Texas Instruments) continued to work on their projects. Texas Instruments in the late all received a patent for its chip, Intel and the company gave birth to the processor 8008. Processor 8008, submitted in April 1972, was the first pop-in market for 8-bit microprocessor. He demanded at least 20 chips support, but could carry 45 teams at a rate of 300,000 instructions per second and could address a monstrous amount of memory in 16 KB. At that time it was a huge amount of memory and the processor 8008 was a serious step up from the processor 4004. Documentation on microprocessor 4004 and 8008 was a solid mystery. It assumes that you know everything that was in this area before you start read this documentation. So has the disadvantage of most of the technical References to this day. The initial aim was to firm Intel, designing microprocessors 4004 and 8008 was the replacement of "arbitrary logic" - in other words, "A set of ISI and ICI, joined together other wires. "Very few thought then that these devices can useful for general-purpose computers. But some visionaries were intrigued by the very possibility of have computers, which capable of doing anything. True before there were kits, of which it was possible to assemble computers, but they are more suited to demonstrate the principles of computer technology, than to perform computing tasks. The availability of the processor 8008 is radically changed the situation. In 1973, the company Selby Computer Consulting Engineering announced the creation of the first universal micro-computers in based mikoroprotsessora 8008. For this followed by machine RGS-008 RGS firm Electronics. Then, in July 1974 RadioElectronics magazine introduced readers to the microcomputer Mark-8, developed Jonathan Titus. Up to this point all the articles and advertisements about the micro-EVN ended publications in the amateur publications. Mark-8 was the first microcomputer, which was reported in Journal of the common problems of electronics. These are the first microcomputers were still more demonstrative than helpful, but the microcomputer revolution began. to be continued ...
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