DonNews #13
01 января 2001

News about OHG - Latest news from our thinning ranks spektrumistov.

<b>News about OHG</b> - Latest news from our thinning ranks spektrumistov.

     News from the OHG

(C) Jocker / OHG 'Klim / OHG

  News or how it all really ...

  So, dear readers, we welcome you to our 13'om edition of the 
newspaper Don News!!!

  Next we poveduem a terrible secret about
how things stand with us in Rostov-on-ZX
'PC scenes:

  Many of you have probably read magazine
Scenergy # 2. And still waiting for a sea of ​​software that 
was promised by the organizer Partizans assotiation, better 
known as Dimon / OHG / PZS.

  Can skakzat only one - wait! So
like most of what he narisovalpolny BSEC!

  Next in order of ...

Omega Hackers Group:

At present, almost ceased production
Software, for iskyucheniem newspaper. Cause
was that some individuals have decided to
jump higher than his crown.

  The fact that these people have decided that the OHG
not worthy of their participation in ney.T.k. tipa they
Some write, and Laura gets the whole group,
that does nothing but to be signed.

  For a complete understanding will spend an example:

  Get the same Disabler'a, who first
deserted. He yells that he wrote the game
Time Clock, which he did entirely alone.
But if you can penetrate more deeply understand
it is not so fuzzy, writes Dis.

  All pictures drawn Misitk'om, who had previously served in 
the OHG. Music written by Snake'om / OHG. And whatever happened 
intersnyh of the game, if not they ??????

  But Dis believes that he did everything himself.

To date:

 Jocker (coder, some gfx) -
fully climbed on a PC.
Created a demo group Critiacal Mass, and not
In spite of this, to this day to render all assistance to our 

 Klim (organizer, music maker) -
In mid-June 2000, returned from armeyki
and ohuel with the situation in the group. Establish the 
situation was impossible. Nevertheless, with Jocker'om and 
large straining forced to collect DeMouy ZX for CC000.No

looks like everyone was deeply do not care at all
and deme was made on otebis, and therefore
It works everywhere except on the samom party.

 Wild (some coder, music maker) -
As a true pohuist, does not look at stupid
antics of other members'ov and is not going
svalivat.Nadeemsya anywhere in the near future will be the main 
redakotorm DonNews. 

 Snake (music maker, some coder) -
 Long time could not decide where to uebnut, but
nevertheless, chose "LICOS".

 Disabler (coder, some gfx) -
The leader of the movement forward from OHG! ". Created
group - "Disabler Production Laboratory",
made a new Commanderie, which has not yet released in the 

 Dimon (swapper, organizer of PZS) -
Sits on the Amiga. Contact with many
spekovskih groups. Shaking soft Ineta. Until
still can not lead a normal form
its Sreccy.
According to recent data of our intelligence, together
a deserter Demon'om trying to pull
OHG from the remnants of the last remnant
create a new command - "Licos".

 Demon (coder) -
Heel knocks himself in the chest, expanding OHG,
thinking that a new group of things will be different, though 
segodyashny day is not released Nothing, except fx for FATE 
trackmo, we had almost stolen. =)

 The Rom (coder, hardware master) -
About him a long time not hear anything except that he burned 
down the complex, and instead repairs which he pret on vodka.

  Total, five people ...
Once upon a time there were 12. = ((

  You understand that release software such forces is 
practically not possible ... 

 ........ Hereinafter-WILD ...........

  Well, what can I add? .. Dicks on kicking
ZX-platform - unfortunately, the trend is not open
this year.

  Someone all the fuck, someone - not high ",
Someone gets drunk, someone is sitting on the AMIGA, a
Spectrum at all "scored" ...

  However, like all offended when they say or write about it! 
Arrange the bloody showdown at the meeting, arrange obeschyayut 
you complete "GAME OVER" '"FORMAT" C "", and eventually emerges 
from their words that this platform of "no need to dick !!!".

  It's a shame that those who could still do something and do, 
just put our favorite computer.

  As for the situation in OHG ...

  At the moment this article was written
all the way and now the situation is somewhat bylo.No 
izmenilas.V OHG were JOCKER, KLIM, and all the luck, WILD. The 
others - gone; someone in LICOS, someone on the dick ...

  About the situation in DPL, information is available:

  DISABLER be delivered on a CD with system software. The 
project is purely commercial, and that on the drive, but his 
miracle-Commanderie, I do not know.

  Everyone has long known that attempts to write
System software for sale to nothing
privodyat.Lyuboy program is available free alternativu.I so I 
think that and with this project it is broken off, just as

and ULTRA SONIC-ohm.

  At least, except for me and Edik one is not going to buy it. 
And we want to do this not out of abject poverty in

Commanderie, etc., and the desire to create some kind of 
incentive that is ... 

  In Edik stabilized schedule, and
Now he appears regularly on the market.

  By the way, judging by statistics
received from Edik, the demand for a few ZX
rose. Especially well many who want to buy
computer, much more than those who sell.

  So, think for yourself, but I have my inner voice says: "This 
is not fucking!". 

Other articles:

From the authors - The reasons for the delay release of the newspaper, Happy New Year.

News about OHG - Latest news from our thinning ranks spektrumistov.

FLASH news - News from Novosibirsk on FLASH INC.

911 - help in passing game Dustin.

Every-difference - Anketka of EI.

PROJECT - Information likely be interested coders.

HARD - Extension publications repair PENTAGON-s.

:) - Comedy about the army.

O. PARTY - Memories of the good held on the bottom.

Credits & Rec Lame - who worked on the numbers, contacts ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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