ZX Hard #01
06 мая 1999 |
COM-port & timer - Serial port for Spectruma!!!
COM-port 'timer (C) VIC, 1997, Kharkov, Ukraina Serial port for Spectruma!!! Description of improvements, which will allow connect to your computer any external device, designed for the serial port. For example - a mouse, modem or printer. A12> 1 A0 DC Q0 152 A1 Q1 1914 <7 D1 A14> 3 A2 Q2 1913 <6 D2 Q3 1912 <5 D3 CLK0 9 Q4 1911 <4 D4 G0 11 A3> 4 E1 Q5 10 <3 D5 OUT0 10> FR1 OIRQ> 5 E2 Q6 9 <2 D6 A15> 6 E3 D1 Q7 7 <1 D7 CLK1 15 G1 14 21 CS OUT1 13> FR2 D1 - 1533ID7 A8> 19 A0 D2 - 580VI53 A9> 20 18 A1 CLK2 D3 - 580VV51 (IK51) 22 RD G2 1916 D4 - K170UP2 WR> WR D2 OUT2 23 17> FR3 D5, D6 - K170AP2 1.75Mhz> D0> D0 27 USART D1> 28 D1 COM2 April 1 X1 Y1 April 13 D2> D2 1 3 UP1 D3> 2 D3 Y2 May 12 D4> 5 D4 May 2 X2 D5> D5 2 6 UP2 Y3 June 11 D6> 7 D6 D7> 8 D7 June 3 X3 15 <+5 V 1 UP3 D4 8 11 CS RxR 14 WR> 10 WR TxR 15 TXD RD> 13 RD R1> 2 A8> 12 C / D TxD January 19 1K RXD RTS on March 23 on February 1 X1 1 <3 FR1 1925 RxC DTR February 24 Y1 7 RTS > 9 TxC a C D5 <4 April 3 RxD CTS 21 RES CTS June 17 3 <5 1920 CLK DD3 DSR May 22 on Feb. 2 X1 Y1 7 DCD 2 <8 1 C SG Y2 6, 7 March 3 X2 D6 DTR > 20 vyv.4 D5 and D6 connected to GND Vyv.5 D5 and D6 connected to-12V Vyv.8 D5 and D6 connected to +12 V Address controller ports: # 80F7, # 81F7, # 82F7, # 83F7 - Ports timer # 90F7, # 91F7 - interface ports COM1 When working with the port must first be programmed timer mode of division frequency (mode 3). It should be make sure that the resulting frequency is not extend beyond the permissible values (Maximum input frequency RxC / TxC USART on the passport is 615 KHz). Type of application connector - DB-25P (Standard plug an external modem). For those who do not know, DB-25P connector means such as "fork" or "Dad." To connect COM2 to use 3 chips (VV51, UP2, An2). To the inputs 9 and 25 must submit USART instead of the signal FR1 FR2 signal with the timer, and the input signal 11 with 13 O ID7. For TxD signal is necessary to use a free half D5. (C) Mr.Brain We offer you a slight refinement scheme Com-porta from VIC. Little History: More When the first Spectrum it was built-in capability measure the time intervals with triggered 50 times per second interruption. At the end of drawing each frame ULA generates a signal interrupts the processor, got it served a small podprogrammku located in ROM BASICa at # 0038 (56). This podprogrammka than Poll keyboard, increases by 1 the contents of the system variable FRAMES. Due to this the opportunity to measure the time intervals in increments 1 / 50 seconds. Since the birth of Spectrum were years, and this process has remained unchanged (Except for use in the past time chip real time clock). However, it goes on the clock. In addition to the interrupt time processes Speke measured by the cycles of the CPU - this is read from the tape, and Data Transfer pomoschyumodema and much, much more. This causes some difficulties - in some computers wrong is the time, in some working in turbo mode, when working with the modem should go to the normal mode or use a modem, which suspends the processor signal WAIT to the reception / transmission of data, etc. I say nothing about the programs, where together with output on screen is the output of digital audio (Eg OVER_THE_TOP). And then there was idea: make a Sektrume another interruption, the frequency of which can be changed software. Which was carried out using a small sample to a scheme of COM-port by VIC (Fig. 1). Figure 1 HOW TO USE NEW INTERRUPTION? Very simple. Now the construction of the table is enough to divide it in two - one half will take the address of the timer interrupt handler, and another senior, addresses the hook from the field sweep. Of course, all of the above applies to the second interrupt mode (in first any interruption would lead to treatment at # 0038, and zero - absolutely nothing, because with the data bus at the time of the interrupt handler will be read B # 7F (LD A, A), except for a slight decrease in the main program). After creating a table in memory, processors and conduct of all related transactions, you can set the mode timer, and conversion factors. After loading the last value on the output of 17 m / s D2 pulses appear with a given frequency and will interrupt is generated. That is, in principle, and vse.Ostaetsya add that the region use the timer can be extended. For example, use it, not only for vyschityvaniya time intervals, but also for DIGITAL-playing music through AY or COVOX or through anything in implementation of any program. Of course, when playing a melody, say, three channels of free time the processor can remain quite a bit, but it does not disappear and will be used. K tomuzhe, at this time there is a fairly large fleet of vehicles, with a clock frequency CPU greater than 3.5 MHz - they free time will be longer. With the timer you can even run multiple programs simultaneously. Or, for example, to write music for AY frequency quantization instead of 50 Hz, as now, but for example, 100 or 200 Hz. And who knows what else will come to mind our talented compatriots. I almost forgot the main thing: the timer is not RESET input signal and therefore the output of your program's, which used timer interrupt, do not forget to stop counter, or hang in the SOS is provided to you (no response by pressing a key). If, however, the program that uses timer interrupt, was pressed RESET, then there will only turn the power off computer. Although there is a simpler way, and (proposed my good friend D. Kuryachim) - enough to install yet another trigger that pressing RESET will stop our new interrupt and allow it only in If treatment ktaymeru D2. Scheme of improvements is shown in Figure 2. However, there should at the very first appeal to a timer to give a command to stop the bill in the channel 2. Figure 2 The device is simple to collect and collected of the healthy elements does not require networking:) Well, that's all for today. Send message and greeting cards to my address :-). Rotten fruit and vegetables are taken only tightly rolled in a three-liter banks, stones, bricks and other heavy things best not to send - your family budget can not stand it, ".. well, if you're at it a barrel roll, it's a container transport are obtained by this transagenstvo doing. ":-) 662620 Chernogorsk ul.Rabochaya 28 Pavlukhin DA (Mr.Brain)
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