Born Dead #09
30 мая 1999

World Amiga - Amiga eyes RRA (last part).

<b>World Amiga</b> - Amiga eyes RRA (last part).

                   WORLD Amigo. LAST PART

(C) 1999>> RRA>> / AF / SG

(Okonchanie. Beginning in rooms 5-8)

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  ROL, ROR - rotate (without the flag X)

  Syntax: ROd Dx, Dy

               ROd # , Dy

               ROd <ea>

               Where d - the shift direction

  Size:. B,. W,. L

  Description: The rotation of DST in a certain direction.

               Flag X is not involved in the rotation.

               Counter rotation can be specified in two ways:

               1) from 1 to 8

               2) in the data register

               The team works with memory (ROd <ea>) produ
               rotation leads to 1-bit operand size only. W

               <Ea> can not be addressing: Dn, An


               C <operand <


                  > Operand> C

  Flags: X - does not change

               V = 0

               N, Z - vary according to the result

               C - the last bit, which is involved in rotation
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  ROXL, ROXR - rotation with the flag X

  Syntax: ROXd Dx, Dy

               ROXd # , Dy

               ROXd <ea>

               Where d - the shift direction

  Size:. B,. W,. L

  Description: The rotation of DST in a certain direction.

               Flag of the X involved in the rotation.

               Counter rotation can be specified in two ways:

               1) from 1 to 8

               2) in the data register

               The team works with memory (ROXd <ea>) an
               drives a rotation of 1-bit operand size only

               . W

               <Ea> can not be addressing: Dn, An


               C <operand <X <


                 > X> Operand -> C

  Flags: V = 0

               N, Z - vary according to the result

               X, C - the last bit, which is involved in 
rotation -------------------------------------------------- 
-------------   RTD - return from subroutine with an increase 
in SP (Do not know exactly 

        both had called for this team to another, but she lives 

        Elder processor)

  Operation: PC = (SP), SP +4 + disp

  Syntax: RTD # 

  Description: The PC is removed from the stack, then the 

               Stack added option # . This command

               typically used when calling routine

               several options were passed through the stack.

  Flags: do not change
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  RTM - the return of the unit (MC68020)

  Syntax: RTM Rn

  Description: Restores previously saved state

               module, then returned to him.

               Nothing intelligent to modules I can not say

               because I can not even imagine that such a module

               and what it eats. Yes, and I do not want to know 
anything about 

               They, after all except the CPU MC68020, their

               Nowhere is no more.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  RTR - Return to the restoration register flags.

        Do not think that this is our native Television 


  Operation: CCR = (SP), SP +2, PC = (SP), SP +4

  Syntax: RTR

  Description: Do not think that this is our native Advertising

               Television Russia

               Removed from the stack register CCR, and then 
the PC. 

               Part of the register SR is available in 
supervisor mode 

               does not change.

  Flags: as already mentioned, are removed from the stack.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  RTS - return from subroutine

  Operation: PC = (SP), SP +4

  Syntax: RTS

  Description: The neizvraschenny return from the subroutine.

               Just removed PC from the stack and all!

  Flags: do not change
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  SBCD - decimal subtraction, taking into account the flag X

  Operation: DST = DST10-SRC10-X

  Syntax: SBCD Dy, Dx

               SBCD - (Ay), - (Ay)

               others addressing is not possible.

  Size:. B

  Description: Subtracts the BCD-number one from another, and 
the heap 

               subtracts from all of this flag is X.

  Flags: C, X - change

               N, V - indefinitely

               Z - 0, if the result is not 0, otherwise

                     changes (!). For a correct determination

                     this flag, before surgery, it should be

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  Scc - set in accordance with condition

  Syntax: Scc <ea>

  Size:. B

  Description: If the condition is true, then B <ea> written
               be written # FF, 0 otherwise.

               Terms and conditions I have already written 
twice, third time I just 

               to scrap (see the team and Bcc DBcc). I want to 


               ST - the condition is always true, so the result 
is # FF 

               SF - never true, then the result 0.

               By the way, is often used combinations of 
commands Scc 

               and NEG.B. The result of this combination: if 
the condition 

               true, then the result is 1, otherwise 0. Of 
course both 

               These teams should be made on one <ea>

               For example:

               TST.L D1

               SMI D0

               NEG.B D0

               In this case, if D1 is negative, D0 = 1,

               D0 = 0 otherwise.

  Flags: do not change
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  SUB, SUBA, SUBI, SUBQ - Subtraction

  Syntax: SUB <ea>, Dn

               SUB Dn, <ea>

               SUBA <ea>, An

               SUBI # , <ea>

               SUBQ # , <ea>

  Size:. B,. W,. L

               SUBA -. W,. L

  Description: SUB - subtract from the data register operand in 

                     or vice versa.

               SUBA - subtracted from the address register 
operand in <ea> 

               SUBI - subtract operands <ea> any number.

               SUBQ - subtract operands <ea> number from 1 to


  Prohibition of addressing: An available only for operations. 
W,. L 

  Flags: change everything except program SUBA, it is not

               affects the flags.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------
  SUBX - subtraction, taking into account the flag X

  Operation: DST = DST-SRC-X

  Syntax: SUBX Dy, Dx

               SUBX - (Ay), - (Ay)

               others addressing is not possible.

  Size:. B,. W,. L

  Description: Subtract one number from the X flag of another.

  Flags: C, X - change

               N, V - indefinitely

               Z - 0, if the result is not 0, otherwise

                     changes (!). For a correct determination

                     this flag, before surgery, it should be

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  SWAP - swap halves Register

  Operation: bits 31-16 <-> bits 15-0

  Syntax: SWAP Dn

  Description: Swaps the 16-bit halves of the register.

               For example:

              was: 00000000000000001111111111111111 # 0000FFFF

              was: 11111111111111110000000000000000 # FFFF0000

  Flags: X - does not change

               V, C = 0

               N, Z - change
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  TAS - Test and set operand

  Syntax: TAS <ea>

  Size:. B

  Description: Tests the addressable operand field <ea>, then

               sets its seventh bit.

  Addressing the forbidden: An

  Flags: X - does not change

               V, C = 0

               N, Z - change
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  TRAP - an exception TRAP

  Operation: register bit S SR = 1, that is to say supervisor 

               SSP-2, (SSP) = FORMAT / OFFSET (*)

               SSP-4, (SSP) = PC, SSP-2, (SSP) = SR

               PC = address of the vector

               (*) This line does not work for MC68000

  Syntax: TRAP # <vector>

  Description: This command is analogous principle the pisishnoy

               Team INT # N. She throws a TRAP

               (Vector # 20 - # 2F, 32-47). Number of vector 
calculation                us to simply: Value # <vector> 32. 

               parameter can be set from 0 to 15.

               The principle of exceptions and interrupts, I 
will describe a very 

               soon, and while scoring this text I do not want 

  Flags: do not change
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  TRAPcc - TRAP by (SENIOR percent).

  Syntax: TRAPcc

               TRAPcc.W # 

               TRAPcc.L # 

  Description: If the condition is true, then action is called
               lyuchenie TRAPcc (vector 7), otherwise the prog 
does                Xia further.

               And that's why there is a parameter #  I 
did not 

               vkuril. When dopret say.

  Flags: unaffected.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  TRAPV - TRAP overflow

  Syntax: TRAPV

  Description: This team has always treated separately from

               teams TRAPcc, because unlike TRAPcc

               TRAPV team is all family processors

               M680x0. And so, the function is the same.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
  TST - test operands

  Syntax: TST <ea>

  Size:. B,. W,. L

  Description: Compares the operand with zero.

  Prohibition of addressing: An and the register PC is not 

                         on the MC68000, the rest please.

  Flags: X - does not change

               V, C = 0

               N, Z - change
-------------------------------------------------- ------------
  UNLK - kill the stack frame

  Operation: SP = An, An = (SP), SP +4

  Syntax: UNLK An

  Description: Kills the stack frame is organized by a team

               LINK. And he does it this way: SP equates to

               specified register address. Then remove from the 

               stored value is the same case.

               And truncated in order. _ZAPOMNITE! _ Like the 
FOR loop does not 

               can live without a NEXT, and the LINK will die 
without UNLK. 

               In other words, if LINK has been made in the 
subspace                program and you have not done before 
leaving UNLK, then where 

               return your procedure can only guess.

  Flags: do not change
-------------------------------------------------- ------------

  UNPK - unpack the BCD-number (the elder processor)

  Syntax: UNPK - (Ax), - (Ay), # 

               UNPK Dx, Dy, # 

  Description: Unpacking is so Makarov:

               Bits 0-3 and 4-7, the source operand (bagged

               BCD-number) are transferred in bits 0-3 and 8-11 
respectively                respectively operand receiver 

               unpacked BCD-number), the bits 4-7 and 12-15 
filled                nyayutsya zeros. And to finish before the 
end of all this 

               process is added to the result parameter


               If you are using predekrementnaya addressing, 

               read one byte, and written two.

               Why do I explain I will not, will understand.

               In general, it is time to call it a day. I want 
to sleep! 

                                              Tomorrow at work!

  Flags: do not change what they were and have remained so!

Other articles:

Coding - Player music samples: 101 gradation level.

Games - Game Description Sherwood.

Entry - Heavy hardships of the coming summer.

voice from the grave - Brand iron: electronic clock, Interface I, ZX, and others.

Spite of the day - Commandore and People: A chronicle of the transition to another platform.

World Amiga - Amiga eyes RRA (last part).

News - ProTracker'a 3.4, First Association, summarizing the results of Complex Compo, suspension of work on the FT-2.

Review - Overview of new products: Awaken demo version, Pussy demo version, Wacky Races, Best View v2.8, Hobby # 1, Amazing # 2.

Application - Spectrum JPG decoder.

Advertising - New version of CD-ROM from the MMA, The High Voltage C64 CD

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   18 February