Born Dead #09
30 мая 1999

Review - Overview of new products: Awaken demo version, Pussy demo version, Wacky Races, Best View v2.8, Hobby # 1, Amazing # 2.

<b>Review</b> - Overview of new products: Awaken demo version, Pussy demo version, Wacky Races, Best View v2.8, Hobby # 1, Amazing # 2.
                          SOFTWARE REVIEW

(C) UnBEL! EVER ^ Speed ​​co. ^ XTM

It's nice when you have something to survey! Especially nice 
when Download high-quality and truly worthy of attention! And 
for Last month, surprisingly, that such software came

plenty of ... Moreover, the situation can be characterized not
other than the Belarusian Aggression!

                       AWAKEN demo version

                    (C) RAGE Technologies'99

                          (C) Arny'99

                       SIZE: 762 sectors

Earlier this year, has already appeared quiet, a short demo, 
entitled SPACE. Then it was still difficult to understand what 
it is, where and with what is there. Now everything falls into 
place! Spirit of the legendary Elite wakes up in the new 
development team from Minsk has RAGE known to our gamers 
project MONSTRLAND. So what is AWAKEN?

First of all, judging from the demo it ... "Shaded Elite:)
Ships, stars, planets, and fight in open space, pirates and
hermits, and most importantly, irresistible oschushenie infinite
Space familiar with each spektrumistu deep childhood. Here
only now we need a little less imagination to
completely immersed in the game world as game graphics are not
wire, and "shaded" - the so-called flat, too well
familiar to gamers BATTLE COMMAND or STAR FOX. Diversity
spaceships, weapons, items available at the station
and just the menu items will not leave any of the old 
"elitchika" indifferent. And although the demo realized not all

opportunities promised in a future game, even it leaves 
completely pleasant experience. Moreover, AWAKEN, as I 
understand it, This is the first game in the genre simulators, 
not released in the West - A dream come true INFORKOMA, and we 
now have the coders, capable of implement a three-dimensional 
gaming reality! 

But put aside this ad husks and consider AWAKEN from the point
of playability. At first everything seems fine, nice
volumetric filled graphics, large instrument panel with
Messager in ACADEMY, but ... is only after the departure
from the station to deploy the ship, and we can begin to enjoy
the greatest obstacle in the world! And on the screen just a few
objects! And this despite the fact that the game screen itself 
is somewhat less relative to the screen in the ELITE ... The 
stars are in place so that absolutely impossible to understand 
in what direction are flying your ship. And know it is 
absolutely necessary, because in the heat Space battles by 
pressing simultaneously on several key except those hits will 
be triggered, and others - absolutely not you need a button. 
And okay, if it is withdrawal missile guidance, and then often 
turn back the form and then ... Poll buttons are not ideal, as 
their general location. 

The most striking thing, it's an amazing imbalance
of the battle in space. The first thing that catches your eye, 
in AWAKEN is much harder to survive than in the ordinary ELITE! 
Enemy may literally 10 seconds to destroy your ship through the

conventional laser. Well, if applied to rockets, then there is 
all ... Your anti-missile system is so left that virtually no

allows you to stay alive for a little bit serious attack.

Ships themselves behave like real space racers! For
imym fragment / container have to fly almost at
key is "J" - so fast it naff to you. And about the trajectory
dispersal of these fragments, I generally keep quiet ... here 
the laws of physics quite powerless! If the ELITE you can 
safely soak 10.5 enemy ships, and then calmly pick up 
everything that of them dropped out, then AWAKEN'e, even for 
the selection of one container need to make a maneuver! And if 
you do not start the race for container immediately after the 
explosion of the ship, then he can hide in the distant cosmos. 
And who do you give the selection containers! After all, until 
you betes with one enemy arrives whole crowd that has long 
given rest. 

I certainly do not have anything against the complications of 
the game compared to the progenitor of the genre, but not to 
the same degree! Needed a certain balance, and when you want to 
play, but a victory pay is not the first time. And it is 
precisely this balance until absent in AWAKEN'e ... And typical 
example is Perfect leftism in the name of the planets / stars. 
It seems like all The authors rightly so - to repeat the 
original ELIT'ovsky generator names, but it turned out quite 
something. Whether from use the Russian language, or because 
repeat the balance of randomness / zadumannosti which existed 
in the ELITE impossible.

Another error of authors in my opinion is to use
not his, and torn from HARD DRIVING three-dimensional engine. 
Case here is that certain HD-shny dvizhek is not ideal and it

could perepist, and even better to write from scratch, better 
and faster. While, on the other hand pleasantly pleased 
skreshenie demomaykinga and gaming! I mean chank'ovy

tunnel during giperperehoda. Although why it seems to me that
it is not realtime, a "golimaya" animation. Again, why? When
VAV'a exactly the same tunnel was in GOA which is known
only 4k? Make a tunnel like effect immediately disappears
need to do podgruzku from disk every time giperperehode!
In general, a novel seam open - any
modern effects, from simple plasma to light by Phong may
find their way in a game like AWAKEN'u!

In short, on the one hand I am all hands and the other must also
work and work to get the output real masterpiece
worthy of the proud title - THE GAME OF A LIFETIME.

                        PUSSY demo version

                         (C) FATALITY'99

                       SIZE: 666 sectors

Eng. pussy ['pusi] n 1) pussy 2) soft, fluffy object

Naturally, neither one nor the other meanings of the word is 
not FATALITY invested in the name of the game. Although the 
second concept is much closer to slang translation of the word. 
So PUSSY ... Well, who did not look epic TITANIC? Well, I for 
one was looking, but so what? And then, Now that all the events 
of the film can survive on their own skin in the new 
blockbuster from the ferocious FREEMAN'a! It's steeper than 
KOLOB0K, global than White Eagle and more fun than HUNTING 
Krotov. However, so far that only the demo, but it provides an 
indication of future game. 

Apparently, the FATALITY acted criticism of the masses and a 
new game was not so much an arcade as logical. Although it is 
possible to the full version will be different in the semantic 
load of pieces / levels. In the meantime, it is a nice 50fps 
puzzle by destruction of various types of blocks, and 
copulation in the single fit with your favorite KAT. Want to 
compare with FATALITY CODEMASTERS'ami - the same ability to 
make publicly favorite Games and with virtually nothing on them 
to earn:) 

                         WACKY RACES

                  (C) PAL DEVELOPMENTS'92

           DISK VERSION: ENERGY MINDS / X-Project

                    SIZE: 377 sectors

Another game of a series issued by PAL
DEVELOPMENTS under license from the famous cartoon studio
HANNA BARBERA. The essence of the game in this case, virtually 
no important (Well something like races with obstacles). Just 
nice to see another high-quality, classic bourgeois arcade game.

                         BEST VIEW 2.8

                        (C) IVAN ROSHIN

Well, there's comments generally irrelevant - the new BORN DEAD 
= new BEST VIEW! The main feature of the new version is the 
presence of cunning buttons CAPS + A, CAPS + D. The functions 
performed by these buttons truly priceless - scan a file / disk 
and selection in its fragments are recognized by the program as

music / graphics / code, etc. Under the question arises 
generally being wanted BORN DEAD'a existence, or rather reading 
room being wanted for him. Because now, with the help of BEST 
VIEW, you can easily read the entire text newspapers, otguzit 
right places on the disk, and even listen musical 
accompaniment. And all this without even downloading BORN DEAD! 
That's Roshchin, like this fellow! Of course, as always, new 
opportunities bring with them new bugs, but fixable ... in 

--- -
Also, in my hands got two e-magazine; HOBBY # 1 and
AMAZING # 2. Neither the first nor the second, I consider there 
will not be so both magazines have to read yourself, but do not 
read what is written by those who read these magazines before 
(a) you ... Although there is another option - electronic 
newspaper OPTRON! There sat large experts on compiling indexes 
the content newspapers / magazines ...

Other articles:

Coding - Player music samples: 101 gradation level.

Games - Game Description Sherwood.

Entry - Heavy hardships of the coming summer.

voice from the grave - Brand iron: electronic clock, Interface I, ZX, and others.

Spite of the day - Commandore and People: A chronicle of the transition to another platform.

World Amiga - Amiga eyes RRA (last part).

News - ProTracker'a 3.4, First Association, summarizing the results of Complex Compo, suspension of work on the FT-2.

Review - Overview of new products: Awaken demo version, Pussy demo version, Wacky Races, Best View v2.8, Hobby # 1, Amazing # 2.

Application - Spectrum JPG decoder.

Advertising - New version of CD-ROM from the MMA, The High Voltage C64 CD

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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