Impulse #05
28 июля 1999

Conclusion - before the reset pulse remained 3-5 minutes ...

<b>Conclusion</b> - before the reset pulse remained 3-5 minutes ...

           Before the reset pulse remains 3-5 minutes ...

                                                   (C) IMPERIO

   Chao, mohnatenky! OFFSPRING rulez -
it was he who helped me put the last point in this room. We 
have a long 4 months, which will not work - they

fly like a moment - before the next

   If you're not a sheep, then read this and
room, read on to (with?) orcs through to (with?), Orcs
For that very reason all that buzz, which we expect. And in 
each article is oh.ennaya share oh.ennogo humor even in 
advertising. And each article - a masterpiece of literary art. 
Thinking, feeling and realizing our style and finding a zest in 
our newspaper, you secretly agree with me. Whisking involuntary 
tears, I say goodbye to you, with the precious storehouse - 
reader. Yes, I want to cry, I want to weep and tear their hair 
out, because there is nothing that hits the senses like 
parting. I had finished the last bottle of beer and with it, I 
also feel sorry to leave. So is the way man, this is our nature.

   Reconcile with involuntary thoughts and think of something 
good, for example, about how soon we'll meet again, as

shaking hands with impatience you rack RUN "IMPULSE6" and push 
Enter. This will be soon, very soon, a little patience, pal. 
You'll feel a new, original and heaped the shell, you will most 
happy in this world ... And it will be soon, very soon ... 

       In establishing the rates involved limb:

 ! MPeR! 0/PhG/PhD/Pr0FuR! CKa L7d. aka Demchuk Paul G.

   Chief editor, proofreader, encoder,
30% interREPY author, is also purpose
numerous letters and soap. Zverel when short on fuel. Author of 
20% graphics and 80% of the texts. 

   DeL7a/PhG/PhD/SaL0MaNz! NC. aka Melinyuk Oleg Prokop'evich

   Author interREPY 70% and 80% of the graphics.
Continues to call me out and get left mentovki requests. Come 
out into the light 6 room, then we will see Troch updated 
schedule. Once upon a time was editor in chief. 

       EqUa70r/PhD/M! NZk M0nZ7eRz aka Valerik Sidorovich

   He is the author muses, which you now herish its locators. 
Has always been invaluable to the distributor IMPULSE hero city 

   I express my heartfelt thanks for
moral support to the following individuals:

             + EQUATOR / PHD

             + REAL / RS

             + DARKMAX / RS

             + SCOPTER / RS

                Tnx for scanning

                and konvertilku photos

             + JAGURA / PHG / PHD

             + HA / PHD

          And also not a person:

+ Half-bag of new potatoes
+ Brestkomu combine soft on
  impregnation for 42 liters of beer
+ Brestkomu distillery for

  crate of vodka
+ Underground movement in Ukraynu for 3 blocks L'Ma

  and 7 blocks Prima Lux
+ Collective farmers in the same Ukraynu for Excellence
  nuyu hemp

  With me it is possible and desirable to contact:

    2:454 / 7.120 @ FidoNet Pavel Demchuk

8 + (0162) +414-863 (Just call Pavlik)

  Belarus, Brest 224028, ul. Gavrilova

    26-30, Demchuk Paul Gennadyevich

   (Special 4 bombz n anozez bonuzez!)

   As you have realized, man, FIDO - the best option and should 
not irritate my endless stupid callami by phone or parcels with 
lard through the mail. But it remains to be seen ...

Other articles:

Entry - with difficulty, in times of capitalist relations.

Entry - Description of the modified membranes.

News - News from Brest.

ZILOG - Three generations of the architecture of the Z80 ZILOG.

Tips - What if the disk has fallen into the toilet, or been exposed to the equivalent test?.

Beer - BEER FAQ v1.0 July 1999.

Beer - Classic problems in the use of beer.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Conclusion - before the reset pulse remained 3-5 minutes ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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