Nicron #51
06 сентября 1997

second special issue - The third International Festival of Computer Art "ENLIGHT'97". Introduction and statement of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

<b>second special issue</b> - The third International Festival of Computer Art
              COMPUTER ART

             The second special issue

(C) Wlodek Black

        Good morning ... :-)

(C) Peter Sobolev (CodeRipper)

[Start Quote]:

Hello Vladimir!

26 Aug 1997 12:16, Vladimir Bulchukey (095/462) wrote to All:


 VB> Unofficial preliminary results

Officially announce that in connection with the cancellation of 
the second day ENLiGHT'97 NO outcome of the organizing 
committee ENLiGHT'97 not fail and NO voting data is not applied 
to anyone. Any "findings" already published or will be 
published henceforth not be have a relationship to ENLiGHT'97 
regardless of their veracity. 

Organizing Committee ENLiGHT'97.

Hello All!

It's time to comment on the situation and draw some conclusions.

So, as many already know, the second day ENLiGHT'97 demo party
was canceled. This means that only those passed compo, which
were the first day - all with regard to the Amiga and Spectrum. 
Also This means that no election results do not exist.

I would first like to clarify - the second day was canceled due 
to my initiative that was endorsed by all present in

the end of the first day members of the organizing committee 
(stalls (Spectrum), Lions (Amiga), StarGuest (PC), Slash (PC)) 
and the administration VoenMeh'a. Actually, I emphasize this 
because here as at least a couple of times slipped theme of the 
second day was Administration banned BSTU. It is not. Another 
thing is that output in any case was not. No.

Now, about the reasons. Initially, in preparation for 
ENLiGHT'97, we counted approximately 500 people. In reality, 
however, by the middle the first day through the entrance was 
about 1200-1300 people. Ie more than twice as many planned. It 
would have been more wrong critical if not for one thing ... 
Take the last, 1996 year. By my rough estimations (counting was 
not conducted), then There were about 300-400 people. It was 
expected that whatever increase the number did not come to 
1997m, it will look as: 1chaynik-> 3chaynika, 1profi-> 3profi, 
1huligan-> 3huligana, 1_s_pivom-> 3_s_pivom etc.. Clearly, what 
I mean. So, happened is not so. The number of decent people 
remained about the same as last year. Can be grown, but quite

a little bit. The number of for example drunk (or those who are 
already in the process) of the people has increased 
significantly. No warning or requests (including those already 
on the very party) have not helped. If the Last year, security 
is quite able to maintain order, the 1997m to control so many 
drunks were just impossible. Played a negative role is also 
that all occurred on the fourth floor and pull someone from the 
audience or on the the street was quite difficult. Pro splayed 
fingers and swinging gsm'ami I generally keep quiet. Somehow 
become incidents occur. The most famous, as many have heard

was painted with paint from a container wall and the presence of
Hall of a drunken man with an air rifle
hands. But the people throughout the day continued to drink 
beer. It was interesting to watch as they drink by those who 
know exactly what this do not, then those who are in the same 
ehah us and condemned. A bad example is known contagious. In 
the afternoon, despite it all started to get nervous 
administration of the institute. For those who are not aware of 
a slight digression - in our age the victory of democracy in 
any institution there are various commercial and 
semi-commercial structures on which administration of direct 
influence can not exert. When the second afternoon, suddenly 
lost power in 70% of outlets, it is was a case in point. To be 
more precise - a direct reaction to ornamented wall. With great 
difficulty, managed to convince the person turn electricity 
back. This was followed by another pair similar action by 
another organization. Shorter speaking, the situation has 
already become unmanageable - even from a purely technical 
side. But the people continued to drink. Should also bear in 
mind that the second day, in our experience usually heavier 
than the first. Decision was thus evident (For me). Certainly 
mattered, and that for all the techniques were on the party I 
held personally liable. In addition I would not want people to 
have roughly allowed us to Voenmech, would lose their jobs as a 
result of his action. So way on the second morning was hung on 
the abolition of second day. Announcement is however constantly 
disrupted. We out a few times and I explained the situation - 
no one told me in the eye nothing of what had been written on 
the posters that talking behind his back when we left that are 
now writing in ehah. 

I described all this in order to join the discussion, but rather
just for the sake of truth. People who are not doing it all 
yourself still does not explain it simply _sovsem_ useless.

So do not bother angry letters - I'm not going to them
react - we speak different languages.

On the Future

In three years neither I nor my friends could not find a way to 
translate ENLiGHT to a higher level. Enthusiasm may be enough

for a long time in one person, but it is not enough for many of
4-7 or-10I. One also can not roll out like on any
During this period I spoke with the directors of large firms, 
with government officials government organizations and is now 
quite clear about reasons why we have not had any major 
sponsor. This complex issue and I will not discuss it here. Can

perceived simply as a fact - in St. Petersburg in the 
95m-96m-97m years of such a sponsor _zakonomerno_ could not 
appear. (I Now of course rule out the situation with a friend

Mayor / Governor, the father / grandfather - the head of the 
bank, and so forth.) Accordingly, I basically see no prospects 
for a ENLiGHT'a SPB. In the other town, he will not be done.

This does not mean that ENLiGHT'98 not be 100%. This is just
means that I will not deal with organizational
issues associated with its implementation. Only
technical / ideological. In other words, if there are people
ready to go for it, find a sponsor, and who will be able to 
convince me of the seriousness of their intentions, then 
perhaps ENLiGHT'98 take place. I though this is not quite 
believe it. 

A few more words.

In 1995, the year when this whole story was just beginning, all
xUSSR there was neither a demo, and there was no demo
scene itself. Now it is known (and particularly to those who
saw something with E'97) everything is different. To this
see, certainly worth spending time / money / nerves / efforts on
organization of the past three party. The result was worth it. 
ENLiGHT completed its task. Let others continue and healthy if

They get it better.

"The Moor has done his job, ..."


Hello All!

Please otforvadit previous messag where these
interested in (and where it is not against the rules).

Also need to add a few words in the work
submitted to E'97.

All the work that had been handed to us will be around during
Week posted on and
posted to FREQ and zahatcheny in fileecho DEMOS, INTROS. On this
to be announced, will be Announce

If the authors have anything against it, asked me about this 
report, preferably with an indication of the cause.


Hello All!

On my part, Spectrum and Amiga releases will be available
only on the ftp. Other ways of proliferation in the conduct of 
Volodya Larkova.

========================== [End quote] ====================

Other articles:

second special issue - The third International Festival of Computer Art "ENLIGHT'97". Introduction and statement of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

Interview - ANTARES: interview losers.

Information - "Sprinter-97 '. Description and features.

Tusovka - rest the festival Enlight'97.

Results - Heofitsialnye preliminary results Enlight'97.

Results - A summary table of results Enlight'97.

Results - the views of Enlight'97.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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