Info Guide #01

Prose - Bill - Galaxy Hero. Harry Harrison: Chapters 1 - 4.

<b>Prose</b> - Bill - Galaxy Hero. Harry Harrison: Chapters 1 - 4.
             Harry Harrison

         BILL - Galaxy Hero

         translate Kovalevskaya

              Book One

                Chapter 1

   Bill never realized that all this
happened to him just because of lust. After
if in the clear sky Figerinadona-2 is not shining in the 
morning sun so hot, and if Bill does not accidentally spotted 
sugar-white, round, like a barrel, buttocks IngiMarii 
Kalifigii, bathed in the creek, burning weariness of the flesh 
not be distracted him from plowing, and he would spend as much 
furrow on the edge of the hill long before the road came the 
fascinating sound of music. Bill not heard her, and the rest of 
his life there was would be very, very inache.No as played

somewhere nearby, he released a lever connected to robomulu 
plow, turned, and from surprise gaped.

   Show and was really fantastic.
The parade was headed by a robot orchestra of twelve
feet tall, shocking his
very tall black shako, which were hidden speakers. Gilded 
columns leg triumphantly carried him forward, and the 
thirty-jointed hands pull the strings and twang pressing keys 
countless musical sounds инструментов.Зажигательные march 
provoke the Bill, and his strong peasant feet, shod in rough 
shoes, themselves began to dance when the shiny boots of 
soldiers thundered along dorogi.Desantniki walked jauntily 
sticking out his chest, coin rattling in scarlet uniforms, and 
the world is definitely there was no sight 
prekrasney.Protsessiyu covering sergeant, shiny brass and 
braid, thickly hung with medals and sashes, with sword and 
carbine, with a belt on the abdomen and with steely eyes. 
Tenacious glance he took in the Bill which, leaning on fence, 
staring at all these wonders. Sgt. nodded his gray head, a 
conspiratorial wink and curled in a sort of friendly smiles her 
mouth looks like an iron trap. 

   In the rearguard of a small army rolled,
bouncing and slipping on potholes, a string of dusty subsidiary 
robots. When and they prolyazgali by Bill awkwardly rolled over 
the fence and trotted after him. In their rural backwoods 
interesting incident occurred not more than two times in four 
year, and he was not going to miss event promises to be a third.

   By the time Bill ran on
marketplace, there was already a crowd,
attracted by the inspirational jazz concert.
The robot has dived headlong into the waves invigorating march 
, struggled through <Rumble 
star battles> and almost self-destruct with raging rhythms

<Engineers in the trenches Pitheda>. He entered the
such rage that his foot bounced off the trunk and took off into 
the air. Robot deftly caught it on the fly and continued to 
play, balancing on one leg and beating time with torn 
konechnostyu.Kogda wind emitted Last bloodcurdling scream, he 
pointed fragment to the other side of the square, where, as

miraculously, emerged screen surround cinema and portable bar. 
The soldiers, without delay, disappeared in the depths, and the 
sergeant-verbovik alone, surrounded by robots, blurred up to 
his ears in a friendly smile. 

   - Wali here, guys! Gratis drinks for
by the emperor and the great movies
adventures in distant lands, which are not
let you sleep until you're whipping your
swill! - He barked an unusually loud
rasping voice.

   Most - including Bill - have accepted the invitation, only a 
few canny, seasoned men shied away from Appeal and stealthily 
hid behind the houses. 

   A robot with a crane instead of the navel and an 
inexhaustible supply of plastic cups in one of hip filed 
refreshments. Bill, with relish sipping from glass, admiring 
the breathtaking adventure of space desantnikov.Kartina was 
colored with sound effects and infrasound stimulyatorami.Tam 
were battles, and death, and victory, though dying, of course,

only chindzhery: soldiers in the worst case
got off trifling scratches, which were immediately hid under 
the gauze povyazkami.Poka Bill reveled in the spectacle, the 
sergeant recruiter Grew did not take off his pig eye, burning 
hungrily at the sight of a powerful nape guy. 

   <This is good!> - Pohryukival to himself, unconsciously 
licking her lips in yellow language and an almost physical 
feeling in his pocket weight bonus coins. Everything Else

just a rabble - perestarki, women-fat women,
snotty urchins and other shval.No this!
A magnificent piece of cannon fodder - broad-shouldered, 
curly-headed, with a massive jaw. Routinely putting his hand on 
the switch, the sergeant lowered background infrasound and sent 
Concentrated radiation directly to the head of his victim. Bill 
squirmed in his chair, live in a grand panorama of the battle,

ensuing before your eyes.

   When the last chord died away and the fight
the screen went out, the robot bartender loudly banged
a metal chest and roared: . The audience was pulled from the sheep's submission to 
him, but Bill grabbed from the crowd powerful hand.

   - Look, the guy that I brought here for
you, - said the sergeant, holding his glass with so many 
overwhelming will of the drug, that part of it fell to the 
bottom in sediment .- You humdinger, it's all you peasant's not 
a marker. Never dreamed of a career soldier, eh?

   - Which of my soldier, sharzhant! - Bill
moved his jaws and spat, trying to get rid of the sudden lisp 
and wondering why it was clouded brains tumanom.Hotya surprised 
had the fortress of his mind, and retains at least some ability 
to think, despite the horse a dose narcotics and stimulants .- 
I am not a military kostochka.Hotelos would generate all 
possible benefits, and my dream - to get a profession 
Technicians udobreniyam.Vot soon finish my correspondence 
course ... 

   - Crap rabotenka for such great guys! - Said the sergeant, 
catching Bill's hand to touch your biceps. Stone! He could 
hardly resist the temptation to look into Bill's mouth and 
examine the state of Indigenous zubov.Ladno will succeed again! 
- Let it is busy with someone who no longer at

that do not fit. Do you think if such a profession
there are the prospects? And a soldier's service -
no limits! Lord, even the great
Admiral Pflunger passed, as they say, all
copper pipes from a recruit to Grand Admiral!
Just think!

   - Well, for Mr. Pflungera is not bad, but for me and 
fertilizer - it is very even curious. Oh! What do the eyes so

stick together? Go nap, or what?

   - Go ahead, but first, respect for me - look over here! - 
Sergeant barred his path and showed a huge book, which had

tiny robot .- The dress makes a man.
Decent people would be ashamed to put out
nose on a street in a shabby old clothes,
that you are pulled over, or in such leaky galoshes. What the 
hell dress, when you can - Like this!

   Sight Bill followed the sergeant to a thick finger color 
picture of a soldier in a scarlet dress uniform, which has 
miraculously appeared Billovo face. The sergeant turned the 
pages, and each new illustration of the shape becomes more 
luxuriant and rank - above. Bill stared madly at the last image 
captured it in the form of Grand Admiral with panache on the 
helmet, the skin around the eyes is covered with crow's feet, 
on the lips adorned with white whiskers, but a person, no 
doubt, was his own. 

   - That's how you become, - whispered to him
Sergeant - when ascend to the top
ladder of success ... Just try and try
form! Hey, a tailor!

   Bill was about to retort, but Sgt.
stuffed his mouth with a thick cigar, did not have time
unfortunate spit it as was out
from a robot tailor waved his hand, a curtain and then the 
section of Bill naked. 

   - Hey! Hey! - Exclaimed Bill.

   - Do not be afraid! - Gogotnul sergeant, poking his head 
behind the curtain and mleya in the form of Billovyh muscles. 
He jabbed his finger at solar plexus (kamen!) and disappeared 

   - Oh, her! "- Cried Bill, as a tailor,
putting forward a cold steel meter was removed from it merku.V 
depth of the cylindrical body robot something quietly rang, and 
front of the slot crept blinding Scarlet mundir.V instant he 
was on Bill's shoulders, and sparkling gold buttons

buttoned themselves. For uniform followed by the magnificent 
gray moleskinovye breeches and shiny black lacquer boots up

knees. Bill downright stunned when the curtain has disappeared, 
and before him appeared a huge mirror. 

   - The girls something of a uniform simply
the mind will go, - said Sgt .- Then why,
is even legal!

   Vision of convex hemispheres Inga-Maria
Kalifigii for a moment clouded Bill
eyes and regained consciousness, he found that squeezes a pen 
in his hand, ready to sign a contract slipped recruiter. 

   - No, - "Bill said, slightly surprised
own intransigence .- I do not want. Technician of the 
fertilizer ... 

   - And not only this wonderful uniform - you
get more recruiting bonuses, free medical care and quite 
luxurious details .- Sgt opened flat box, helpfully lodged a 
robot, and showed a scattering of colorful

ribbons and trinkets. - Here <Medal of Honor
Rookie ", - he solemnly pronounced, pinning to his broad chest 
Bill inlaid stone image of the nebula on a green ribbon .- Here 
. The latter, however, generally does not 
mean anything, but looks cool, and it is convenient to store


   The sergeant took a step back and admired
Billovoy breast hung with ribbons, shiny medals and colored 

   - No, you still do not want - said Bill.
- Thanks for the suggestion, but ...

   The sergeant grinned, ready even to this
the last outbreak of resistance, and pulled the
button in his belt, which resulted in
gipnospiral action in the heel of the new Billovoy footwear. 
Powerful stream poured on the nerves, the arm stubborn jerk up, 
and when dispersed blurred eyes, he was surprised to find a 
contract his own signature. 

   - But ...

   - Congratulations on taking the Space Troopers! - Thundered 
the sergeant, he napoddav on the back (trapezius - a rock!) and 
selecting Pen .- gets! - louder he yelled, and

recruits was thrown out of the bar.

   - What have they done to my son! - Wailed shrilly Billova 
mother appeared on the square. With one hand she beat her

chest and the other dragging in tow small Charli.Charli burst 
into tears and wet pants. 

   - Your son was a soldier for the glory
Emperor - said the sergeant, kicks zonked recruits lining up 
the column. 

   - No! Not that! - Sobbing, unhappy, vydiraya graying strands 
.- Pity a poor widow and her only survivor ... Have mercy ...

   - Mom! - Lunged for her, Bill, but Sgt.
shoved him into line.

   - Take heart, Madam, - he said .- For the mother there is no 
higher honor .- He dropped her hand in a big brand new coin. - 
But and recruiting bonuses - Monarch

shilling. The Emperor will be happy to learn
that you got it. SMID-R-PHA!

   Clumsily clicked his heels, the recruits squared his 
shoulders and put his chin. Same thing, to my great 
astonishment, did and Bill.

   - Ex-Oh!

   They turned one graceful motion: the robot gave the command 
to gipnospirali in boots.


   And the column rhythmically moved forward,
controlled so rigidly that the Bill for
all desire could neither turn nor to send the mother a farewell 
privet.Ona remained somewhere behind, and only a last desperate

scream his way through the din of marching

   - Accelerate the move to 130! - Ordered the Sergeant, 
glancing at the clock mounted in the little finger nail. - 
Before the database is only ten miles, guys - have a chance 
today to get to the camp.

   Commanding the robot moved the arrow to a metronome by one 
division, the pace has accelerated the march, the soldiers were 
damp with sweat. When they arrived, even in the dark, to the 
helicopter base their scarlet uniforms of paper hung in rags, 
gold-plated with tin buttons and slipped thin film, protected 
by a plastic boots from the dust, oblezla.Obodranny, worn, 
dusty appearance of soldiers fully consistent with their state 
of mind. 

                Chapter 2

   Bill woke up early in the morning does not signal
trumpeter recorded on film, and ultrasound, passed through 
metal frame bed, which shook him with such force that the

teeth staggered plomby.Bill jumped up and then
also trembled with cold. The time was summer, and
therefore, the floor of the barracks was cooled artificial: in 
the camp named after Leon Trotsky was not accepted sentimental. 
Pale, frozen recruits one by one would from a

sosednik beds. Exhausting soul vibration
ceased. Recruits quickly pulled from the
headboards everyday shape, made of sacking the type of 
sandpaper, stuck his feet in the heaviest recruiting red boots 
and dragged to the exit. 

   - I am here to break your
spirit! - Rattled someone's fierce voice.

   At the sight of the chief demon of the local Hell
recruits began to tremble even more.

   Chief Petty Officer Smertvich Drang was the master of his 
craft from the tips of protruding viciously spiny hair to the 
soles of corrugated shining like a mirror, boots. 
Broad-uzkobedry, long arms dangling below knees, like some 
eerie anthropoid, knuckles on the fist flattened thousands of

teeth knocked out - looking at that ugly mug, it was impossible 
to believe that he appeared on the light of the delicate female 
womb. He could not born - this could make a really

that on request of the government.
The worst was golova.A face! .. Narrow strip width of a finger 
separated from the hair shaggy black eyebrows, bushy shrubs 
overhanging dark lapses, which were hidden eyes - no eyes, and 
the ominous red flash in the pitch of hell darkness. Broken, 
crushed his nose crept right on the mouth, gaping knife wound 
in a vsporotom belly of a corpse, and from the top

Two-inch white lip protruded like a wolf
canines, paving in the lower lip deep

   - I - Chief Petty Smertvich Drang, and
you should call me . Drang grimly walked 
along the rows of quaking recruits .- Now I'm for you and 
father mother, your whole universe and your eternal

enemy, and very soon I will make you regret
that you all were born on svet.Ya break your will! And if I 
obzovu you frogs - you immediately have zakvakat! My task - to 
turn you into a soldier, to drive in you discipline. 
Unquestioning obedience, there is no free will, absolute 
obedience - What I ask of you ...

   He stopped in front of Bill, who
trembled a little less than others, and viciously nabychilsya:

   - What a vile mug ... Month on clothes
the kitchen on Sundays!

   - Sir ...

   - And another month of wrangling.

   Bill said nothing. He has already mastered the first
soldier's commandment: Keep your mouth shut.

   Smertvich moved on.

   - Who you are at the moment? Flabby
vonyuchee civilian meat lower sorta.Ya makes him a real muscle, 
will make your will to jelly, and your brain - in the car.

Or you become a real soldier, or I
you'll finish. You still hear a lot about me
different stories, like the one I killed and
ate a rookie, has refused to comply

   He stopped and stared at them a ferocious look. Upper lip, 
the cover coffin, slowly crept up in the evil

a parody of a grin, at the tips of the fangs hanging drops of 

   - And this story - true!

   Stone went through the ranks of recruits, their
shakin ', both under the icy gusts of wind.
The smile disappeared off the face of Dranga.

   - Guzzle go after there
volunteers for an easy rabotu.Kto can drive geliokar?

   Two recruits with the hope of raising their hands, and
He motioned called them forward:

   - Excellent! Rags and buckets outside the door.
Cleaning the toilet, while the rest of breakfast. After working 
up an appetite for dinner. 

   Bill learned the second soldier's commandment:
do not go to the volunteers.

   During training lasted as a terrible
hopeless dream. Office became
heavier, and fatigue - all unbearable. It seemed that this 
simply can not be - but everything was happening at the 
dele.Nesomnenno over curriculum bother an assemblage of refined 
sadistic umov.Golovy recruits for consistency shaved heads and 
genitals painted orange antiseptic for protection from insects, 
selivshihsya in the crotch. Food, nutritional theory, has been 
incredibly vile; if inadvertently party meat provided

relatively edible, it was immediately thrown in the trash, and 
the cooks were removed from dolzhnosti.Nochyu cadets are 
constantly woken up drills gas attacks, and all the leisure 
time they do their uniforms. Seventh day of the week was 
considered a day of rest, but they all had their punishment, as 
Bill in the kitchen, and the output did not differ from

everyday life.

   In another, the third Sunday in camp
Life, sadly falls short of the last recruits
hour before lights out, waiting for the last
the lights went out and you can climb a concrete bunk. Bill 
pushed his way through a weak field of force, cleverly designed 
so as to midgets penetrate freely into the hut, but could not 
fly back. After fourteen attire

his legs gave way, and the skin on the hands
of soapy water puckered and purchased
cadaverous tsvet.Bill dropped to the floor a uniform, which 
zadubev from sweat, dirt and dust, and stood upright, and 
pulled out a razor-tables. In the toilet a long time he turned 
his head, trying to turn up a clean piece of zerkala.Vse 
mirrors were thickly smeared with inspirational slogans in 
large letters: <KEEP PASTA IN THE CASTLE - CHINDZHERY not doze>

<YOUR chatter - DEATH TO A FRIEND>. Finally
Bill stuck the razor next to: <REALLY Do you want your sister 
became the wife of CHINDZHERA?> - And looked at his reflection 
in the center of the letters <O> in the word <WIFE>. Circled in 
black circles, bloodshot eyes staring at him from the mirror as 
he drove under the buzzing razor podborodkom.Ponadobilos some 
time to sense the question came to mind, on cloudy exhaustion.

   - I do not have any sisters - muttered
it - and if I was, what the hell it
marry a lizard?

   The question was purely rhetorical, but
He suddenly came the reply from the last toilet seat in the 
second row: 

   - Do not be understood as bukvalno.Zadacha
slogan - to arouse in us an implacable hatred of the vile enemy.

   Bill already tossed - he somehow thought that
in an outhouse there is no one but him. Razor
gleefully squealed and snapped off from the lip
a piece of meat.

   - Who's there? What the hell are you hiding!
- He shouted and suddenly found shrunken in
dark little figure beside the countless pairs of boots .- Oh 
it's you, workaholic! his anger subsided quickly, and Bill 
again turned to the mirror.

   Workaholic Bieger has become an integral
part of the latrine, so that it has no one noticed. It was a 
round-faced, always smiling boy, whose pink cheeks, apples have 
never lost the freshness and smile was so out of place in a 
camp named after Leon Trotsky that he wanted to come on the 
spot - if time does not remember that guy lightly touched. 
Bigger is definitely was shifted, as always eager to oblige his 
friends and always volunteered to be on duty in the outhouse. 
Nay - He loved to clean the boots and pestered with

it all brother-soldiers as long as
not become a nightly bootblacks for
all vzvoda.Kogda soldiers wandered on
barracks, workaholic Bigger crook in his
throne in the last row of toilet seats, ex-
his personal possession, and surrounded himself with
a pile of shoes that rub up to a mirror shine with a constant 
smile. He stuck here and after lights out, working by the light 
of the wick, burnt in the bank from under the shoe polish, and 
get up before everyone else to catch complete their volunteer 
service. AND always ulybalsya.Parnishka was clearly not 
himself, but soldiers are not tied to it, because he cleaned 
his boots skillfully, and remained only pray that Bigger is not 
bent on diligence before the end course of military


   - Perhaps it's true, but why would not they
say it simply: <Hate damned
enemy even more>? - Did not stop Bill. He
pointing to a poster hanging on the wall
on the contrary. On the huge picture with the inscription <KNOW 
YOUR ENEMY!> Was portrayed chindzher full size - seven-foot 
lizard, similar to the four-flake kangaroo with the head of a 
crocodile .- And then, what my sister wants to marry this ugly 
mug? "And what do the thing will do with someone's sister? Is 
that eats it? 

   Workaholic walked sukonkoy to toe polished boots, and 
immediately took up a new one. He even frowned, letting him 
know how seriously the issue.

   - Well, uh-uh ... No one has
mean specific sister. It's just part
psychological preparation. We must win the war and to win the 
war, we must be real soldatami.A real soldiers vraga.Vot hate 
the way it poluchaetsya.Chindzhery - only known to us 
negumanoidy who emerged from the stage of savagery, and 
naturally we have to exterminate them. 

   - What the hell, then - <natural>? I do not want anyone to 
destroy! I sleep and see how to get back home and

become a technician of the fertilizer.

   - So I'm not talking about you personally,
er-e ...- workaholic has opened a new bank red hand with pasta 
and threw in her fingers .- I'm talking about people in 
general, their povedenii.Ne we do - so they nas.Pravda, 
chindzhery claim that war is contrary to their religion, if 
they only defend themselves and never do not attack first, but 
we should not believe them, even if it is true. And suddenly 
they would think to change religions or their beliefs? In a 
good situation, we then find ourselves! No, the only right 
decision - to cut them now, and under the root!

   Bill turned off the razor and rinsed person
rusty lukewarm water.

   - Nonsense kind of ... Well, my sister, whom I have not, 
will not marry chindzhera.Nu, how about this? - He pointed

finger in the inscription on the boardwalk: <WATER
DOWN - DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THE ENEMY> .- Or is it? - Slogan of 
the urinal was: . Even 
if for a moment forget that there are no secrets, for which the 
cost would go even mile, not something that twenty-five light 
years we still do not know - how do chindzher

may be a spy? Is seven-foot lizard zamaskiruesh under a 
recruit? She and under Smertvicha Dranga not fake, even though

they are like native bra ...

   The light went out, and, if uttered aloud
the name has caused him as the devil from hell, in the barracks 
exploded voice Smertvicha. 

   - Come to bed, quick! Are you shithead
lousy, do not know what is war?

   Bill stumbled his way to his bunk
in the dark hut, the only illumination
which served as the red corner Drangovyh
glaz.Zasnul it instantly as soon as the head
steadfast touched the pillow, but just a minute wake-up signal 
is thrown koyki.Za it from breakfast until the Bill in the sweat

face cut ersatz coffee into small pieces
that they can be swallowed, TV news
conveyed a message of heavy fighting with big losses in the 
sector beta Lira.Po dining swept groaning, explaining the means 
not an explosion of patriotism, and the fact that bad news 
meant for recruits tightening regime. Nobody knew what it would 
be expressed, but the fact is beyond doubt. And so it happened.

   Morning was a little cooler than usual, so the review, 
conducted regularly by ponedlnikam been moved up to noon to

reinforced concrete slabs had a good parade ground a red and 
maximize the number of solar udarov.Bill, standing in the back 
row, standing at attention, notice how the above front podium 
erected a canopy with air conditioning. It promised the 
appearance of a large nachalstva.Predohranitel nuclear rifle

hole in Bill's shoulder, at the tip of the nose has gathered a 
large drop of sweat trickle and fell down. Corner of his eye he 
saw on rows of soldiers run through the ripples of a wave: in 
serried crowds, people are continually falling obmorok.Ih 
caught up in the alert nurse and hauled to the sanitary 
mashinam.Zdes soldiers were placed in the shade, so as soon as

they come to themselves, to shove them back into

   The orchestra struck up: <Forward paratroopers - and
chindzhery defeated>; passed in each heel signal shook the 
series, put them on Rack <quietly> - and thousands of bayonets 
gleamed in the sun. Go to the front podium rolled

Machine general - as evidenced by
two stars, daubed on the board, and a tidy little figure darted 
out of a red-hot hell in the fertile cool canopy. Bill still

never seen the general so close to
At least in the front, one day, returning
late night outfit, he noticed that the general sat in the car 
near the camp lecture hall. Anyway, Bill thought it was a 
general, although he saw it just a moment, and then back. 
Therefore, memory of the general's image imprinted in the

a huge ass, forcing a tiny ant figurke.Vprochem equally
had the vague idea of ​​the Bill and
of other officers: the ordinary is not faced
with them during training. Once it all
managed to properly see the lieutenant of the second rank near 
the office: he was convinced at least that the officer has a 
face! Was still a military doctor, who gave recruits lecture on 
sexually transmitted diseases, which was only thirty feet away 
from Bill. Bill, however, nothing about him could not say,

as he went to a place behind a pillar, and
where he immediately began to snore.

   When the orchestra stopped, the troops sailed antigravity 
speakers, and General said rech.Nichego standing students and 
hoped to hear, but in the end, as expected, the general 
announced that due to heavy losses on the fields

battles of course will be accelerated. Then again, the 
orchestra struck up, recruits systems differed in barracks, 
dressed in his hair shirt and quickly went

at the shooting range to shoot from the atomic rifles
the plastic mock-ups chindzherov popping up from underground 
crevices. Shot limply, while one slot is not leaning Smertvich

Drang.Tut all shooters have switched to automatic fire, and 
everyone punched him without miss an entire clip, which was 
certainly record metkosti.No smoke cleared - and the jubilant 
cries of the soldiers gave way to cries of despair when they 
realize that blew in tatters just a plastic copy of the 
original of which came from behind and, clicking his heels, 
wheeled them out for a month clothes queue.

   - The human body - amazing
Wonderful! "- said a month later, Brown beast in the dining 
room to the lower ranks, eating sausages, cooked from street 
debris and wrapped in cellophane and with a glass of warm 
watery beer. 

   Brown was once a pass on the plain toatov for
that it was nicknamed beast: everyone knows
These shepherds curry there with his
toatami. Tall, lean, with crooked legs and
zadubevshey skin, he rarely talked to
accustomed to the eternal silence of the steppes, broken only 
by the eerie howling of disturbed toatov, but it was a great 
thinker, a good time for reflection, he had at least

otbavlyay.Kazhduyu idea he nurtured for weeks, and nothing in 
the world could stop this process. He did not even protest when 
his called names beast: any other soldier in

it would immediately punched in the face. Bill, workaholic
and the other guys from the tenth platoon sitting
at the table, shouted and clapped enthusiastically
hands, as always, when a beast uttered
something aloud.

   - Come on, you beast!

   - Look, it is still razgovaravaet! I am a
thought it a long time ago Okolelov!

   - Well, explain why this organism -
wonderful thing?

   Everything looked like a beast Brown hard
Shmatok bite hot dogs, vainly tried to
chewed it and swallowed it whole nkonets,
why in his eyes filled with tears.
Drowning sore throat gulp of beer, a beast

   - The human body - amazing
thing, because until he died, he lives.

   Sotdaty sat in silence until he realized that to continue 
will not. Then Brown together raised a laugh:

   - Lord, here is really really a beast!

   - It was only you in the officers' school, fool!

   - What he meant to say, guys?

   Bill knew he wanted to say a beast, but
silent. By this time the platoon thinned
already napolovinu.Odnogo cadet somewhere transferred to other 
kept in the hospital or in psychiatric hospital, and others 
canceled outright - that the for the government was most 
convenient - for incapacity to drill because of uvechiy.Ili by 
reason of death. Survivors, on which remained skin and bones, 
now building up muscles and totally adapted to the ruthless 
regime of the camp, although hated him still. 

   Bill was amazed at the efficiency of the system.
Civilians cuetilis for exams, titles,
degrees, pensions, and a thousand other things that hindered 
production, distracting from raboty.A military solved this 
problem in one stroke. They just killed the weakest, and let in 
the case of those who survived. Bill could not respect this 
sistemu.I simultaneously felt to her disgust. 

   - I know what I want! I want a woman! -
Freak Aglisvey said.

   - But please, no bawdry - here
is interrupted Bill, brought up in strict

   - Well, what kind of bawdry? - Whined
Freak .- I do not say that again I want to join the army, or 
that Smertvich - the same people, or some other crap. I just 
said to me a woman who does not nuzhna.A need?

   - And I need a drink! - Said beast
Brown, took a sip of dewatered and re-diluted beer, shuddered 
and released his teeth long stream on the asphalt, where it 
instantly evaporates. 

   - Exactly! Exactly! - Freak howled vigorously
shaking his head with a warty on mats
crown. - Baba and booze - that's what I want! - His whining 
turned into mournful wailing .- What else must the soldier? 

   The cadets moved a long time this idea, and so
commercials, but could not figure out what they would
More like the real thing. Workaholic Bieger
looked out from under the table, where he surreptitiously
handle someone's boots, and squeaked that he
would not hurt the bank's shoe polish, but
Society has ignored ego.Dazhe Bill, as
tried, could not think of anything except
This is closely related pair desires. He
strained to the utmost, vaguely remembering
that in the civilian world, he had all sorts of other
desires, but nothing came to mind.

   - Hey! But before the first leave to
there are only seven weeks - said from the
Wallpaper workaholic Bieger and immediately screamed, getting 
kicked from all sides. 

Continuation of the story you can read in
text . The whole Bill is not got to 48k.

   It seemed that the time headway, but
in fact it is relentlessly moved forward and
weeks, one after another went into oblivion.
It was a difficult week filled with soldiers' science: bayonet 
fighting, shooting, the study of personal weapons, lectures on 
the orientation, marching on the parade ground and cramming 
military regulations. Classes are conducted according to the 
ordinance with depressing regularity twice week and were 
especially poignant because that was catching up on the 
soldiers irresistible sleepiness. At the first sounds of the 
nasally voices recorded on tape, the students began to nod. But 
the special equipment connected to each seat, sensitively 
recorded the action currents of captives. As only the curves of 
alpha waves indicates the transition from wakefulness to 
slumber, a powerful elektrichensky charge bites sleeping right 
in the ass, shaking his owner, and awakening from the dream of 
a painful blow. Musty the audience was like a torture chamber 
in which a dull murmur of the lecturer was interrupted 
desperate cries subjected to electric shocks, and descended 
from the sea of ​​heads every now and then jumped unnaturally 
twisted shape. 

   Nobody really not listening to the long
list of horrible executions and punishments laid under the 
Charter for the most innocuous transgressions. Everything is 
understood that recruit deprived of elementary human rights, 
and a detailed list of what they lost, absolutely not worried 
students. Much more than they wanted to know how many hours 
left before the first release. 

   The ritual, which was accompanied by a delivery
this award was extremely humiliating, but
soldiers, with downcast eyes and barely moving the
feet, still moving forward in the queue,
ready to sacrifice the last crumbs
self-respect in exchange for a desired piece
polietilena.Posle fight for places in the monorail train, they 
finally went to the way for the viaduct, which supports 
electric rose above the barbed wire stretched along the track 
at a height of thirty feet. 

   The train crossed the vast expanses of quicksand, and went 
down to the tiny farming town Leyvillu. 

  Before the advent of nearby camp named
Leon Trotsky, it was a typical center of agricultural 
districts, and even now, when soldiers are not released in the 
dismissal, the town continued to follow its initial 
agricultural inclinations. The rest of the time, barns and 
warehouses with fodder were closed, but it opened the doors of 
brothels and bars. However, usually the same room with

successfully perform different functions. Cost
the first batch of holiday-makers with a crash spill from the 
station, as in effect immediately drive mechanism that 
transforms the bins with grain in the bed, and sellers in their 
pimps; cashiers, however, remained at his lesson, but the 
prices go up, but stalls sagged under the weight of glasses. In 
one of these institutions-polusalun, polupohoronnoe bureau and 
got Bill to his friends. 

   - What will we drink, boys? - Got it
nastrechu always smiling bar owner
<Last repose>.

   - Double-formaldehyde, please - beast replied Brown.

   - Do not bully! - Said the owner, drive away with
people smile and reaching for the bottle, which
from the bright labels  shone engraving 
<Formaldehyde> .- Will you behave disgracefully and military 
police cause long .- Once the counter

clattering coins, a smile returned to the place .- grass on 
your health! 

   They sat around a long narrow table with brass handles on 
the sides and surrendered bliss, feeling blessed thread

alcohol washes their throats clogged with dust.

   - And I was sober, while the army is not
hit - a dreamy said Bill, drained
glass of liquid, lethal for the liver, and
stretched out his hand for the new portion.

   - And why on earth were you then get drunk? - Muttered a 

   - What's the truth - confirmed
Brown cattle, eagerly licking his lips and again
waving to him the bottle.

   - Phew - handed workaholic Bieger, hesitantly making the 
first sip .- It seems a mixture of cough medicine, sawdust, 
fusel oil and alcohol.

   - Lacan, Lacan! - Boomed through the beast
bottleneck .- All this is useful for
body stuff ...

   - And now - for the women! "- Yelled a monster, and
they rushed to the door, trying to squeeze
at the door all in a heap, and formed as a result of a small 
traffic jam. 

   - Hey! - Someone shouted, and turning,
the soldiers saw that the workaholic Bieger remained
sit at the table.

   - Baba! - Shouted at him freak like screaming
beckoning the dog and showing her delicious
kost.Chelovechesky tangle in the doorway began to move, 
impatiently fingering feet. 

   - I. .. I think I'll Wait you here, - said
Workaholic, smiling stupid usual .- You go, guys.

   - What are you - sick, workaholic?

   - Yes, sort of not.

   - Not yet out of puppyhood, eh?

   - Uh-uh ...

   - Yes, what you have here may be the case?

   Workaholic dived under the table, pulled out a duffel bag 
and dumped on the floor a pile of red boots. 

   - A little cleaner ...

   They marched in silence on the boardwalk.

   - I wonder what is it with him? - Asked
Bill, but never got a response.

   Everyone looked forward - where over the chipped pavement 
shone sign, blinding alluringly bright red splashes:

   Shelter Marine.

   STRIPTEASE without an intermission!

Cabinet for guests and their friends.

   They hastened shag.Fasad <Haven> decorated
windows of bulletproof glass, which could see the bulk pictures 
fully clothed (the ribbon at the loins, and two stars), the 
girls, changing their image in naked (without the ribbons and 
the fallen stars). However, Bill immediately cooled dust heated 
buddies, pointing to a small plate, nestled among the lush 
abundance of fleshy breasts: <Only Officers>.

   - Mota here! - Barked at them a military policeman, swinging 
e baton.

   They plodded on. In the following institutions allowed all 
but the entrance fee was taken seventy-five credit cards, which 
far exceeded their combined resursy.Potom again flashed signs 
<Only for officers> and there is too pavement ended and the 
lights were behind.

   - What does it mean? - Asked freak
catching the muffled roar of voices, coming from the 
neighboring lane. 

   Peering into the darkness, they saw a long
soldier's part, goes far ahead
and disappearing around the bend.

   - What is it? "- Asked freak soldier
standing last.

   - Bordel for lower chinov.I do not try
climb out of turn, the goat! Up ahead,

   Bill was close, but not for long.
Turn slowly moved forward, came more and more new soldiers by 
lining up the rear. The night was cold, and Bill often had to 
kiss the bottle to sogretsya.Soldaty sluggish colloquy, the 
stress nonstop the closer to the lighted red

lantern vhodu.Dver opened and shut, with equal time intervals, 
and Bill's friends, one after another slipped inside. Finally 
came his turn, the door opened, Bill took a step forward - but 
then suddenly the sirens sounded, and immense cop squeezed into 
the aisle my fat belly.

   - Alert! Hey, you march to the base "- shouted
he said.

   Bill rushed to the door, putting in a muffled cry of all his 
broken promise, but light touch of electronic batons

stunned him and thrown to the side, mixing
with randomly traveling crowd. Stream of people dragged him 
forward by the howling of sirens and flashes of an artificial 
aurora borealis, which overflowed in the sky a dazzling appeal 
<To arms!> length of a hundred mil.Chya a hand supported the 
Bill, was nearly trampled by heavy red boots. It was a good old 
freak on whose face froze so stupid beatific smile that Bill 
from the envy of nearly punched him in the face. However, no 
time He raised his fist as they are already squeezed into the 
car and the train raced back to camp. 

   Billova anger quickly subsided as
just gnarly claw Smertvicha Dranga
dragged him from the crowd.

   - Quickly about packing - and for loading!

   - But how can that be ... We're not done yet
Training ...

   - You have no one asks! Glorious Battle
in space is coming to a victorious end,
four million are out of order, plus or minus
a couple of hundred thousand. Required to maintain and
is what you have! Immediately to prepare for
loading! One foot here and one there!

   - But we have no outer clothing! Warehouses ...

   - The staff has already been sent.

   - Food ...

   - Chefs and kitchen room service is already in space. 
Martial status: all, in whom there is no need, shipped in the 
first place. It is possible that they already podohli! - 
Smertvich playfully snapped fangs and ugly grin .- I'll stay 
here in safety and will train new rekrutov.Na elbow his alarm 
rang a special communication kanala.Smertvich opened the 
capsule and began to read, and a smile slowly crept from his 
face. - I was too taken away! - Hollow dropped it.

                Chapter 3

   During the camp name
Leon Trotsky after he passed 98,672,899
recruits, so that the loading process was
well worked out and passed without a hitch, without
zadorinki.No now camp ought to fold. Bill and his comrades were 
the last group, and the camp like a snake, zaglatyvayuyuschey 
his tail, went into self-destruction. Hairdressers, barely 
having time to remove the heads of soldiers regrown Pattle and 
destroy through Ultrasonic vosheboyki lice, rushed

cut and shave each other in the confusion with kochyami hair 
bundles mustache tearing off shreds of skin and sprinkling all 
around the droplets blood, and then dove into the vosheboyku, 
dragged for a mehanika.Feldshery began work hard yourself serum 
against the missile and space fever depression, the clerk 
quickly discharged himself certificates, while as responsible 
for loading all the remaining kicks, driven on slippery 
gangplank missiles.

   Flared nozzle, pillars of flame scarlet
tongues licked launch pads, sparkling fireworks flared stairs, 
because the mechanics are responsible for the safety of ladders 
were already on board. Rockets roared with thunder raced off 
into the black sky, leaving at the bottom of a deserted ghost 
lagerya.Listki orders and inventories executions rustling 
overflew from the stands, dancing on the empty streets, and 
stuck to the glass windows lighted the Officers' Club, where 
there was an enormous noisy booze now and then interrupted by 
indignant complaints disgruntled officers who had to go to the 

   Higher and higher rose the cosmic
shuttles, heading to a giant fleet
overshadowing glory of the stars, - the largest fleet in the 
galaxy, which is actually was still being completed. Glaringly

lights were welders, hot rivet described a wide arc in the sky
and fell into the light konteynery.Prekraschenie
outbreaks meant that another leviathan
expanses of space is ready for flight, and
this point, radio resounded heartbreaking cries of workers who 
were not allowed back on the wharf, immediately enlisted in the 
the team built their korabley.Voyna was total. 

   Bill climbed the winding plastic
tube connecting the shuttle to space
dreadnought, and threw his bag at his feet
Chief Petty, who was sitting at the table
air lock chamber size with a good angar.Vernee tried to quit, as
gravity is absent, and a bag hanging
over the same polom.Kogda podpihnut Bill tried it, and he 
soared upwards. (Because the body is in a free state, they say, 
weightless, and every action is a reaction or something like 
that.) Petty neighing and pulled Bill out on deck.

   - Throw your infantry habits, goof!

   - Bill. Spelled with two <l>.

   - Bill - Sergeant muttered, licking
pen and write the name round uncertain
letters in the ship's statement .- Two <l>
put only the officers saw a skunk?
Know your place! Qualifications?

   - Recruit untrained, unskilled, from outer space blyuyuschy.

   - Okay, just do not try to puke
here, for this you have your own cabin.
Now you - inexperienced loader 6-th
klassa.Vali the cabin 34I-89T-001.Shevelis!
Yes, keep the damn bag over your head!

   As soon as Bill had found his cabin and threw
on a bed bag, which hung in the five-inch
on a mattress made of artificial fur, as
there were sunken workaholic Bieger, beast Brown
and a crowd of strangers with a blowtorch in his hand and
an angry faces.

   - Where are ugly and the other guys from the platoon? "Asked 

   Beast shrugged his shoulders and strapped
strapped to his bed, hoping for a little vshrapnut.Trudyaga 
unleashed one of the six sacks and picked out several pairs of 
boots, obviously need to be cleaned.

   - Are you Saved? "- Came from far
cabin somewhere deep penetration
bas.Bill surprise turned, and seeing his
interest, a huge soldier sent him a giant pointing finger.

   - O my brother, whether you found eternal salvation?

   - Who knows - mumbled Bill, leaned over and began to rummage 
in a bag, hoping that a soldier will fall behind. However, he 
not only does not fall behind, but made his way through the 
cabin and sat down beside the bed. Bill tried to ignore it, but 
it was not so easy, given the growth of a stranger - more than 
six feet, his remarkable musculature and iron jaw. The skin of 
the soldier was a wonderful black with purple tint, which 
caused a slight feeling of envy Bill, so as he himself was a 
grayish-pink. Mast form of color differed little from the skin 
soldier, and he seemed carved from a single piece of stone, 
which effectively distinguished whites of the eyes and white 
teeth smile. 

   - I welcome you on board <FanniHill>
He said, and almost crushed the right hand
Bill in a friendly rukopozhatii.-It in our
Navy is already an old woman, was built almost a week
nazad.Chto for me, I - Rev.
charging the 6 th grade Tembo, and on the label
in your knapsack, I see that your name is Bill, and now that 
we're on the same team, Bill, you call me just Tembo, and by 
the way - whether you are worried about the salvation of the 

   - Recently, I had no time to
This wonder ...

   - What else would, you are still in recruit training, but 
this time going to church is considered military crimes. But 
now all behind us, we can think of the soul. What religion are 

   - My ancestors were Zoroastrians, basic, means, and I ...

   - Superstition, my boy, pure superstition! The very fate 
brought us together on this ship, to give your soul one last 
chance to salvation from hell fire. Have you heard about


   - No, I'm used to simple food ...

   - This planet, my boy, the cradle of the human race, from 
which we conduct our prishozhdenie. Look, what a great

world, it's just a pearl of space! - Tembo
pulled out a miniature projector, and
on the bulkhead, there was a colorful image of a planet, 
gracefully floating in the void and wrapped in a light veil of 
oblakov.Vnezapno cut through the white haze of bright red 
lightning, clouds and bubbling boil, and on the surface of the 
planet have gaping rany.Iz portable loudspeaker heard groaning 
roar of explosion .- But any discord between children of men, 
and they hit each other nuclear blasts as long as

Earth cried, and terrible was the cry of her death! And when 
the last bombing ceased, the Death was in the north, and death 
in the east, and death in the west, death, death, death ...

Do you understand what's happened? - Full of deep feeling 
Tembo's voice broke as if he were in fact waiting for an answer 
to this rhetorical question. 

   - I do not know - "Bill said, poking unnecessarily into his 
bag .- I have something to himself Figerinadona-2, is a quiet 
place ... 

   - Death was not IN THE SOUTH! Why, I ask, was rescued by 
South? And the answer is this: is the will of Samedi, to false 
religion, false prophets and false gods have been erased from 
the face of the earth and only the true faith -

First Reformed Church Voduistov ..
/ Water-worship, common in some
Antilles, including Jamaica,
Haiti and dr.Samedi is one of the folk characters of the cult. 
(Prim.per.) / 

   Immediately rang the alarm is configured
in such a way as to cause a skull resonating vibrations, seemed 
to thrust his head inside a giant bell, with each stroke of the 
eye which got out of their sockets. Formed at the entrance of a 
small landfill, the soldiers rushed into the corridor where 
eerie sound of a little less deafening and where they were 
waiting for the non-commissioned officers who are ready to 
drive all the combat posty.Vsled for Laborors Bigger Bill 
climbed the slippery ladder and fell through a hatch in 
kryuytkameru. Huge racks lined the walls of the charges, on top 
shelves retreating cables as thick as the arm and disappeared 
somewhere in the ceiling. Before the shelves in the deck at 
equal distances were carried out round holes about one foot. 

   - I'll be brief: the slightest offense, and I
personally let down any one of you in the charging hatch
upside down .- Greasy finger pointed to a hole in the deck, and 
it became clear that before their new nachalstvo.Ono was lower, 
wider and Smertvicha thicker, but the affinity was

no doubt. - I - charging a first class
Splin.Ili I make of you, that is, from the vile crap land, 
skilled and experienced charging, or you go down to the nearest 
manhole. Our engineering profession requires a high 
qualification and skill, usually at its assimilation takes at 
least a year, but now war, and you'll have to learn 
immediately, otherwise ... Now I'll show you how it's done. 
Tembo, a march down! Regiment 19 K-9 unplugged.

   Tembo, clicked his heels and stood at attention <quietly> 
near the specified shelf on which were rows of charges - white 
ceramic cylinders with metal lids on ends. Each pyatifutovy 
cylinder about a foot in diameter, weighed 90 pounds and was 
encircled by a red polosoy.Zaryazhayuschy Class 1 Spleen tapped 
her fingernail: 

   - This tape is provided with each charge, she
called the charge and has a red ribbon
tsvet.Kogda charge burns tape color changes to black. All 
right, you certainly do not remember, but you have the 
instructions that you should learn by heart, so the teeth 
bounce, otherwise ... Tembo, burned-out charge! FUCK!

   - Uh-s! - Tembo shouted, jumped to the charge and grabbed it 
with both rukami.-Ear-x-x! - He repeated, drawing a charge from 
the clamp and throwing it into the open hatch. Then, with the

same hoot he pulled off the shelf new charge
secured it, and uhnuv last, stood on
Rack <quietly>.

   - Here's how a soldier! AND
you have to do the same, otherwise ...- His
interrupted by a dull tone, like a suppressed burp. - Signal to 
grub. Have to you disband, but as long as you eat, repeat 
everything I taught you here ... dismissed! 

   They went out into the hallway and poured into a thick
flow of soldiers descended into the ship's belly.

   - How do you think grub got to do better even though the 
camp or what? - Asked workaholic Bieger, excitedly smacking his 

   - Worse, it can not be, it is possible
- Bill replied, becoming in turn the door
with the sign .
- Any change would be to luchshemu.My Well now, anyway, 
fighting soldiers, right? A need to go into battle in good 
shape, so the statute says. 

   The queue was moving painfully slowly,
but for an hour, they still got to dveri.Za
door tired orderly handed Bill a yellow plastic chashku.Bill 
moved on, and when his turn came, he found himself in front of 
a bare wall, from which protruded a lonely crane without 
ruchki.Zhirny cook in a large white cap and a dirty T-shirt 
waved him ladle:

   - Move, move, what do you - you never
ate, or what! Cup under the faucet, counter to the slot,
so snappy!

   Bill placed a cup and said at eye level, a narrow slot in 
the steel bulkhead. There he put his badge hanging from his on 
shee.Poslyshalos buzz, and tap water has flowed a thin stream 
of yellowish liquid, filling the cup halfway. 

   - Next! - Shouted the cook, and pushing
Bill, vacated the seat for the workaholic.

   - What is it? - Bill asked, studying his cup.

   - What is a "What! - Cook already turned purple with rage .- 
Your dinner, stupid bastard! Chemically pure water, which 
dissolved eighteen amino acids, vitamins, sixteen, eleven of 
mineral salts, esters fatty acids and glucose! What are you 

   - Lunch with the hope ...- said
Bill, and immediately from his eyes fell
sparks from a blow on the head with a ladle .- Well
You can even without these ... fatty esters? -
Before he could cry out, before chef pushed him into the 
hallway, where he was joined Workaholic.

   - E-uh ...- said workaholic .- Hence there
all the elements necessary to maintain
life almost indefinitely. Great, right?

   Bill took a sip from a cup and a sad sigh.

   - Look, - said Tembo, and Bill saw
on the wall frame of the projector: hazy sky and clouds with a 
stride of their tiny .- creatures you waiting for hell, my boy,

if you do not join the grace. Abhor
is heresy! First Reformed Church
Voduistov opens your arms, cling
same to her chest and take a seat in heaven for
the right hand of Samedi!

   The picture has changed: the clouds are thicker,
the loudspeaker to the sound of tom-toms poured
singing the angelic choir. Figures close - all as a black and 
white robes, beneath which protruded large

black wings. The angels smiled gracefully waved to each other 
wing, passing by riding on the clouds, and inspired singing and 
drumming for small tamtamam.Stsenka was a miracle as

good, Bill almost wept.

   - SMID-R-ON!

   Barking cry of echoing echoes hit with
walls, the soldiers squared his shoulders, shifted
heels and rolled his eyes. Celestial Choir
silent: Tembo put a projector in your pocket.

   - Equal to! - Commanded 1st class loader Spleen.

   Squinting eyes, the soldiers looked at the two
military police with pistols in their hands
- The guard officer. Bill guessed
that this officer: first, they were
Special Course  and
secondly, in the outhouse hung pictures <Know
their officers> that he had the opportunity to thoroughly 
examine during an attack of dysentery. Bill's jaw dropped as 
much amazement, when the officer walked away

at arm's length, and stopped
before Tembo.

   - Charge 6 th grade Tembo, I brought
you happy vest.Rovno two weeks expire seven years of your life.
Given the impeccable character of your most recent list, the 
captain ordered Zekial double the usual amount of severance 
pay, discharge you with honor to the drumbeat and bring back to 

   Tembo calmly and firmly looking from above
down Shorty lieutenant bites
picked whitish tendrils.

   - It's impossible, sir!

   - You can not? - Squeaked lieutenant, rocking back and forth 
in high heels .- Who are you to tell me that it is possible and 
what is not? 

   - I did not point out, sir, - calmly replied Tembo .- 
Paragraph 13-9A, paragraph 45, page 8923, Volume 23 <Rules, 
regulations and disciplinary ulozhenie> reads: "In the period 
of martial law, NCO or officer may be dismissed from service on 
a ship-based or camp, unless he is sentenced by a court

to death ...>

   - What, the ship's lawyer, but Tembo?

   - No, sir! I am a soldier, ser.Stremlyus
do your duty, sir.

   - Dark you Tembo! I did see your
track record and remember that the army you have
went voluntarily, without any drug
or hypnosis. And now also on the demobilization refuse! Bad, 
Tembo, very bad! This casts a shadow on your name. All this 
damn suspicious! Or maybe you're a spy, Tembo?

   - I'm a faithful soldier of the Emperor, sir, but not

   - Yes, you're not a spy, Tembo, we carefully you 
proverili.No why do you still enlisted in the army, Tembo? 

   - To become a true soldier of the Emperor, sir, and their 
power to distribute word of God. Are you saved, sir?

   - Hold your tongue, a soldier, or I zakuyu you
in irons! We have heard this tale, the Reverend, but do not 
believe in it. As you may be clever, and we'll put into clean 

   Officer zasemenil away, muttering something
himself, and no one dared to stir, until he disappeared from 
vidu.Soldaty glancing at Tembo in a strange way, obviously 
feeling out of place. 

   Bill and workaholic walked slowly to his

   - Refuse to demobilize! - Bill repeated with awe.

   - Listen, he is not crazy? "- Said the workaholic.
- Something no other explanation, perhaps, not be

   - Psycho to such an extent to be nevozmozhno.Smotri-ka, I 
wonder what is it? - Bill pointed to the door with the 
inscription .

   - Damn ... I do not know ... can - the food?

   At the same moment they were outside the door and
tightly closed it behind him. However, food
there was no smell. They stood in a long room with a steeply 
curved wall on which have been strengthened some devices, like

the giant cucumbers, studded with countless counters, dials, 
switches and equipped with TVs and starting mehanizmom.Bill 
leaned toward the nearest and read the sign: 

   - FOURTH ATOMIC blaster. You only
Look what a swinger! Looks like home
ship's battery. - He turned around and saw that the workaholic, 
raising one hand and turning the dial of his watch toward the 
guns, the index finger the other hand presses the button 

   - What are you doing? - He asked.

   - H. .. it ... Just watch the time.

   - So you also do not see tsiferblatto looks the other way!

   After hearing someone pounding steps on the gun deck, they 
are immediately reminded of the bans on the door and the bullet 
flew to koridor.Bill quietly closed the door, turned around, 
but the workaholic already trail prostyl.Kogda Bill returned to 
the cabin, Bigger diligently polished someone's boots and did 
not even turn to his head.

   And yet, what he got up from his watch?

                Chapter 4

   This question plagued Bill all the time, lasted until the 
grueling job training zaryazhayuschego.Uprazhneniya, demanding 
accuracy and well-known technical skills, absorbed all his 
attention, but free minutes Bill was overcome bespokoystvo.On 
thought about it, standing in line for lunch, tormented every 
night before you doze off Heavy stupefying sleep. He suffered 
every time had a free minute, and

even thinner. He lost weight, however, not only
because of the excruciating somneniy.Korabelnaya feeding! She 
served only one purpose: to support a soldier zhizn.No kind of 
life! Pathetic, bleak, half-starved. However,

Bill did not think about it. Before him
was far more important issue, and he needed help.

   After vostresnyh sessions at the end of the second
week stay on the ship, he, instead of rushing into the dining 
room with the others, delayed charging a grade spleen.

   - I have a problem, sir.

   - Trivia, one shot, and all proydet.Govoryat that without 
this never be a man. 

   - I have another problem, sir. I
... I would like to speak with the chaplain.

   Spleen turned pale and leaned against a bulkhead.

   - I have not heard anything - he rasped. -
Mota in the dining room, and if he did not spill the beans, 
I'll be there like a fish. 

   Bill blushed.

   - Very sorry, sir, but it neobhodimo.Ya
not my fault that I need to talk to him,
this can happen to anyone ...

   Bill's voice grew fainter, he
embarrassed shuffling the soles and carefully
rassmetrival toes of his boots. Silence
delayed, when Arctic Monkeys finally spoke,
companionship notes of his voice completely

   - Well, soldiers, since you insist ... I hope the other guys 
do not get wind of it. Skip dinner and go right now. Here's a 

   He scribbled something on a piece of paper,
contemptuously threw it, turned and walked away, leaving Bill 
humbly crawl on the floor.

   Judging from the ship's index, the chaplain
occupant 362-B on the 89 th deck. Bill
down in endless hatches, winding through the corridors, 
climbing up the gangway, until finally he was in front of a 
metal door, studded with rivets. Of fatigue his forehead large 
drops of sweat in Throat peresohlo.On raised his hand and 
knocked softly. 

   After several agonizingly long seconds came a muffled voice:

   - Yes, yes, go. Not locked.

   Bill came in and immediately stretched out on the rack
<Quietly> seeing the officer, who was sitting
desk, almost entirely filled the tiny cabin. Lieutenant fourth
rank was still young, but already completely bald.
Under his eyes had dark shadows lay on the
chin stubble growing back, crumpled tie
slid sideways. Officer rummaging through piles of papers,
filled up the whole table, lay them in piles, on the one made 
notes, while others threw garbage into the crowded 
korzinu.Kogda He pushed one of the stacks, Bill saw the

table table: <OFFICER Castellan>.

   - Excuse me, sir, - said Bill, - I might
made a mistake and got into the wrong cabin. I'm looking for a 

   - This is the cabin of a chaplain, but he is on duty from 
13.00, even a fool like you could would guess that you need to 
wait another 15 minutes.

   - Thank you, sir. I'll come later. -
Bill moved back to the door.

   - You stay here and will work .- The officer looked up at 
Bill's bloodshot eyes and giggled gleefully .- Once you tell me 
caught - rassortiruesh receipts for nasal platki.Ya somewhere 
started here 600 smorkalok. I know that they could not divide, 
but ... Do you think it is easy to be an officer-castellan?

   He sniffed from self-pity and
Bill pushed the pile began kvitantsiy.Bill
them apart, but then sounded the call, announcing the end of 
the watch. 

   - I knew it! - Tearfully yelled the officer. - This damn job 
to do more than the more there! And you imagine that you may 
have to be some problems!

   With trembling fingers he turned over the plate at 
stole.Teper flaunted an inscription on it . The 
lieutenant grabbed the tip of the tie and with force threw it 
over Right plecho.Galstuk was sewn to the collar, which is on 
special bearings glides on with a quiet rubashke.Vorotnichok 
Buzz turned backwards, manifesting Bill gaze snow-white smooth 
surface; tie remained somewhere behind. 

   Chaplain prayerfully folded hands, looked down dale, and 
smiled sweetly: 

   - How can I help my son?

   - I thought you were an officer-castellan, sir? "- Stunned" 
Bill said. 

   - Yes, my son, and this is not the only burden on my poor 
shoulders. In these difficult times, few people in need of

chaplains, and demand for officers castle wardens
great. Try to benefit. - And he
humbly bowed his head.

   - But you ... Who do you still? Ofitserkastelyan and 
part-time chaplain or a chaplain and part-time ofitserkastelyan?

   - This is a great mystery is the son of moy.Suschestvuyut 
phenomenon, the essence of which is better not to delve. But I 
see that your soul is in turmoil. Tell me, do you believe you 

   - What?

   - That I'm asking you, what? "- Bellowed
Chaplain, in the guise of which for the moment eclipsed traits 
officer Castellan. - How can I help you if you do not know what 
religion you are confess?

   - Fundamental Zoroastrianism.

   The chaplain pulled from the table covered with
cellophane list and was led by him

   - For ... else ... Zoophilia ... Zoroastrianism reformed 
fundamental. This one? 

            To be continued ..

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   21 September