ZX Time #04
17 ноября 2001

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

<b>Advertising</b> - advertising and announcements.


              "Quiet is the Ukrainian night ...

              But the fat must perepryatat!

                       (C), Russian Radio

                 - - -

+-------[ J u p i t e r _ July 7 ]-------+
| |
| Yupiteriane looking brothers on reason for |
| Co do nothing, Ninny-|
| Tion of dem, fucking music and |
| Stsenovoy other nastiness on ZX'e and |
| Amiga. Just wanted nedochelo-|
| Ever, having in its composition вмести-|
| Are positive fuel tanks and an equally |
| Capacious bins for waste, and so |
| Having the same reactive LRE for sovmes-|
| Tnyh flights to Galaxies and |
| Jupiter 77. |
| |
| You can also share raspivanie |
| Hyperspace fuel at the same time showed-|
| Vaniem in tanks of various oxidants. |
| |
| Applications for review of nominees |
| Accepted at the following addresses: |
| 634041 Russia, Tomsk, Tverskaya street |
| 94 - 16. Anton |
| |
| Phone: (3822) 53-42-44 |
| Email: lzb_j77@mail.ru |
| Web: http://j77.da.ru |
| Irc: irc.tomsk.net, # tomck, # j77 - |
| Lzb_j77, IvanGL |
| |
| Zaslanie applications and other zaslantsev |
| Addresses extremely |
| Undesirable and punishable nedozaliva-|
| Niemi fuel |
| Long distance! |
| |
+-------+ Paw attached: LaZyBones + - +

                 - - -

 K. C. Software is looking for a gfx-maker'a

       Project "Guess the melody".
 Interested - write to editing
            tional address.


In the next issue

                          Denis Tokarchuk

  The "Coder". VNN will continue its
the saga of the curb. This time he tells
on how to expand the melody to it
played "smoothly." And how to make a running line on the curb.

  The "debate". Since filing readers
:) Will continue thinking about new

  The "Opinion". And here is the view
current journals for the Spectrum.

  Section "PC and Spectrum". There will be
Surprise ... Okay, so you do not tormented with doubts - will 
consider two emulator, the two leaders, will be compared with 
each other ... Generally, in the fifth room - you'll see!

  "About everything about everything." Another mystery. Which - 
in the next issue. 

     Again - can be changed!

  Tentative release date - 9-10
December this year. And there could be
late ...:(


     Today - everything. Bye!

Other articles:

From the Editor - the fourth issue of the paper, the authors of the issue.

Mail - a letter reading rooms: Nuts, DJ Hooligan, Igor Butyrlev.

Coder - "The Saga of the curb is going on!" (Programming effects on the curb).

zhelezyaki - the usual scheme of expanding graphs to Spectrum mode hardware multikolora 1bayt = 1tsvet.

News and age - Adventurer in 1913, Deja Vu # 0B, ZX Chart # 3, "Black Crow 7" on the approach, the project "Guess the melody" moves, Power of Sound vs X Team war continues between these groups, a new Spectrum emulator, etc.

Review novya - Don News 15, Lamergy 1, ZX Rulem, New Puzzle, Trouble v0.2, ASM to PT, Real Audio Player, Mini Games Collection.

Discussion - "LZB on the demoscene and of all ..."

Discussion - "multitasking OS and on the Spectrum.

Discussion - "Multitask. ... The realities and myths"

Opinion - "On the Speccy-press": Body, Target, Optron, IzhNews, Scream, Za Rulem, Don News, ZX Pilot, KrNews.

PC and Spectrum - an overview of internet resources on the Spectrum.

PC and Spectrum - a review and rating Emulators ZX Spectrum.

about everything about everything - "In Search of Nessie."

and laughter, and a sin - anecdotes.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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