ZX Time #04
17 ноября 2001

Opinion - "On the Speccy-press": Body, Target, Optron, IzhNews, Scream, Za Rulem, Don News, ZX Pilot, KrNews.

<b>Opinion</b> -
Opinion. "On the Speccy-press ..."

                          Denis Tokarchuk

  "Povtoruha-fly!" - Shout out to one
Voice Spectrum newspaper publishers and
magazines. The loudest voice will be
yell "Optron, one of the first
produced a review of Spectrum Media.
After much hesitation, and I decided the same
Review of Modern Media at the Spectrum. Tried
be objective, but if somewhere someone
offended - please do not judge strictly.

  Today 'surveyed' are just some of the newspaper. And my view 
of the Spectrum magazines, if you wish to see in the next room.


            (C) Smokers Team

  Periodic, unpredictable emanating
newspaper, in which sometimes there is something to read, and 
sometimes - not. Frequently and densely present 'left' Flame. 
Although "Learned their lesson" of those who responded poorly to

Target # 9 I was amused.

  Sometimes enlightenment - there are materials on koderstve 
and Hardy. But something of such moment occurred not long ago. 
The newspaper devoted mainly to the news - and this is its main 
plus, you can say - its ace. Almost always

present an overview of novya.

  Walking through the Internet in search of a new I
first of all found out - if there are any
a new body. Although, frankly, after
once read, I prefer
remove this newspaper ... Due to the fact that
replace the old Bodie very soon come
new and fresh:).


     (On impressions from Target # 9)

          (C) Savers Alliance

  Unfortunately (or fortunately?), Other
issues, except the Ninth, I have not seen.
So I will present their experiences
only by what he saw.

  So. Very little useful information
(Or rather, it is not at all). In
the 'coding', which logically
things that should be dedicated to coding,
posted a lengthy delirium. In
other sections are also placed some
nonsense. This feeling that Target was
made in one night in a huge hurry;
available was only one more or less
decent stuff (about the Millennium), and
decided to fill the remaining sections
nonsense ...

  With interface things a bit
better. However, I did not like
that the arrow is not hidden at the bottom of the screen
for easier reading. And yet - why
Podgruzka from the disk of each article?
In my opinion, all material of this paper could
fit entirely into RAM, and more
there would be an empty seat.

  In general, the impression from the newspaper
plohenkoe. If there is no progress in
terms of information content, the next
Target number will be doomed to the same
reaction, as the ninth.


           (C) Steel Falcons

  But, it's time to say a few words about the national 
(Ukrainian) a newspaper.

  To be honest, the last of its facilities
were ... Terrible. To 41-th number Optron
I liked him and I am happy to read
him. Hit the professionalism of both the authors
materials for her, and their editor.
Reviews have been keen on optocouplers. This is always
balanced and reasoned approach
excellent thoughtful arguments sometimes
called simply the storm ... And now?
42 th and 43 th issue - pathetic freaks,
ispaganili that all the impression of
This undoubtedly has a still huge
potential of the newspaper ...

  Publishers Optron urgently needed
corrected. Should finally return to the interesting topics that
addressed once the pages of this
edition. Enough "theme issue"!
Everyone has long understood that this is only a screen,
ill-concealed lack of Spectrum materials. Rather than 
disadvantage, and lazy authors who write and broke mine useful 
information ... That is my view ...


          (C) Brutal Creators

  Izhevsk newspaper, which is out of the ordinary
urban messenger turned into something
more. IzhNews with each number
progresses, improved in terms of
informative. However, there are some minuses. I thought, in the 
12-m room information more "smeared". Then

that could write in one article,
placed in three. Perhaps this is because
lack of free memory? At least
This report ASCII. Not convenient to be
place all information on one topic
in one section?

  Oh well. I already complain about:).
Overall impression of the newspaper remains
good. One of the best Spectrum


               (C) Screw

  Pure stsenovoe edition. But in reading these things 
interesting. Publishers clearly have set a goal - 'crap' and 
all All. I call it "fatten

popularity. "scandalous popularity.

  Honestly, these things I deleted from publication
a half-hour after seeing it.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that I do not
"Advanced sceners, and the usual spektrumist, which in this 
life need a little, a lot, but just an interesting and useful 
information? Or maybe I just do not given to understand the 
"high point" clean-ah stsenovyh "materials? Maybe this is due 
to the fact that Scream bored with their arrivals from the very 
first minutes of reading it? Most likely the latter. 

  The only thing that I like
Scream'e, so is the music and design. Here
here everything's cool! Yes, and a couple of interesting
Articles also present. If these things
edition still going to someone to produce,
I asked - in less than arrivals!

                Za Rulem

              (C) Not Soft

  The newly added daily. Went 0-th,
First and second numbers. Zero number -
understand the pilot. The first - a purely
dedicated CSP'2001. But the second ... Here I
did not understand - seven articles, half of
which do not carry any informative
values. The only material that
impressed me - it's "XXI
Century "... two more articles - this is
"Acquaintance" with some publishers
readers. Everything Else - humor ...

  But this newspaper, like ours, is young.
Goes along with us shoulder-to-shoulder :)...
Perhaps, as we are, still in
finding the direction in which to
work in the future. Let us hope that in future ZaRulem
still prove himself ...

                Don News

        (C) Omega Hackers Group

  Paper published once a
the largest groups of Spectrum
(Unless, of course, I did not get them mixed up).
Saw only the last few numbers,
experiences are and describe.

  Intro - the best part of this newspaper.
Always present covox-effects, and
I've seen the last issue (15th)
even a small digital tune.

  Is interesting stuff. Especially
interesting to read the "News", where from
in every issue describes how one
does nothing. But for a gamer
can not find what Coy interesnenkogo in
DonNews, since there are often described
passage of toys. Coder there is unlikely
discover anything can gain. But this is
in principle, has become typical for
Spectrum newspaper ...

  In general - the newspaper for an amateur. Little
information, and even then there is no
is filtered:). Pro Censorship
Here, perhaps, heard only by
hearsay. Of course, not as a
Neformal'e, but still ...

                ZX Pilot

           (C) Constellation

  One of the best Spectrum
newspapers. If it was not 'news design'
it could be lured with a small
magazine:). Almost always
information for any spektrumista. But
most likely, the publication has already turned down. So
as the last number is dated 1931
December last year :(((. a pity. It
were excellent initiatives - in particular,
mass marketed classroom improvements
DMA sound card ...


             (C) Techno Lab

  Probably already bent ... As
the previous one, very interesting - always
there is good stuff. Great music
Nik-o graphics and GAS-1913 leave no
indifferent ...

  Indeed, as the Golden Max,
when all is well and write about nothing. :)
No, still have little comments ... This applies to information, 
more its 'compactness'. I understand that 'brevity - the sister 
of talent' ... But not on the same ... And so - all at - at -.

                 - - -

  This, of course, not all the newspapers, which are produced 
for the Spectrum. In addition, there are lots of magazines, 
which, for some reason, today come less and less. 

  I apologize to the authors of some publications for probably 
somewhere in the sharp, critical comment. I tried to judge 
objectively and gathered himself for this and a gamer, and an 
encoder, and simply indifferent to Spectrum Rights.

  And anyone who thinks that his publication, I believe the 
best - misguided. There weight of what I do not agree that I

not very much. But the fact that I
not one. ZXTime is a group of people
who have a common great and the good
each - Speccy ...

 With the permission of the readers, an overview of the media 
will continued in the fifth issue ZXTime ...


Other articles:

From the Editor - the fourth issue of the paper, the authors of the issue.

Mail - a letter reading rooms: Nuts, DJ Hooligan, Igor Butyrlev.

Coder - "The Saga of the curb is going on!" (Programming effects on the curb).

zhelezyaki - the usual scheme of expanding graphs to Spectrum mode hardware multikolora 1bayt = 1tsvet.

News and age - Adventurer in 1913, Deja Vu # 0B, ZX Chart # 3, "Black Crow 7" on the approach, the project "Guess the melody" moves, Power of Sound vs X Team war continues between these groups, a new Spectrum emulator, etc.

Review novya - Don News 15, Lamergy 1, ZX Rulem, New Puzzle, Trouble v0.2, ASM to PT, Real Audio Player, Mini Games Collection.

Discussion - "LZB on the demoscene and of all ..."

Discussion - "multitasking OS and on the Spectrum.

Discussion - "Multitask. ... The realities and myths"

Opinion - "On the Speccy-press": Body, Target, Optron, IzhNews, Scream, Za Rulem, Don News, ZX Pilot, KrNews.

PC and Spectrum - an overview of internet resources on the Spectrum.

PC and Spectrum - a review and rating Emulators ZX Spectrum.

about everything about everything - "In Search of Nessie."

and laughter, and a sin - anecdotes.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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