ZX Time #04
17 ноября 2001

Discussion - "LZB on the demoscene and of all ..."

<b>Discussion</b> -
Debate "LZB about demoscene and of all ..."


                 - - -

  From the Editor: Weighing the pros and
Against, the scales for some reason always
sklanivalas towards "no", but we decided to do by the 
"contradiction" ... "He moved out of Che, or what? What is he? 
Che, he is driving?? "- The reader will think. I talking about 
the following material. Rather - Is confused thoughts of one 
reader. Among seemed hopeless netsenzurschiny, we could 
consider a fraction ... No, dolechku:) sense and in some degree 
- even the truth ... Well, here - Entry and comments - after

Article ...

                 - - -

  Nostalgia, finally can scribe. Why right now
nobody ZX'e not write Kulnev muse, yak
Wakson, MadMax, Visual and others? You
Just listen: Amiga Madness / MadMax,
CC999inv, CC000inv, 1140, from muse
IronMan'a, Transmutation / LordArchy, I
Wanna A1200/Never, BOOM, MuscateNut, FA
Preview, Action, DiesIrae, HigherState,
Workstop, Napalm, Insult, Satisfaction,
PowerUP, BallDreams, MilkyWay ... x% # and
list - they have to listen! This Well
n #%! @ p, as %%'@' oh! On this prostitute Amiga there's 
nothing like! Although n% @ # I have a little bit ... is there 
something _tipa_, but not so. Of course, goa hardcore rulnee 
this b% '! And, but rave, trance, and that sort of psychical 
ecstatic fire blue vibrations of pulsating flame

energies at Speke Kulnev. Axiom b'ya!
(ZX-Review rulz!)

  And the demo is %#$%% and has chunks! oldschool rulnee, imho. 
Even burzhuiamizhniki so think about your demo. Out this ... as 
it is ... Relic without bagels all have already got, rulnaya 
deme! On Speke nada tozha steer.

  I would like to add something here ... I heard that the djinn 
^ mhm Goa party one burzhuinskoe put ... I then Goa

I love - from me at home about 25-30 cd with this
x% '# $ d and a bunch of mods. Here rastryas I did
sions on the DBM, which is to listen
he gave me the recipe. At 030/50mhz it okazyvaetsa x '@ $ about 
igraetsa! Vopschem, I did everything he said ... render it

I've found and listened. Well, finally can! " Ohrenetelno!! 
Ginny is Kulnev muzaker! Recently I have not heard of such a 
trance! / Me about %!'@'# tons in all senses of the words.

  Here I am such a view demah and muse.
Right now about another nazvizdyu. I devoured this
QWERTY, mlyat ... YAVERTY better.

  All zx'niki oBLYanilis, azhno scribe.
Look at how many Amiga party passes, and
at each work dohera and all taxis. A
zx'ery, fucking lazy assholes (/ me has shown
on his finger). If only for # Z80 sat cheli. old-school broke 
rivet? Spite pid %!@@! m, screaming that zx died.

For them, the penalty should be public to do -
autoinvite at # Z80 and autozafakivanie
pid%! @ in. Anywhere to hang out
PID %!'@'!#'#$$ e lists of names and emylami pid '"' in. zx if 
he died, it _only_ In their homes. The rest of it lives (and x 
'@, and he still current in 1920 to rejuvenate himself!) And is 
not going to die, as the last e @%% 'th Stump!

  What about bloat by zx - they NAH'Y unnecessary! We need only 
512k-1mb ram and shadow rom (aka cache). The rest, including 
including multitasking axis NAH'Y unnecessary! Multitask only 
in Alasme and Tsede, ie b, I am in a Word ... or whatever it. 
Well and BGE for a couple with a thread yet TOOLS.

Philosophy of breeding will not, imho, is
NAH! J inappropriately.

  So far enough.


  1) real zx rulnee emulsion (y name
Pentagon 128);

  2) ZXTime have to radically change intestine viewer);

  3) today's musicians to suck Speke;

  4) must be made to that thread to do old-timers;

  5) sorry, Amiga is not a prostitute - she
b%! 'Then, since grandmother for the give not take;

  6) Modern demos suck;

  7) Amiga 030/50 sucks on DBM'ah;

  8) djinn rulny muzaker (GOArets;)

  9) I need a keymap YAVERTY;

  10) is necessary, b! I be more active (on the Lord, who would 
speak ...); 

  11) popularity is due downs of their
fucked! @! e stumps and about our rulny zx;

  12) Brake send in n '%! Y;

  13) zx be welling up to a maximum
1mb/covox/32k cache / 3'5 fdd;

  14) on the new axis zx'u%! Th unnecessary

                 - - -

          Comments from DWT:

  Go tell - opinions of the authors of individual
materials do not necessarily have to
coincide with the views of the editors as a whole;
orthography preserved; mats were cut and replaced by 
meaningless symbols plus the first and last letters of this 

  As we know, a generation on the Spectrum
change: the old go - the new coming
- This has long proven fact. C
defectors leave the old influences, but with
new spektrumistami come new
ideas. And this, of course, affect the
all areas of creativity in the Speccy: music
graphics, coding, etc. That is, if
reason it is so soon chunk will end and we hid up any
cool new effects.

  Old people get to do anything
useless. And in general - and us, and they
it is not necessary.

  At the expense of bloat to the ZX ... They are necessary and
sure! This condition ... No, not even -
requirement for further development.
Remember the theory of irrelevance bloat
advanced Oldman (sorry if wrong) in some of Spectrofon'ov. I
with it (the theory) strongly disagree. In my opinion, the 
bells and whistles for the Speccy - it's like CPR for the 
drowned. That is, they are necessary! 

  If the bells and whistles - artificial respiration
the OS - it's the air. Now, with the combination TRDOS + 
BASIC48 - a Chernobyl air ... Dirty and bad: (. Poetomuto and 
need a new air ... not ... New OS!

  A activity for spektrumistov always
phenomenon was coming. Sometimes just
knocked down a wave of new programs, and
sometimes it was calm that ugentalo ...
By the way, moments of 'quiet' are all
More and more :(...

                 - - -

  Sad ending ... Who wants to podiskutirovat on themes from 
LZB, write address editorial ...


Other articles:

From the Editor - the fourth issue of the paper, the authors of the issue.

Mail - a letter reading rooms: Nuts, DJ Hooligan, Igor Butyrlev.

Coder - "The Saga of the curb is going on!" (Programming effects on the curb).

zhelezyaki - the usual scheme of expanding graphs to Spectrum mode hardware multikolora 1bayt = 1tsvet.

News and age - Adventurer in 1913, Deja Vu # 0B, ZX Chart # 3, "Black Crow 7" on the approach, the project "Guess the melody" moves, Power of Sound vs X Team war continues between these groups, a new Spectrum emulator, etc.

Review novya - Don News 15, Lamergy 1, ZX Rulem, New Puzzle, Trouble v0.2, ASM to PT, Real Audio Player, Mini Games Collection.

Discussion - "LZB on the demoscene and of all ..."

Discussion - "multitasking OS and on the Spectrum.

Discussion - "Multitask. ... The realities and myths"

Opinion - "On the Speccy-press": Body, Target, Optron, IzhNews, Scream, Za Rulem, Don News, ZX Pilot, KrNews.

PC and Spectrum - an overview of internet resources on the Spectrum.

PC and Spectrum - a review and rating Emulators ZX Spectrum.

about everything about everything - "In Search of Nessie."

and laughter, and a sin - anecdotes.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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