C-Net Week #08
17 января 1998 |
Opinion - Scratcher parses the letters of one vengeful suitor C-NET.
_ _ "_ _ _ _ _ (_ (_) "_) (_) (- '/!/!!-!(-'!-!!_!(-' ____ -------------------------------------- -And you, as I see it is dissenting opinion ... MAN> Today in heading OPINION I would like to parse a letter from one vengeful suitor C-NET. !) Although the letter is addressed to me personally, you can find it in application. On the letter itself (due to foul language) I nehotelos be published in this issue, which read not only in the city of Grodno, but also outside it. Immediately I would like to apologize to ARS'om, personally I have no pritenzy for you do not have. I hope for understanding. Hide it letter I do not intend to, because people should know everything. And so letter-writer did not accept my answer for any excuse there, I I assign to express their views nezavisimogu an expert of the group E-Mage, as not Interested person. I am sure that after reading your (Andrew) letter, the people in the network wants to express its view ... Scratcher > H M E N I E < MDM 440-027 / 500:0152 / 1.06 Recently, our network of Grodno took place significant changes. Life became more interesting, fun and I would even say unpredictable. Largely cause of the mass "revival" is the publication of EMS, although it is worth taking into account a very noticeable increase the number of registered users. As is known, Similar processes of development and expansion can recharge network not only good ideas, innovations and simply users, but also various lamerskimi antics, perverted, and, of course, perverts. In our case, without such excesses are not managed. In 1998 a new beginning misrepresent, and, if specifically justified collision put a Andrew Aleshkevich. "I have my modem still will achieve!" That's what that's optimistic, and at first glance does not brutal statement, expressed in a text file to_Oleg! (System Administrator) ends heartbreaking story of the wronged user. So sorry but above all to publish a file in the media media is not possible to, by reason of very obscene and ignorant remarks about some individuals. Here on this difficult because Minisoft appealed to me as an independent and not involved in any "leftist" for the person who requested to express their opinion on this file. So, after reading the text of Andrew Aleshkevich I'm just an incredible amount of ohrenel grammatical mistakes in almost every speech, in general, generally similar texts I have not finished reading up to half, but in this case, I still had to read to the end: ( Together with grammar surprising as the style writing. Tsentalnoe place in the text has some incomprehensible "Ukrainian - Russian - the Belarusian People's tale." In my opinion this is not a fairy tale but a kind of nonsense, written in "Ukrainian-Russian-Belarusian language, if any at all exists. It is not clear why it was so tense, it is was sufficient in two or three sentences civilized explain the reason for hitting, and not try to pose as something cool and brilliant. Despite its stylistic complex, true meaning of the tale is not difficult to understand, in short Andrew Alekshevich full mind and good health;) is going "... and naytsi atrezats pit egg (and preferably two, and cut and tear), and grazed geta, Troshkov nepryimnoy protsydury, yashche and atpedarasit, office bitch geta kali nebuts navchylasya (if oklimaetsya) yak treba prodovaty-model modems. "(Who is he is going to inflict such an act is better not to speak so as not to cause subsequent responses showdown.) By the way, how do you phrase! Very bad, I guess you could feel all the vis vitalis (life force;) of this statement. Confused I have only one thing really stands as to spoil the relationship only because the force of circumstances Andrei Alekshin could not buy a modem. I understand that if, for example, you sold the buggy modem or no headstock reinstall, then really have a reason to go after not only. So, what about buy a modem I'd add: our System Administrator ie Minisoft about a month selling modems. As far as I know He pasted dohrenische pillars and walls in Grodno reklamkami with the necessary information, moreover, called everyone, including me, you are kindly asked to find buyer on the modem, but unfortunately the buyers did not found. The question is, where are you Andrew fucked th ... clicked? As far as I know, you know the Administrator of the phone, so Here, instead of just writing nonsense, it's better to call and queried. In any case, if the modem would not be Now, sooner or later they would have appeared. Nehru nothing special straining, all the normal people and so all know and understand. In short, my conclusion is this: Andrew, you're wrong, what is more, you are doubly wrong if allowing himself to express his contempt in such rough shape. Nothing good comes your assaults have not brought and will bring metal, and I even doubt whether you vposledstii somebody assist in the acquisition of a modem. I think you are aware of their errors, thereby freeing themselves from unnecessary problems concerning the registration of the network, and us from the useless proceedings and determine who is right and who is to blame. Sincerely Scratcher 18.01.98 P.S. For the rights of a letter published in the Andrew the original, without error correction and guidance figures.
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