C-Net Week #08
17 января 1998 |
Schedule - schedule BBS.
< / / / / / / _ / / / / ____ _ ___! __ "_ / / "- '/ -) (_!_)! /! ! \ \ / ! /! /! > Dr. Grifus > T R A F K < MDM 253-37 / 500:0152 / 1 Hi dear ALL! A new week and as always a new schedule. Finally happened the long-awaited conversation with ARS'om. And finally managed to install Periodicity income eh from I-NET'a and FIDO to us in Grodno. As already known for the extraordinary sysopnike Grodno C_NET I was given the honorary title GATE-MASTER, with all the positive and not the consequences of both for me and for you. Geytovanie mail address will be implementing the following. way: 1. If mail is addressed to any conference it written to the editor, ZED, it is processed, then zipuetsya and transmititsya to the main gate is on REST BBS (see hour ZMH receive) 2. Next, I scan the whole thing, correcting errors and with peace of mind threw in Minsk (see hour ZMH transmite) 3. Your next steps are limited to only the expectation the next hour, ZMH. :) That in the future? But it's possible (though I'm not sure) will be (or already available) send that either the file-echo. Also, soon (if someone is will be needed) will go inside the echo Grodno - Minsk may not even be one. :) Continue. Many probably had a question: "So what am ZMH?" The answer is: an hour ZMH (zonal mail hour) translates as zonal postal hour, and specifically in this period of time banned all talk, transfer files, etc. except for mail destination (in our case) for transmission to the gate. ZMH hour will take place in two stages: 1. Receive: 22:30 - 23:15 - all mail from Grodno injected at the gate (any other activity prohibited) 2. Transmite: 23:15 - 23:45 - mail uploaded, on the gate quietly transmititsya to Minsk. (Also banned any other activity). At that enable otklanyatsya. With best wishes, Dr.GRIFUS / ACL * This will save the world just beer:) DESIRE BBS / HUB EMS ONLY! Code 8 / 01 522 / tel 260-70 Sir Denis / Denis / SCHEDULE: Thursday 22:00-23:30 Information file: DSINF??. W Subject: general Available drives: A, B E-MAGE BBS Clarify the work station voice before the Code 8 / 0152 / work station! Tel 44-11-76 EMS ONLY! RUM / Acne / SCHEDULE: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 21:00-23:00 Information file: Eminfo.W Subject: general Available drives: A, B LAME BBS EMS ONLY! Code 8 / 01 522 / tel 318-721 KVA / Victor / SCHEDULE: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, 18:00-20:00 Information file: info ****. W Topic: Email Available drives: A, B REST BBS / GATE STATION EMS ONLY Code 8 / 01 522 / C-NETWEEK tel 253-37 Dr.Grifus / Sergei / SCHEDULE: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 19:00 - 22:30 Fri, Sat: 00:00 - 08:00 Hour ZMH: Tue, Thu, Fri receive: 22:30 - 23:15 transmite: 23:15 - 23:45 Information file: info ****. W Subject: general, conference forever:) Available drives: A, B Flag cnetweek indicates that the station takes information for the newspaper. ________________________________________________________________
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