Micro #09
04 октября 1998

Jokes - the parade of anecdotes.

<b>Jokes</b> - the parade of anecdotes.
            PARADE OF JOKES

   - What: all around the water in the middle of the law?


   - The prosecutor is taking a bath.

   - What is: all around the law, in the middle


   - Prosecutor put an enema.


   The warden concluded:

   - Today you will eat burgers: you,
you and you ...

   - And I?

   - Do you go to the stuffing!


   In the prosecutor's office led a small

   Touched by the prosecutor:

   - Oh, who came to us ...

   - Who killed the grandmother, snidely responds


   Go as something on the street two drunken men.

   One friend says:

   - Hey, cops "blue" are?

   - What are you? No ...

   - And why are they then to us every night


   It is worth obkurenny junkie in the tram.
Grandma says to him:

   - My son, give money on a ticket.

   Addict pushes ahead of a standing person:

   - A soldier, referred to the ticket.

   The man answered him:

   - I'm not a soldier, a sailor.

   The addict is slowly turning to granny:

   - Breakup, Grandma, we are on the ship.


   Wife to her husband:

   - Last year we gave my mom
birthday chair. What a surprise
we will do it this year?

   - And now would not hurt to bring him
electricity ...


   Attending medical committee recruits.

   - What complaint?

   - I have myopia.

   - Nothing. Will in the first trenches to
see better! .. Next! ..


   The doctor was angry with the nurse:

   - Can not you write your recipes on different paper, but my 
forms? My patient at the pharmacy again prepare your fucking 


   The hen laid an egg weighing 5 kg.Priehal
reporter and asks her:

   - How did you get?

   - Secret.

   - What are your plans for budushee?

   - To lay an egg at 7 kg.

   The correspondent goes to the rooster:

   - How did you get?

   - Secret.

   - What are your future plans?

   - To fill its head ostrich!


   A conversation between two prison guards:

   - Count up maniac of the 20 th run away!

   - Finally! And then the rattle of his file holder I was 

     Deducted from the magazine "Kaleidoscope."

  08.10.98 Computer Eye.

Other articles:

Championship - 1-st Zaporozhye Championship viruses.

Tape and Disk - Adapting programs to the system TR-DOS (Part 3).

Chaos - description of the game "Chaos - Battle of the wizards."

Useful Information - description of the enemies of the game BARD'S TALE.

Pokes - Poke's for the games.

Jokes - the parade of anecdotes.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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