Micro #09
04 октября 1998

Championship - 1-st Zaporozhye Championship viruses.

<b>Championship</b> - 1-st Zaporozhye Championship viruses.
   1 st Zaporozhye Championship viruses


 To get started give brief information about the
championship: it began at 15:00 and ended
at 23:35 and lasted 8 and a half chasov.Bylo
on 18 viruses from 5 authors.
 We now turn to the most championship.
 Abbreviations for column author of the virus:
CF-Maxim Vishnevsky, K-Kayleth (Artist)
ACh-Alexander Chuikov, AT Alexander Tertyshny, AU-Alexandre 

Number Title Author Which otborochvirusa virus virus nuyu group 

   1 CybOrg AT 1

   2 X 4 MB

   3 SWORD CF 5

   ARI 4 2 ACh

   5 tanks CF 4

   6 students MV 5

   7 Knight CF 2

   8 Hook ACh 1


  10 deaths CF 3

  11 Sharon K 2

  1912 FLU ACh 3

  1913 TRANS ACh 3

  14 Maniac AU 5

  15 Paladin CF 3

  16 Pirate AU 4

  17 Spider ACh 2

  18 mm CF 1

            1. Qualifying bouts.

 Because 18 is not divisible by 4, it was decided to spend 3 to 
4 qualifying combat the virus in each and 2 for 3.In the fights 
where the winner was attended by three virus got into the 2 nd 
league, losing in the 4 th, the virus "in sredinke in 3-yu.Pri 
writing viruses are as follows: upper left corner, upper right,

lower left, lower right.

            1 st qualifying battle

         mm, a cyborg, a resident, Hook

 Group pick up from the weak virus: mm-my first virus (MV), a 
cyborg is the first Tertyshny virus, residents and Hook - 1 st 
and 2-nd viruses Chuikova respectively. First

RESIDENT died not withstand the pressure of the hook and
mm.Za followed Cyborg, by the time he
Death mm seized a large space and
easily crushed Kryuka.Ya (CF) simultaneously delighted and 
ogorchilsya.Priyatno Of course, that my first virus came in! 
FIRST! league, but I was sure that he will soon just 
immediately fly out of it. 

            2-nd selection battle

          SARS, Sharon Knight, Spider

 SARS was a strong and jumpy virusom.On immediately surrounded 
and hugged Sharon poor Knight and Spider to the bottom 
stenke.Sharon died pervoy.Bednye Hollywood "stars", they can 
not tolerate bolezney.PAUK and Knight for a long time resisted, 
but they will not pomoglo.Oni died almost simultaneously, and 
only a fraction of a second decided to sudby.PAUK got the 2 nd 
league and Knight in the third. 

            3rd qualifying battle

        death, TRANS, FLU, Paladin

 Average strength virusy.Pervoy died
smert.Zatem in TRANS entered Paladin, and after
him and the flu.

            4-th elimination bout

              Tank, Pirate, X

 The tank was my favorite, ICSU is lucky, he got to his 
crowning place (left lower corner). As a result, the first 
pirate died, but the tank does not meet one of resistance, 
crushed xXx. 

            5-second qualifying battle

            SWORD, student Maniac

 Oddly enough the first died Student.I still quite fast, then 
by the sword cut off the head Maniac. 

               Fighting in the league.

 Battles to watch horizontally, the upper-right corner of the 
cell corresponds to the position virus in the upper right 
corner, lower left - Lower levomu.Pobedy denoted

"+" Defeat "-" (see across). The total number of wins (and 
place) look at the vertical. 

                 4-I League

Number September 11, 1910 June 16
and the name of the Resi-dent Stuvirusa Sharon's death Pirate 

  9 + - - -
  Dent + - - -

  11 - - - -

 Sharon - - - -

  10 + + + +

Death + + + +

  16 + + - +

 Pirate + + - +

   6 + + - -
  Dent + + - -

Wins 2 0 8 6 4
(Place (4) (5) (1) (2) (3)
in the league

                 3rd League

Room 10 1 7 15 2 14
and the name of the mixed CI-Ry-Pala Manh
virus rt BORG king ding X yak

  10 + - - - +

Death + - - + -

   1 - - - - -

CybOrg - - - - -

   7 + + + + +

Knight + + + + +

  15 + + - + +
   dyn + + - + +

   2 - + - - +

  X + + - - +

  14 + + - - -

Maniac - + - - -

Wins 4 0 10 8 5 3
(Place (4) (6) (1) (2) (3) (5)
in the league

 Death to beat for 2 xXx raunda.Iks
strongly resisted! Maniac also won
death for Round 2, and Paladin in the lower left corner for a 
long time (2 rounds) crushed iksa.No most interesting was a 
battle maniac and Knight when Knight Maniac pressed to the 
wall, but the latter did not give up and soon the mere maniac

appeared in uglu.Eto occurred when Knight was at the top right 

                 2-I League

Number 7 8 17 12 5 3
and the name of the Ry-gris
virus king Hook Spider PP Tank SWORD

   7 + + + - +

Knight + - + + +

   8 - - - - -

 Hook - - - - -

  17 + + + - +

 Spider - + + - -

  12 - + - - -

 FLU - + - - -

   5 - + + + +

 Tank + + + + +

   3 - + + + -

  SWORD - + - + -

Wins 8 0 6 2 9 5
(Location (2) (6) (3) (5) (1) (4)
in the league

 The fighting in this league were much interesney.Slabymi 
viruses (for this league) were Kryuk.Sredi FLU and the 
remaining there is a ferocious battle for a place in the

solntsem.Priyatno I was pleased sword, when
once won PAUKa.Interesnymi were
battles between tanks and Rytsarem.Nahodyas in the lower left 
corner of the tank still quite fast captured 3 / 4 of the 
space, but was able to win Knight only in the second 
raunde.Posledny did not want to believe in the advent of 
technological progress and tried to knock the sword armor 
Tanka.Posle victory Tank in the first fight I decided that he 
can easily handle and the second being in the top right uglu.Ne 
far from it! Although Tank is the most powerful (in strength) 
virus currently day, but he has a bo-o-olshoy lack B cells do 
not take a Tank engages in battle, "rust" and umirayut.Etim and 
took Knight zaprygnuv inside the tank, he smashed it all to 
their mechom.I about one more interesting fight (between

Hook and sword). Hook decided to hang a sword and
therefore immediately seized more
life-long prostranstva.Dalshe viruses
fought on the hook here ravnyh.I made
error! He decided to conserve, to
then woke up quickly to finish MECh.Odnako
Paladin sword and why he attacked a sleeping 
Kryuka.Rezultat-Hook died the death of sleeping.

               1-I League!

Number 5 18 April 1913
and name
SARS virus Tank mm TRANS

  5 + - -

 Tank + + +

  18 - - -

  mm - - -

  4 - + +

 ARI + + +

  13 - + -

 TRANS + + -

Wins 4 0 5 3
(Place (2) (4) (1) (3)
in the league

 Now go to the saddest chapter of my story.

The first fight: Tank-mm.

Nothing special. Mm quickly crushed.

Second fight: Tank SARS

SARS immediately surrounded the tank and began iskast
gap in the German as part of the Tank is rusted and
crumbled, the SARS immediately given up his
Troopers tuda.Popytki Tank to destroy the internal enemy 
failed, then the tank rescued upper left ugol.V this time SARS 
within Tank is connected to the SARS outside, and thus

SARS way captures the upper right
ugol.Tank not retain the upper left corner
and is surrounded on three SARS storon.Posle long resistance 
Tank destroyed by infection. 

The third battle: SARS-Tank (revenge Tanka)

At first, everything unfolded according to the same
scenario: SARS surrounds Tank.Tank loses
chast.ORVI throws back at desant.No
This time the tank to cope with internal disease and captures 
the upper-left ugol.Potom Tank thronging SARS, kotoroya

fiercely soprotivlyaetsya.Tak extends to
2-nd raunda.V early Round 2 Tank grabs top right ugol.ORVI make 
the same mistake as the hook in a fight with a sword, that is, 
konserviruetsya.V result Tank shooting at point-blank SARS.

Fourth Battle: Tank-TRANS (stupid defeat)

The tank can still count on nichyu.On
rapidly constricts TRANS and ... some of the cells 
otmiraet.TRANS instantly took situatsiey.On cuts Tanka.Teper 
Tanks became two: one is located in the upper left corner, the 
second in the bottom pravom.Odnako its former strength, they 
poteryali.TRANS after long suffering Tank drives a grob.OBIDNO!

Fifth battle: TRANS-tank (do not give a vengeance!)

Tank quickly captures 2 corners, and is closely
TRANS.No alas revenge was not destined
sbytsya.TRANS kills himself (probably something
perehimichil with hypnosis), as many as 10 cells
TRANS die without the intervention of the tank! Tank won, but 
now can count only on the 2 nd place. All subsequent battle 
were neinteresny.Itak, the winner was Alexander virus Chuikov 
ORVI.No is not the end! "That will cover the stainless steel 
tank and will take revenge! 

Text packed with Maxim Vishnevsky 05.10.1998

Other articles:

Championship - 1-st Zaporozhye Championship viruses.

Tape and Disk - Adapting programs to the system TR-DOS (Part 3).

Chaos - description of the game "Chaos - Battle of the wizards."

Useful Information - description of the enemies of the game BARD'S TALE.

Pokes - Poke's for the games.

Jokes - the parade of anecdotes.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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