Lime Tree #16
06 марта 1996 |
News - On the most significant events of the world hakkerskogo SPECCY.
Hello, dear readers of the newspaper "LIME TREE"!!!! With you again STEVER OF CENTRONICS HACKERS GROUP. My publications has several times appeared on the pages of this newspaper, and on various occasions. But now I have decided to permanently settle in the wording "LIME TREE" and take a very hard business - maintaining heading "News." Those of you who saw the first issue of the magazine "ZX-MAGAZINE", should know that and there I was roughly similar. You can legitimately ask: "But what about the" ZX-MAGAZINE "?". At that answer: the aforementioned journal ceased to exist, in general, then not even started normally go out. This is due to many reasons, and details about the collapse of our project with the magazine you can read in the very near room "ON-LINE". So I will not dwell on this subject and go directly to that for which I actually came to the editor "LIME TREE". My heading "News" will thesis is the most significant events of hakkerskogo world SPECCY. And what's interesting - I'll write not only on Moscow Hacker, but all the others inhabiting the territory of the former Soviet Union. In short, you understand, my article on this topic will be little different from those I wrote for the "ZX-MAGAZINE". At the end of the introductory part, I would like to warn you that I will not take a large volume of information at a time. But enough introductions .... Turning to the matter: Relatively newly formed, but has the potential to become extremely popular, Moscow hakkerskaya group SEAMANS BEER USERS HACKERS GROUP plans to soon publish a very good sistemki - "PRO GRAPH UTILITY". This is true, the best tool for working with sprites, because It includes features such as: cross-linking of the two sprites in one avtomaska for the sprite, very cool work done with the disk operating system, and others in the same spirit. I think so, it will be simply invaluable help for beginners, as well as for those who are too lazy to manually work with sprites. Incidentally, the guys from SEAMANS BEER does not intend to dwell on system programs. They are already pleased with the Moscow users of its very nice to do new versions of the toys ("KING KONG 1 '2", "AMAUROTE 128K") and stop at This does not seem to be. CENTRONICS HACKERS GROUP (a party which I, incidentally, and is) going to temporarily suspend its activities in SPECCY. To be precise, until the summer of 1996. For this very period may be rather big (it is "maybe") will be written some part (meaning the part of) a new megademonstratsii that this group plans to make the autumn of this year. I recall that the previous largest project CENTRONICS HG was kilodemonstratsiya "COSMOZONE", which was published in September 1995. More recently (or rather 25 February) well-known Moscow Hacker KSA SOFTWARE had celebrated his birthday. Among GIFT'ov written to this important date, I would like to acknowledge the work MPS GROUP (group, is not very long ago formed, but gives all his forces writing classroom demonstrations). Their GIFT, in my opinion, the best of all those like him, ever written in Moscow. Be sure to remove this demuhu and once again, make sure that is not so bad professional level programmers in Moscow. News from the Hacker from Moscow came to its logical conclusion and I would go to that recently was hear from their colleagues from other cities. First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the relatively new hakkerskuyu group from Kharkiv (Ukraine) - AWS GROUP (new in comparison with such monsters as CODEBUSTERS GROUP). Her participants in a relatively short period of time managed to make a number of works which the same CODEBUSTERS never dreamed of even in the most horrible dreams. Especially among all this variety 128-x versions of new and old games (sometimes with CHEAT'ami, and sometimes without). Only in the last three to four months in Moscow has about fifteen CDs with this kind of stuff. When Thus, you still consider rasprostranitelskuyu activity MAIN CODER'a this group JOKER'a. Through it are almost all new programs with Ukraine. In general, I suggest you search program from AWS - you will be satisfied. Small piece of information for fans of toys, such as "Kill them all": DEN OF AWS GROUP prepares to exit the game "MORTAL KOMBAT" - an analog most celebrated of the same game at IBM. Not far behind and ENIGMA GROUP from the same town (in Moscow, she is known for "ABSTRACTION" MEGADEMO, released in September 1995). The guys in this group are now busy creating her new megademonstratsii - "OVER THE TOP". The exact release dates of work yet are not known. But INFERNO SOFTWARE from Mariupol (Ukraine, too) seem so and not let "ILLUSION" MEGADEMO, which promised to make more summer of 1995. The reason was the fact that less than a year since the beginning of this writing megademuhi effects in the first five parts of the outdated and there's no point releasing MEGADEMO in this form now. Most likely, all parts of the "ILLUSION" go to the INTRO to the game. Nothing is known about the fate and the specific release date other MEGADEMO from hakkerskoy group from Nikolaev (Ukraine again) SILICON BRAINS GROUP - "TRANCE". Somewhere in January 1996 they said that the almost completed it, but when exactly will MEGADEMO riveted until we can not say. Now a little information from Minsk (Belarus ).... KAMIKAZE and ALEX PLUSOV finish work on her toy, called "CHOP DUEL". This is a great helicopter combat simulator, with made to play together. It is possible that somewhere in April, you be able to enjoy this wonderful project. That's all for today. Of course, it's not all (I would even say that not all of) the information that I have managed to collect for today, but .... Wait until next time and you will be able to learn something new and useful to himself. My contact phone number in Moscow 366-6084 (Oleg call from 16:00 22:00). If you want to publish information about their development or simply if you have any tips, comments and suggestions, then feel free to call me at the above phone. Waiting for your call! " Regards to all my readers, STEVER OF CHG. 29/02/1996. Number edited ARGON and LORD WINTER. LORD WINTER, Alex, t.300-1064 Ed. "ABOUT AI": ARGON, Alexander, t.401-9029 Ed. "News": STEVER, Oleg, t.366-6084 Veda. "About": ANDY NIK, Andrew, t.486-4850 (C) 1996 WINSOFT PRODUCTION.
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