Spectrofon #21
04 декабря 1996

Review - New Games at Moscow markets: Square Head, Sex Xonix, Dr.Mario, Crack Down, RAM, Satan 2, Shadow Dancer, Mountain Bike Simulator, 10 Fingers, Trivial Pursuit, Space Gun,

<b>Review</b> - New Games at Moscow markets: Square Head, Sex Xonix, Dr.Mario, Crack Down, RAM, Satan 2, Shadow Dancer, Mountain Bike Simulator, 10 Fingers, Trivial Pursuit, Space Gun,
               SQUARE HEAD

       (C) 1996 Outland Corporation

   Long ago, in a galaxy far far away, on a square such 
planetke somebody not for years came up with a square head

square-prikvadratnuyu game. And she became
so popular among local residents,
that from all corners of the God-forsaken galaxy stretched here 
on a regular tournament the most capable head around the square 
of white light. And everyone wanted to be party, there is no 
winner, championship For this, besides fame, promised him a 
higher accolade - to be obkidannym rotten skvomidorami. If 
someone does not know what it is he has yet to come.

   But of all the millions who want only four lucky winners got 
to the final. And who would have thought that you, too zaneset 
on this damn planetke and ugorazdilo break out in the final? In 
the meantime, please accept my sincere condolences ... 

   You will spend nine rounds
a life and death, and who knows
Suddenly you really won the coveted
Awards and go down in history as the owner
most of the square head?

   So, before you the next logical
toy, this time perfectly decorated.
Registration of design, but the meaning ... So
Anyway, the rules of the game I will not explain
I will for two reasons. Primarily due to
availability of built-help'a. Well, besides this game to a tee 
like the already known Fillers Oleg Sergeyev. Therefore, if 
you've seen the prototype, then the "head" of You will have no 

   You have already gathered to show these kvadratogolovym, 
what are you waiting for? I hasten to you disappoint - oh, how 
will fight hard. Each round can radically change the situation: 
in addition to the standard rules of the game there are also 
half-baked: you can "get lucky" so that you plucked on a 
landmine, losing all the squares, who managed to capture. 
However, sometimes you can get and a bonus - an additional 
amount points. And, of course, mines and the bonuses are 
invisible, that constantly stirs interest game. There is still, 
however, such cells are black (who have not guessed, they are 
black). They can not win, but must bypass party.

   That's it. It remains to note once again
brilliant design and well, very comfortable
menu: you can choose from one to three contenders, and we can 
play with both friends and PC. If desired, you can even play 
off two 

computer and see what happens. In short, this game can get a 
lot of pleasure. 

Title: Square Head, 48/128K
Version: Outland, 311 sec.

Music: 67%
Sound Effects: 100%
Graphics: 68%
Codes: 100%
Design: 100%
Idea: 52%
Playability: 89%
Average: 82%

                SEX XONIX

 (C) 1996 Tankard, Doc, Kamikaze, Alex Plusov

   On the way the game is clear from the title.
It looks like xonix xonix, no great surprises, but ... a 
stunning design. 

And that - not empty words! Steep scanned graphics worked out 
every detail (Mainly in the menu), well, music ...

It should be heard! Without a doubt, the coolest (the best I've 
seen) design increases the ranking in a couple of times! Even 
if we consider that each level is similar as the two

drops of water on the other, the game captures.
The reason for this - a large variety of images - at every level
own - and, as would have been better expressed, Otpad (if there 
is such a word) music ... Yes, Mouzon because during the game 
did not go to any comparison with the compositions on the menu 
and boot (you can imagine what awaits you)! Even when you enter 
the SNEAT mode before you, and then appear a great picture, 
taken from Dune 2. But the menu drawn and announced at all 
unusual - each section, whether the adjustment game or password 
has its own photo. 

   Well, game design I do and so praised. Now move on to 
everything else. First of all, the game was very nice setup 
menu (you can adjust the color images, turn off the music and 
replacing it with sound effects, changes loading blocks from 
disk (with music and without it) and so on. In addition, in 
game 40 levels (although the game allegedly sold a hundred) 
that are loaded with ten pieces of times. Each block of ten 
levels has your password, but I will not tell you yet (not

from harm, even though without it there has not been, but the 
principle - do not want you to ahead of time lost to the game 

   Yes, the fact that the game is sold ostensibly
with a hundred levels, I can not explain anything other than to 
ignorance of many (read: all) how to incorporate CHEAT MODE, 
since without it the game to go, in my opinion, not really.

   Well, my lack of information
the deceptive mode also did not like, and
That's what I dug (and hide all
It was not bad!):

   - In the game running across the lower right
corner of the screen,

   - Enter into pause mode (press N)

   - With the click, you will see a
mentat from Dune 2, which tells about
all sorts of tricky conditions. Now, any time you can be their 
use ... 

   Well, I digress. Although I have everything
said. Yes, the game still has final cut and
epilogue, so that life is worth to sweat.
I was not pleased with only one fact: the program,
apparently was made to show
people to scan images at a certain
theme, and not for the user to
enjoyed the variety of game situations (all levels are similar 
to each friend - this is not the case). And still upsets me

choice of genre. In my opinion, for we already have enough
any Tetris and Lines. Now we have

ksoniksov. I hope the authors will stop at
progress and change its scope (say, move to RPG) ...

Title: Sex Xonix, 128K
Version: Tankard, 1197 sec.

Music: 100%
Sound Effects: 100%
Graphics: 100%
Codes: 100%
Design: 100%
Idea: 14% (nothing new)
Playability: 67%
Average: 83%

                DR. MARIO

        (C) 1996 Romantic Warriors

   Oh, lucky us today to logical toys! But if the previous two 
were on their good and their cost to look, then this 
contemplate not recommend, and people with which Second, we 
say, not everything is in order with the psyche, it is 
generally protivopokazana. What is especially striking - is 
stolen from MAFIA intro graphics. Whether it simply could not 
be better approached by the name, or name came from the Mafia 
saver, but the result is - a disgrace. Unlikely whether the 
author wanted to create something worthwhile, likely task was 
to assert itself. Anyway, we have the typical Tetris with some 
advanced rules: it is proposed to destroy viruses in the bank 
settled with capsules of "good" Dr. Pepper ... excuse me, 
Mario! A the doctor always strives to throw exactly the capsule 
that you are neither here nor city. As the saying goes, what 
the doctor ordered ... Well, someone else's music and intro, 
sounds like one of the works of Max Iwamoto, I mention would 
not want ... 

Title: Dr.Mario, 48K
Version: Romantic Warriors, 134 sec.
keys, which, incidentally, you might find useful when typing 
any text. Maybe and not useful. So decide for yourself. I

I prefer "revel" in Warcraft 2.

   Arrangement fee is quite decent, and the music is good, so 
look at the "fingers" worth it. And much exercise or not - the 
choice for you.

Title: 10 Fingers, 128K (!)
Version: Digital Reality, 127 sec.

Music: 75%
Sound Effects: 100%
Graphics: 57%
Codes: 100%
Appearance: 85%
Idea: 35%
Average: 75%

             TRIVIAL PURSUIT

              (C) in 1989 Domark

   Surely you've heard about the board
game Trivial Pursuit. Your task is
to answer questions, it is desirable to correct. However, after
reading this article, I think, to make mistakes you do not AT 
ALL! How is it? Now learn. But first, more detail on the rules


   You, as an astronaut, will travel to different nooks and 
crannies of the universe and meet with a variety of beastlike 
monsters, which, incidentally, not averse to you eat!

   Thus, the game is clearly aimed at children.
Conducted in English. In addition to answer most questions are 
unlikely under even for an academician, not to mention us

ordinary mortals. Although the answer need only say "yes" or 
"no" (press O and P). But more and more fun: answer all 
questions must be "yes", so about all you can press P to 
forget! Here Such is the quiz with the only possible response. 
As can be played - not I know, although children may have and 
enjoy - really very funny monsters, it turns out

live on other planets. And one more small detail: sometimes you 
will be given listen to one of the English tunes

which of course makes the game more diverse

but not attractive - all the music, apparently written in the 
good old Wham'e! 

Title: Trivial Pursuit, 48/128K
Version takes 523 sektora.

Music: 2%
Sound Effects: 65%
Graphics: 70%
Codes: 70%
Appearance: 40%
Idea: 45%
Playability: 5%
Average: 42%

                            Sergei Novikov

                SPACE GUN

         (C) Taito 'Ocean. 1992.

           - Shoot, Gleb Yegorych! Go

         same! ..

          "The venue can not be changed."

   The next game in the series "evil monsters (terrorists, 
aliens, witches - the right to shoot), pull their legs ... "

Shot, we know - you say? And here and there.
SUCH on the Spectrum has never seen before.

   In itself, the action somewhat resembles my favorite 
"Operation Wolf". Again hostage, again, a faithful machine / 
blaster and grenades in addition, again "from the first

person "...

   But what about - again, the company Taito, certainly over 
the conversion from the gaming machine. Only in such a game 
schedule - where there antiquity, "Wolfe! And grenades more 
different - even paralyzing is. And the monsters are more 
interesting - finally appeared "Boss of the level." And the 
bastards are dying now suddenly. And where the fire - also not 
all the same. It's not all the same ... 

   And even the most "delicious" innovation - in
award for the shooting of another portion of the monsters 
you'll be shown a picture or a cartoon. Well by itself, make 
sense in these pictures are not more than in the texts between 
the levels of "Wolf." That's what she and the shooter.

"Congratulations! You kill a monster in the closet right! But 
the monster is still alive in the left cupboard ..." 
Click-click, and forward. But something as beautiful! Even if 
you just stand two commando and shoot the breeze with music. 
And there, where the shuttle is flying a la "Star Wars" - well

here it just no words!

   Thus, the balance of forces is clear: we want
See pictures. Monsters prevent us from
See pictures. Hurrah! That is, the authors
Of course, write all sorts of menacing words about
base and the hostages, but not so in passing,
that is quite clear - they want the hostages
only for the bonuses. Even if you accidentally
(Heh heh) to shoot one - he will die quietly, and even a finger 
accusingly not threatened. No, far from the local hostages 
vulfovskih, and talk about nothing. Talk is about the pictures 
and monsters. Pictures I have briefly described - they are too 
particularly rassusolivat nothing to look it up yourself. 
Believe me - it's worth it. 

   And we turn to monsters. Monsters of these,
instead concentrated on running a
depth of the screen are trying to communicate with the player 
closer. If you talk one or two monsters - it's okay. But this 
is only the beginning of the case. Try not time to understand 
at least one monster 

at higher levels (and in fact there will be even
those who know how to make nice balls, too, attacking you) - 
and ... can patent a new kind of shooter: "you much, and I'm 
alone. " 

   Thus, the monsters are different. Stupidly lomyaschiesya 
ahead of the four-, small and harmful flies above throwers 
balls almost neubivaemy zmeyuki ... All at a level

all the beautiful ... Well - nice to
monsters. But in the end, little did we
these monsters seen before! But the Space Gun
the fact and Space Gun, and bestiary to add something 
unprecedented. So - how Collapsible you monsters? Before you 
can convince the monster to leave you alone and the path of 
virtue, you will have to one shoot him, all four paws Crazed! 
Yes, but ... this is indeed to Speccy was not.

   It is necessary to briefly touch on the gun. C
main blaster and all so clear, but you can get and something 
poekzotichnee ... From time to time you will come across some 
cabinets or safes. Shooting them, you will receive a prize - 
usually a grenade. These grenades in the game a few species - 
Some just beat immediately around within the screen (including 
on hostages if they are there), while others paralyze enemies 
for some time. This is especially useful in a fight with 
zmeyukami - otherwise very difficult to convince them to stand 
still and do not spin, so you can get them in the head.

   And finally - starting the game, you
faced with the same difficult choice: "who wants to live 
forever?". Well Well ... everything is a poison, and all of a 
cure. Even the most basic it will not prevent

- Well, at least for training.

                       Andrew schoolchildren.

Other articles:

Debut - "Dark Scepetre" - representative of the genre RPG. The game has amazing graphics, large, carefully traced sprite characters, excellent sound effects, great variety of commands, user-friendly interface.

Review - New Games at Moscow markets: Square Head, Sex Xonix, Dr.Mario, Crack Down, RAM, Satan 2, Shadow Dancer, Mountain Bike Simulator, 10 Fingers, Trivial Pursuit, Space Gun,

From the world of bat - a small scandal involving the KSA, a letter on ports kompyuutera Profi.

From the world of bat - readers' letters on the topic of games.

From the world of bat - "ELITE: The Great Mysteries of the Great Game?" otkpoveniya former pilot, gone on a holiday.

From the world of bat - an analytical article on the topic of games, "I you had never seen?" (Plagiarism).

Mirror - an interview with Mike Singltonom, author of such well-known games such as "Lords of Midnight", "Doomdark Revenge", "War in the middle earth", "Dark Scepetre ", etc.

Premiere - Music Player Intertia Player, Game Last Hero of the Light Force, sistemki Supercatalog and Text-Designer, a game DUNE 2.

System - great stuff on the computer ports PROFI.

Designer - a monumental paper on the universal controller peripherals SMUC.

Workshop - a new section specifically for those who love to draw. Section about the artists and for artists. Presented several papers.

Secrets - A special section for fans of "eternity." We will talk about secrets of games. Tricks of the Trade, POKES, passwords and secret codes.

Warm greetings - Visiting magazine Sinclair User - Sir Clive Sinclair. Conversation with K. Sinclair Spectrum on and around it.

Advertising - directory of software and obyavleniya.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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