Spectrofon #09
30 сентября 1994 |
Advertising - advertising and announcements.
To purchase a monthly e-magazine "SPECTROFON", dedicated to the game category for owners Spectrum-compatible machines, contact the firm "Inforkom" on address: 121019, Moscow, G-19, POBox 16, or Moscow, in the radio market Mitino, place the A-37. Directions: Metro Tushinskaya further express train to or from the radio market Metro Tushinskaya on train station "KNITTED", then on foot, as well as radio market Tzaritzyno, tent 17, REMIX SOFTWARE. The editorial board of "SPECTROFON" INVITE authors' system and game programs for cooperation. As soon as possible we will test your program and publish the Demo version on the pages of our magazine. Your hard work appreciate thousands of readers "SPECTROFON" Yes. Serious work pay. Email us at: 125130, Moscow, I 51 Editorial Board "SPECTROFON" INVITE COMPUTER MUSICIANS FOR COOPERATION Journal "ZX-Revue" and other literature "Inforkom" and available in Moscow on Mitinskoe radio market, seat A-37. (Wholesalers offer discount) Studio "COMPUTER" offers software obespespechenie on discs and cassettes as well as the cassette version electronic journal "SPECTROFON" Address: 308001, Belgorod, Oktyabrskaya, 84, kv.103, Studio Computer. FRIENDS! MAGAZINE "SPECTROFON" In Murmansk You can buy In the following stores: 1. "ELECTRON" A / AGAT 2. "ELECTRONIC-SERVICE 3. "ORBIT" OR ORDER BY MAIL: 183057, Murmansk, PO Box 3979. Telephone: 33-36-31 (Saturday from 14.00 to 15.00) In CHELYABINSK Journal "SPECTROFON" available in a shop on the street. El'kina, 45. (About the Public Library). You can also buy books and software us for "ZX-Spectrum". In Khabarovsk "SPECTROFON" available at radio DK "Trade Unions" on Saturdays and Sundays, and at TTU "BINOM: st. Dzerzhinsky, 34 by phone 38-22-61 ALEXEI. Purchase Regular issues the electronic journal SPECTROFON in Ekaterinburg can be reached at: Ch. Prospect, 99 Firm Sinklerlend. Hours: 10.00 - 17.00 Break: 13.00 - 14.00 Daily except Sundays and Monday. Dear residents EKATERINBURG please visit specialty shop "The radio operator" address: ul. Comintern, 5. Telephone: (3432) 44-84-92 Always on Sale: - Latest numbers "SPECTROFON" a - Literature on the ZX-SPECTRUM - Gaming and system programs on tapes and diskettes - Different computers You will be pleasantly surprised by a rich range and low prices. The inhabitants of Tula and the area! You can buy or order products "Inforkom" and in the firm "Timken at: 300034, Tula-34, PO Box 409, or on Sundays in Tula, on myasnovskom market. Dear residents in Kirov! ALL FOR ZX-SPECTRUM YOU CAN FIND THE STORE "Sail" TO: Kirov, UL.VOROVSKOGO, 43. BUY ALL COMPUTER ZX-SPECTRUM In the city of Cheboksary YOU CAN TO: UL.YAROSLAVSKAYA, D.64, POM.24, ENTERPRISE "My City". Residents of Russia's regions (except Moscow and Moscow region) may be our official distributors, if the gain license to copy and distribution of the magazine. Distributors who purchased a license, will issue an unprotected copy form and will address the spread of the magazine in its region. Prices and details of registration license can be found phone: (095) 459-34-34 or address: 125130 Moscow, I 51 Selling, exchanging adventyury, played in them by the company. Buy the game genres: strategy Management, (Including sports) football music in the ASM and SOUND TRACKERe. my address: 426076, Izhevsk-76, PO Box 363, Vinokurov DV WANT TO ORGANIZE CLUB FANS "SPECCY" QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Addressed to: 141300, city of Sergiev Posad st. 1st FISH d.29 Arakelyan, Edward. Dear programmers AND Hacker! Please make sure: Not using port # FD FOR CHANGE OF ACTIVE Page of RAM! For this purpose there PORT # 7FFD! OTHERWISE YOUR WORK ACTIVE buggy ON COMPUTERS MEMORY OVER 128K! (Cri de coeur LOOSOFTWARE.) WARNING! Fans of role-playing games such as HERO QUEST! If you want to see new adventures of four friends to play HERO QUEST 3,4 ... make mite! Do not you want to heated battles took place in YOUR maze? Take a general plan structure of any maze, create a background, the task set up the doors, traps, secret doors, enemies, heroes, obstructions, exit and send to address: Vladimir, Lermontov, d.28g, kv.16 (tel. 7-35-22) Alexei Tikhonov. And more! If someone needs information on the Games HERO QUEST1, 2 contact me. For sale BOD "ZX-Spectrum 48K PLUS" with the transition to the Russian alphabet entering a single command, enhanced keyboard, built-in power food, have outputs for two joystick and headphones plus All patch cords, earphones, as well as gaming and system software for it. Joysticks and drive there. Contact: Vladimir, ul. Fatyanova, d.28, kv.54. Ogryzkov Stanislav. Buy game programs for the ZX-SPECTRUM disk and tape version not earlier than the 1990. Applications should be addressed to: Vladivostok, PO Box 106223. SELL GAME, SYSTEM AND MUSIC PROGRAMS FOR ZX-SPECTRUM 48/128. A very large selection. WRITE TO: EE 0090 TALLINN, PO Box 3009, Vlad. FIRM EDO Elara offers: Peripheral devices PC DELTA: 1. Drive controller with built-in printer controller, a music processor. 2. Disk system. Its membership includes floppy drive, floppy drive controller, power supply. And also computer Elara drive 128 - Is compatible with ZX-Spectrum 128 - Built-in floppy drive, - Music processor - Built-in printer controller, - Port for connecting external devices. Our address: 428031, Cheboksary, POBox 498, tel. (835) 42-55-12 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION ANY Spectrum-Compatible COMPUTERS, CHANGES LENINGRAD UP TO 100% COMPATIBILITY With firm Spectrum. Phone: 306-09-46 (Alexei) FIRM "SO'LF" PROVIDES WIDEST CHOICE SOFTWARE FOR ZX-SPECTRUM In the city of Volgograd. Residents of the Chelyabinsk! The store RITM (In the section "Tape") pass sale newest games other than the disk version. Phone: 3512-249497, 3512-240164. If you want to advertise or advertisement in the magazine SPECTROFON, Write to: 125130, Moscow, POBox 51, or arrives at the bridge kovsky radio market in Mitino, seat A-37. ADVERTISING & announcements are published FREE.
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