Spectrofon #17
01 февраля 1996

Review - an overview of new additions to the markets of Moscow: Navy Seals, Abadia, Pirates, Wild West Seymour. As well as English hit parade of the best games late 80's - early 90's.

<b>Review</b> - an overview of new additions to the markets of Moscow: Navy Seals, Abadia, Pirates, Wild West Seymour. As well as English hit parade of the best games late 80's - early 90's.

   We present you the review of new products, recently 
introduced in Sales in the markets of Moscow.

                NAVY SEALS

                Ocean 1991

         TR-DOS: Titus and Softstar

      Rating: Part A: 1990 Part B: 45

   Well, there could not be fooled. From the first
See everything clearly. Just candid fighter. But what a!

   We must honestly admit - to the militants I
generally uneven breathing. As Frank would say
Dreblin in "Gol gun:" I liked to shoot the suspects out of my
pistol ... Well, actually, who would not
like it? "

   But this one gunman seize all. Even
pacifist in its third generation with pleasure you throw it 
away a couple of wily terrorists. What is this "Navy Seals" so 
wonderful, you ask? And my answer - the graphics. No, that is, 
of course, everything else should be, here too. Good sound 
effects, interesting story, typical for such toys drive ... But

it's all we've seen, and not once. But
how often do you see such a schedule? And even
not so much the graphics (though it is excellent), how many 
animations, I mean motion heroes. This is not the "Prince", but 
very, very close ... Just look how cautious look around the 
terrorists (likely, the Arabs - they are all in such cloaks 
like a turban) as swinging the arms and throws his legs up 
paratrooper, as hunched, he creeps

under piles of boxes ...

And even a single flaw, when the trooper, crawled to the edge, 
falling down "All in the same position," somehow

good looks. As for the plot, then
he was pleasantly traditional. Treacherous Arab
terrorists, many of detonators similar
on alarm clocks to be discharged in
strict order ... What is there
explain - we are all the games played with. Now the drawbacks. 
Alas, there is a world of perfection. The fact that the "Navy 
Seals ", in my opinion, completely impassable. I still can not 
believe, though with difficulty, that After a couple of months 
of continuous training I manage to stay within a given number 
of lives, but that's the time ... Ill-fated commando, dying, 
trying to resurrect a away from the place of death: and this 
accounts for a long time again, and carefully crawl a dozen 
boxes - and all for that, having reached this point,

heroically die again. Fortunately,
Good hackers are all taken care of us.
So we're now a little bit of that ...
Well ... How shall I say ... In general, we include 
immortality. Or "timeless" - on choice. Usually I'm such tricks

wary, but here, at least
At first, no you do not infinitive
do. And I assure you - even with the eternal
lives around the base, to deal with terrorists and turn off all 
the detonators quite not easy. And another drawback - the second

part of the game. Actually, this is a separate
program "Navy Seals Part B", though both sides are usually sold 
together. Whether the authors pursued diversity, whether just 
tired of all this - that dazzled quickly what is easier. In 
part B, no special animation, you will not see:

just go from left to right and fell in all
that moves. Boring things, just with a part A
no comparison. In short, I would put this game five with a 
minus (minus for obstruction and bad continuation).

But the schedule of the first part deserves no less than 


                Opera Soft

             TR-DOS: Prokhorov

       Rating: impossible to estimate

   And it is a gift from Spain. And it is extremely promising. 
Judge for yourself - the graphics, as in "Fairlight'e", plus a 
map, which traversed the area displayed

lock (or monastery), in which the action is. Add to that more 
dialogues with the characters and seems to be interesting story 
- it would seem, what more do you want? Ahn, it turns out, it 
would be necessary even for something. Such trouble - a game 
some Spanish. And worse - in Spanish. Usually it does not 
matter: as something too "arribo" from "abajo" distinguished. 
But in "Abadi" so much text that simply dizzy. One entry for a 
good ten pages worth something! And my Spanish ... In general, 
I understand just what and in English as well.

For example, in a phrase, which stubbornly insists the Black 
Monk, I realized just treatment "Noble recluse" (or "stranger"?)

and the last word "terrible" - "horrible."
That had better not say. And besides,
once it is unclear how this monastery (All the same it is 
unlikely to lock) with objects. Then is, of course, a vow of 
poverty and all that, but at least some boots torn so must 
somewhere be still on hand! So after figushki. A set of stairs 
and balconies, with cast black monks with mugs, how to 
repolarization ... and everything. Is that the main character 
(main, because he has a companion and, as

Maybe companion) initially there is something
like a coiled rope, which he may drop, but after a while he
again raises. So, alas, but "Abadiyah"
left for me "thing in itself." And sorry -
really really nice surroundings! Remember, "manuscript found in 
Saragossa" I just devoured. Maybe there is still a person with 
knowledge of Spanish, translated it? 

If "Abadiyah" will not disappoint, then for
such a transfer is simply a monument to put!


               Nicodemus 1995

               Rating: 55

    The game "Pirates" Yaroslavl programmer Nicodemus (the same 
that he had written a terrific demo version of "The Prince", 
and now, reportedly wrote a great rolevuhu) in our

Moscow distributed by "Magic
Soft ". I have this game, I confess, has caused some mixed 
feelings. But about this a bit later. To tell the truth - seeing

this game, I'm slightly disappointed. Long
have already been rumors about the game "Pirates" and, of 
course, I remembered the same name on the toy IBM. Intelligent 
toy, weakly deterministic and very interesting. 

Something like the "elites" under the sails and
though worse than the original battles, but with
aboard and with the ability to marry
daughter of the leader of the Targon ... in the sense of -
Spanish governor. Well, even with a pair of
dozens of similar events. Of course, you
already understood that it is quite another "Pirates". 
Sufficiently simple little game for two: one for the Spanish 
conquistadors (again Spaniards!), the other for the rootless 
pirates. (You can play alone - with the computer.) Spaniards 
have to deliver to Europe across the Atlantic, the cargo of 
gold, and pirates, respectively, the gold set. At the disposal 
of the Spanish galleon with three powerful cannon and rigged, 
but clumsy and helpless in a dead calm. Do pirates six 
Brigantine with sails and oars (Hmm?), Nimble, but weak. Then, 
as where the ships will go (just go!

Swim - the word overland), largely depends on the wind. What 
this course will wind, is chosen by a special

turntables. With a certain probability can
and jump events, such as calm
or storm. As for flaws, then
as without them? .. For example, it is not enough information 
about the enemy ships. I yet understand that distance is not 
clear how much it leaks, but the name should be something like

be written on the nose? And the interface could
would be more comfortable. And it would be nice to issue 
messages about repairing ships or Transfer of gold when 
initially carrying his ship was sunk. (The manual says that it 
does not flush, and take the lift, but the picture is not 
reflected.) A home flea, perhaps - it sounds. And the size of a 
flea, this whole dog. Well, in the intro music is and is not 
bad, but sounds in the game? Continuous creaking, yes

yet what a nasty ... But the schedule is quite
level. And the parameters can be adjusted
his taste: how often smeared by pirates, as
- Spaniards, and all that jazz. Very convenient. Several 
strains that "Pirates" sold on the whole a separate floppy disk 
- with such a volume could be a "Elite" Wrap! But there's 
nothing to be done - civilized distribution. We will get used 
to, but then one can not behave like communists. In general, 
the game leaves a good impression. The best word, perhaps - 
"dear." Do not hit, of course ... just a board game, and, the 
computer could play smarter. Hype "Pirates" will not cause ... 
and yet in my collection is its will take place. And I think I 
have a couple of times to her back. Maybe even I will seek some 
strategic refinements that the first ever overlooked? 


  Big Red Software and Codemasters 1992

         TR-DOS: Titus and Softstar

               Rating: 80

   One of the two games of Seymour, entered
in Codemasters Collection. In general, if I
nothing is missed, the third game of it.

I think all of you remember the previous creations
Kodemastersov in this series - "Seymour at
the Movies ". The creation of very interesting and
just as difficult. And if you're tuned to something in the same 
way - is waiting for you disappointment. This "Seymour" is much 
easier the previous one. And not just because he

as "Dizzy 7" is divided into four parts with
passwords. (Incidentally, an excellent innovation
in my opinion. No to early to guess!)
Seymour in the Wild West "is held for
Two or three evenings. I, for example, is seriously stuck in 
him only once - in the first part. And then I was not feeling 
that there was something unthinkable, its

kind of a glitch in the script. Judge for yourself - one
subject, namely, a pot with magical seeds and did not work! For
"Codemasters" It's just extraordinary. Yes, and the storyline 
is not so complex as the first part. What do you want - one 
western (plus a bit of a Star Wars ") instead of eight movie 
studios, the second "Seymour!" And yet, while the puzzles in 
this game are not complicated, and the plot fairly linear, in 
that the passage it on the fly - "Seymour the Wild West" leaves 
a very pleasant impression. Seymurovsky spirit preserved 
completely, but fun is not just please you. Wonderful parody of 
Westerns, even the Indians have ("Bubble (ie Seymour) brought 
the fire water! "). Yes, even the game genie, adoring

codes, and occasionally giving sage advice! And
Besides a few threads at the end of the game remain 
nerasputannymi. Forward to continuing? 


             Codemasters 1992

   TR-DOS: a version of Titus and Softstar

           and a version of Prestige

               Rating: 60

   In the game, "Seymour Robocop" our old friend Seymour stands 
in a somewhat unusual role. Doubly unusual. 

Firstly, the game is pure arcade, and secondly ... it is not 
about shooting the next "RoboCop" with Seymour in the lead role 
on I secretly hoped. None. Our Superstar

decided to try to field the most
this cop. And I began to reason
with mass arrests ... Penguins in Antarctica. Seymour has 
missed most of these penguins, or indeed anything that moves,

his faithful glove and jump on them
wall. Somehow, this procedure is called
arrest. (It seems that the authors seen enough of this 
"Robocop.") When at last the poor prisoner smeared on the wall, 
instead of It appears any prize - fruits, adding points, shaped 
as letters, of which need to collect a phrase. And 
pokrovozhadnee stuff: handcuffs, Taser and all that. A penguins 
do not stint on: soon from a huge suitcases come out new. I 
think hot Seymour's fans will be disappointed more

and graphics. No, of course, quite
nice, but the sprites, sprites ... They were
three times smaller than in other seymurovinah. So do not 
expect: a great director fingers no longer moves and the eyes 
do not wink. Can distinguish it from Penguin - so what you 
want? In general, all this is very reminiscent of the game 
uboische "Rodland", except that the sprites smaller, worse 
music and prizes are interesting. For the collection will go 
... but not a masterpiece. While lying I will not, played with 
gusto. Still Codemasters - complete bullshit is not being 

               Reviewer: A. Shkolnikov

                  *- S-*

   In the last issue we reported
that in good old England, the birthplace of our beloved Speccy, 
in 1995 There are several new electronic publications. Today we 
present to you the megahit PARADE games, published in English 
electronic journal "EMULATE". 

     ON MATERIALS OF FOREIGN press releases

           (C) EMULATE N2, 1995

          Kidderminster, England

    We offer you the hit parade
Games "FULL PRICE" for 1985-1991. In
hit parade includes all games, which took first place in the 
top ten on the basis of monthly survey of the magazine "YOUR 
SINCLAIR ". However, the generalized charts did not include 
some game-winners in period up to 1985 and in the time interval 
between July 1985 and June 1987. 

               Top Games

   (Winners of the monthly hit parade)


July JET SET WILLY Software Projects 1
August MUGSY Melbourne House 1
Sep SABRE WULF Ultimate 3


February UNDERWURLDE Ultimate 1
March KINGHTLORE Ultimate 1
May 2 GHOSTBUSTERS Activision


BMX SIMULATOR Codemasters August 1
Sep BARBARIAN Palace 2
November EXOLON Hewson 1
December RENEGADE Imagine 2


February GAME SET AND MATCH Ocean 1
March OUT RUN US Gold 2
May PLATOON Ocean 2
Oct FOOTBALL MANAGER 2 Addictive 1
December FOOTBALL MANAGER 2 Addictive 1


February LAST NINJA 2 System March 1
March AFTERBURNER Activision 1
Apr ROBOCOP Ocean 3
August ROBOCOP Ocean 3
November RICK DANGEROUS Firebird 1
December ROBOCOP Ocean 1


January STUNT CAR RACER Microprose 1
February BATMAN THE MOVIE Ocean 1
August 1990 ITALY US Gold 2


Sep HERO QUEST Gremlin 3
December TERMINATOR 2 Ocean 1

Note: The figure on the right indicates the number of months 
that the program was kept in hits in the first place. 

Other articles:

Expertise - a detailed analysis of the second part of the game "HACKER". You to become a member of an exciting detective story.

Review - an overview of new additions to the markets of Moscow: Navy Seals, Abadia, Pirates, Wild West Seymour. As well as English hit parade of the best games late 80's - early 90's.

From the world of bat - Vyacheslav Mednanogov responds to letters chitaleteley the game UFO - Enemy Unknown.

Premiere - premiere of two software programs: "Esperanto-48" and "Gemmini Commander v.3.2".

System - discussion of the pressing issues of standardization Spectrum-compatible computers.

Designer - the problems associated with the port # FD, and also questions rassshireniya RAM up to 512 kb and the implementation of the pseudo-ROM.

Fantasy - short story on a computer game, "Lords of Chaos".

Warm greetings - an interview with the company Mythos Games, known for games such as "Laser Squad", "Rebel Star", "Lords of Chaos", etc.

Advertising - the section of free advertisements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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