Think #45
08 мая 2000

RU.ANOMALIA - For fans of LO.

<b>RU.ANOMALIA</b> - For fans of LO.
 For lovers of LO - RU.UFO
 From: Sergey Kozlov 2:5020 / 400
 Who: All
 Subject: Pyramid (continued)

  As is known, writes V. Lupport, pyramid
Cheops is strictly oriented, and its diagonal is a straight 
line with a diagonal Khafre's pyramid, the second largest

Egyptian pyramids. Further, he argues,
that this giant signs intended to northeast. Another
geographical feature of the pyramid of Cheops
that it stands on the parallel of 30 degrees. Having built on 
the parallel angle of 30 degrees, we obtain a straight line, 
which is their way to tell us the equally gigantic and 
mysterious ancient monument near the town of Zhambyl - 
Akyr-Tas, and the angle of inclination of side planes of the 
pyramid clarifies coordinates of the square of this unique

structures (a report from the meridian of Alexandria). The same 
principle (the construction angle of 30 degrees) and confirmed 
place location of the proposed entry into the emptiness of the 

  The library of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, I
found a letter engineer Lupporta in which
He describes the essence of his version of the origin facility 
Akyr-Tas and insists on necessary equipment of a scientific 
expedition to explore this unique monument. In this letter is 
resolution then there is the academician GIPatsevich. that

version engineer Lupporta has under a
basis and deserves attention. This document is certified by the 
secretary of the Academy of Sciences Vinogradov. Academician 
Patsevich long No, but I found Vinogradov. He advised me to 
contact the Institute of Archaeology and ethnography. There, 
Professor K. M. Baipakov said that the version of the engineer 
Lupporta purest nonsense and that the construction Akyrtas no 
scientific interest is not that the Academy of Sciences and 
Institute of Archaeology, no extra money to to provide for his 
research that, say, voids, as the Lupport.

there is not and can not be.

  And in "space" I came
for material H. Ivlev, "The Call Akyrtasha, where
version V. Lupporta also been sharply criticized. "That's what 
leads are not hampered by knowledge played out a fantasy 
Amateur! - Writes H. Ivlev. - It all started with the absurd 
assumption of the existence of the ancient civilization of more 
than developed than in the XX century. People of the 
civilization wanted for us, distant descendants, leave a 
"unique palace-museum with documents and samples of his art. 
And this cache was placed in Kazakhstan. And Lupport

indicates its location - Tashtyube. And only here and not 
somewhere like it is expressed. "The logic of facts"! And what 
are these facts? They are not. These he does not, except for 
assurances that the amount of stones Akyrtasha (27 thousand 
cubic meters) does not match the volume output in

quarry (100,000 cubic meters).
Having arrived at this catchy and seemingly conclusive, it 
makes another startling suggestion: material Akyrtasha was 
taken inside the building Tashtyube and "means" inside the hill 
have revealed the enormous emptiness, where you will alleged 
Palace Museum. And this assumption, as, indeed, and everything 
is based on the sand. "

  So say the skeptics. And what of this
about the sources say? In various sources of this structure is 
called differently: Tas-Akyr, Akyr-Tas Akyrtash. About It 
mentions the journey Taoist Monk Chan Niblet. traveled to 1222 
from China through Sairam in Samarkand in the camp of Genghis 
Khan. That is what is reported in its Blog about Akyr-Tase, "On 
the road, caught the stone fort: the stones completely

red: there are traces of ancient military encampments. To the 
west is a large mound graves, located in the stars Bear. "

  In 1885, researcher DL Ivanov
gathered a wealth of material about Akyr-Tase and
the journal Proceedings of the Imperial Russian
Geographical Society, "published
great article. He wrote: "The huge stones,
gigantic size of the entire structure, boldness of conception, 
art, and thoroughness implementation and, finally, this seeming 
now isolation among the masses of the dry desert steppe - all 
this makes the watch on Akyrtash. as one of the most remarkable

ancient architectural structures in Turkestan. For such a 
cyclopean venture had to have huge amounts of money, it was 
necessary to have a mass slave hands and enormous wealth. On 
such matter could solved only some mighty lord of the People. 
"employee of the Academy of Sciences Kazakhstan GIPatsevich in 
1940 examined Akyr Tas. "It should be noted -

wrote in his research notes in a Bulletin
Academy of Sciences GIPatsevich - that to
this time another of this type
facilities, both in its grandeur, so
and the original plan, as well as
use on the construction of large stone blocks on the territory 
of Central Asia and Kazakhstan still were not found. "He

thoroughly and professionally executed measurement
and planning facilities. In terms of
Akyr-Tas is strictly oriented to the cardinal points of the 
rectangle parties 205 and 185 meters. Covers an area of ​​four 
hectares. The thickness of the outer walls - 4-5 meters, is on 
the north wall one on the south - three entrances. Inside the 
building - 28 base of the column 5 by 5 meters.

  GIPatsevich makes no conclusions about the sudden suspension 
of construction works on Akyr-Tase. He refrained from

specifying the destination facility, from
specific date for its construction.

  In "Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan"
TK wrote fables, that appointing
construction Akyr-Tas, there are several
assumptions: first - brahmana temple
existing premises - cells for the monks or
a haven for travelers, for waters
ablution, the second - Nestorian monastery, the third - a 
caravanserai with rooms for visiting merchants. Due to the 
absence of the sanctuary at the center of the structure version 
is no longer a Buddhist temple. Nestorian monasteries 
constructed with the longitudinal axis from west to east. The 
absence of this feature rejects his appointment as a Nestorian 
monastery. You can not attribute it to caravan, which must have 
one input, oriented in the direction of caravan


  Of great interest are decorative elements of the monument. In 
his writings, academician Bartold leading figure ornamented 
stone from buildings Akyr-Tas, but, unfortunately, does not 
analyze origin of the stone and the figure for

it. Shown in the figure dashed lines characterize the geometric 
law constructing the ornament of squares and hexagons, which 
are mutually intertwined and form a complex pattern. The angle 
of the lines of ornament is 45 degrees. Unfortunately, these 
stones have survived. And sorry, of course, that they are not 
knew the engineer VP Lupport. 

  I wonder how we would look at the Egyptians, if they were in 
the construction of high-altitude Aswan High Dam as a building

material used to stone blocks
Pyramid of Cheops or the Colossi of Greater and Lesser Temple 
of Abu Simbel? And we have similar phenomenon is possible: from 
the unique structure of the former Akyr Tas now remained only 
the foundation so countless pieces of broken blocks. Still in 
1905 Head of Awliya-Ata District B. Kalaur wrote that the stone 
from the ruins Akyr-Tas hard leaves the surrounding population 
of nearby villages. Especially many This stone was used in the 
construction Turksib for the construction of empty train 
bridges, foundations of buildings. In 1938-39 only at the 
station Ak-Chulak stone Akyr-Tas built two

warehouse and several foundations for other
building. Can we then wonder
or simply did not understand what irreparable damage is done to 
this unique historical monument, and destroying such heritage, 
we deprive ourselves of opportunities to learn of themselves, 
their national and even nationwide, but rather the universal 

  Thus, none of the researchers Akyrtas: neither A. X. Margulan 
nor PI Lerch. no DL Ivanov, nor GIPatsevich nor A.H.

Bershtam nor VVBartold nor TK fables - are not told about the 
time of its construction, the appointment and the reasons for 
the unexpected cessation of the construction. Recall that

Taoist monk who saw the first time in 1222
year, then there is the ruins of Akyrtas noticed
it traces the military encampments. Let's try
adhere to this opinion. Will not guess who was building this, I 
dare say, fortress. Whether the queen of the Saks-Massagetae,

whether the lord of the Western Turkic Empire.
In the work of H. Gumilev's "Battle of Talas
1936 BC "written on the emergence
in the Talas Valley in 46 BC
leader of the Huns Zhi Zhi with three thousand soldiers. A. H. 
Bernstam found it possible suggest that it was "the first mass 
penetration of the Huns in Central Asia." Kangyuysky king 
eagerly accepted the Hun Shenuy. He gave his wife, his daughter 
and himself married a daughter of Zhi-Zhi. First strike

Allies rained down on Usuns who had to abandon their 
possessions and Western retreat to the east. Another object of 
the Hun invasions was the Ferghana valley. 

  Further, L. H. Gumilev writes that the cumulative production 
required storage space. In the valley of the Talas River Zhi 
Zhi has built for himself and his party stronghold. 500 workers 
built it for two years. She was surrounded by earthen wall and 
a double palisade with watchtowers, which shows on

effect is not Greek or Parthian, and
Roman fortification. Among the garrison
This fortress was more than 100 Marines,
who are considered by the Romans. Assumed.
that they were legionnaires Crassus, who surrendered
Parthians directed them to serve on
eastern border. L. H. Gumilev did not explain how they came to 
ChzhiChzhi. Perhaps one of the raids on the Parthians?

Zhi-Zhi with his three thousand warriors
plundered the town, located on the Great
Silk Road. and passing on his caravans. He did not spare the 
city, even their allies, such as Sogdiana. 

  Must also was the leader of the Huns, somewhere
store their prey. Hence we can assume that the fortress, which 
has built ChzhiChzhi, and there Akyr Tas. Would the remnants of 
the foundation of the structure does not suggest that his thick 
walls reminiscent of the defensive walls of Roman Carthage, 
while 28 Colonnade - Colonnade Acropolis. And, naturally, 
legions of Crassus, who served at the Chi-Chih, must have been 
familiar with at least some elements of Roman architecture, as 
evidenced by the handling and laying stones Akyr-Tas. 
Otherwise, from a sultry and smooth as the palm of the steppes, 
where as the poet said, "even the grass is low, even horses

squat, even Khans feared high wall sculpture, "came the vast 
building, which occurred while in the territory of the Roman 

  And why construction Akyr Tas was
unfinished? In the face Kang-kü/Kangju and Usuns
Zhi-Zhi lost allies. From studies
L. H. Gumilev, we learn that in 1936 to
BC Ji-Ji in the battle with the Chinese
regular army was defeated and
decapitated. Of course, he, like any nomad, could go deep into 
the steppes, than to engage in a battle against superior forces 
opponent, but for some reason he did not. Perhaps he feared an 
attack from the rear their former allies? Maybe it would not

to leave their treasures? At this L. H. Gumilev is not the 

  I would believe it is in this hypothesis of Akyr-Tas. if not 
one circumstance. Once at the press conference with the former 
first secretary Former provincial party committee S. Baizhanova 
slipped question regarding the volume of stock Natural gas is 
pumped into the voids naturally occurring in the area 
AkyrTyube. A Akyr-Tube is close to structure Akyr Tas. Hence, 
the engineer was right Lupport! Hence, all the same emptiness 
is! In this case, back in the Big Sphinx.

  All will remember the sensation when
U.S. spacecraft Voyager, crossing our solar system,
transmitted to Earth shot from the surface of Mars, from which 
the Sphinx looked similar Egyptian. It was there, and the image 
of the pyramid. Further investigation showed that this is not 
the play of light. And this is just like would confirm that the 
Great Sphinx, and Pyramids of Egypt have a version of Space

origin. And if the stone block of the pyramid of Cheops is 2.5 
tons, and if dare say that the construction blocks

Akyr Tas have the same configuration, the same
size and same weight, and they are carved out
the same species of stone, and then we can assume that this 
version of the origin With regard to the structure and Akyr Tas.

  In March 1990 the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" was: 
published an article by physicist Vladimir Romanov's "Big 
Message Sphinx. "The author hypothesizes that

ancient structures, along with unusual architecture, contain 
more so-called astronomical aspect, that is a definite 
orientation with respect to Sun. The moon and some stars in the 
sky. By the way, next to the structure Akyr-Tas are the seven 
ancient mounds located in the form of the constellation Ursa 
Major, which was seen as early as 1222 went by

here Taoist monk Chan Chunem.

  Vladimir Romanov believes that the drawings of the desert
Nazca, Easter Island statues, pyramids
Egypt are indicative signs of extraterrestrial information 
storage capsules. Starting point is in his words,

intersection point of diagonal lines of the pyramids of Cheops 
and Chephren. This point it is called a surface coordinate 
walled capsule in the ground. Deep same coordinates, on Romanov 
is the distance from a reference point to the diagonal line of 
the pyramid Menkaure. that is 78 meters. Why depth coordinate 
is 78 meters? And therefore, answers his own question Romanov, 
that are located above ground water, and below - artesian. 
Vladimir Romanov turns in his article focuses on what people

No such proportions eyes and face, as in
Great Sphinx, and from this he concludes that the Great Sphinx 
- a sculptural portrait of aliens built the complex

large stone pyramids.

  S. Proskuryakov - Member of the Federation of space in the 
newspaper "Sovetskaya Belorussia" on 27 August 1989 published 
an article "Information Pyramids phenomena, where

leads composed of a mathematical
model of the complex of pyramids of Egypt. He also
hypothesizes that the project is complex
these pyramids belong to one architect is the representative of 
a highly developed civilization he believes that the architect 
Hemnun of the constellation Canis Major. Where, By the way, 
includes our Solar System, embodied in the guise of the Great 
Sphinx. On the basis of their mathematical model S.

Proskuryakov concludes that the total
geometric volume of the three great pyramids
encrypted planetary system of Sirius and
also the structure of the solar system, including
and an unknown planet "X". According to S.
Proskurjakova, the pyramids - and it geleomayaki
the main thing - it is implicit in their information base.

  A few days ago General Manager Production Association 
Zhambyloblgaz Kairat Kasymovich Shotbakov confirmed that voids 
near the structure Akyr Tas available. He even promised to give 
exact figures of their volume. Who knows, maybe in Indeed at a 
distance of 40 kilometers from Zhambyl city at a depth of 78 
meters mysteries of the universe. 

Abandon hope all is everyone here included
Sergey Kozlov



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