Think #24
10 января 1999

Prohodilka - King's keep.

<b>Prohodilka</b> - King's keep.

Author: I. Wright

 This is another game from the family KNIGHT TIME, and it is 
very good. Helpful to know some tricks. When your prince jumps 
up, you can keep him in the air. Pay particular attention to 
warnings about forbidden places - perish as soon as they check 
it out. 

  Interrogate everyone he met. During her walking around the 
castle you will meet a jester, king, queen, guard and

other characters. They are all in need of something, and got 
what they needed, they to answer your questions.

  In the kitchen (KITCHEN) jump onto the pot
and remove from it (OUT COOKING POT)
Silver Knife (SILVER KNIFE). On a shelf Take roast turkey 
(ROAST TU     RKEY) and return it to the throne room

    (KING's THRONE ROOM) king. He thanks you, and as a reward 
give a gold coin. Examining the music page (MUSIC PAGE), you 
can apply lira (LYRA). The King will stop you and

will give a jar of eyes toads (TOAD'S EYES).
In the magical room (WIZARD'S ROOM) Take charred wand (BURN
WAND) and the bat's wing (BAT'S
WING) immerse the pot in the kitchen
(IN COOKING POT) and remove the
pot (OUT COOKING POT), what
there will as a result of witchcraft - a new wand (NEW WAND), 
with which you can open the course up to the attic. 

                     Knife to give DAM
                    SEL, and it is a sign of bla
                    godarnosti give you

                    silk shawl, which
                    toruyu you obmenyayate

                    have HORRIBLE HAG'a on
handkerchief (HANDKERCHIEF). A handkerchief
exchange of DAMSEL the key from the van
       Noah (WASH ROOM KEY). In the attic

       Take the bone (GNAWED BONE) and let
       those of its savage (CRAZY OLD MAN) - he

       flee away, taking with him

  In a lonely room (LONELY
ROOM) pick a playing card - ace of hearts (PLAYING CARD) and 
give it to the clown that you are in gratitude to give a magic 
stone (STONE), and, like many other characters, achieving

her, he disappears. Pull down the stone
into the pot and remove from it an empty bucket.

   Bucket can be filled in the bathroom.

   Full bucket (FULL BUCKET), soap (SOAP)
and a towel (TOWEL) give HORRIBLE HAG, she will thank you
and give you a bird feather (FEATHER).

       Gold coin (GOLD

       COIN) Daichi guard - and he disappeared

        In the attic, took the key from the chest
(CHEST KEY), applying a protective shield (SHIELD), you can 
safely open the chest in which is an old scroll of

 In order to apply the old spell you need to have a small coin
(PICAYUNE) and feather birds (FEATHER). Teperto you can pass in 
the previously forbidden room ('F') ...

    Search and wear a helmet (HELMET). Ina
   che, when you open the bridge - you die.

     Golden Pen (GOLDEN

   HANDLE) and stick (GOLDEN
ROD), apply at the bridge for
its descent.

  Apply Book (BOOK) and
emerged in front of you magic box disappears.

  You left the castle ... ...

  This concludes this
great game.

Other articles:

From the Author - The paper will be published rarely ...

Prohodilka - King's keep.

Overview of new products - Monstrland, DigiMania, Lightly Fields.

Jokes - Humor.

WANTED - Searching software ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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