Energy #99
03 февраля 1999

Nove - of updates: Don News 1, Deja Vu 7.

<b>Nove</b> - of updates: Don News 1, Deja Vu 7.


    The glorious city of Rostov-on-Don said the first release 
of the first newspaper in Rostov DON_NEWS. DIMON accept my 
congratulations. Room as a whole look bad (except formatirovki 
text). A lot of information about what happened and a brief 
description of the works now - very profitable places newspaper 
in one line with the giants of the newspaper industry.

     DEJAVU # 07 - a new edition of a very

 .......... skip made an emulator and therefore
1934 sector review novya flew in asshole,
as well as with the last number of ENERGY that was never 
released. # Banye emulsion and ####### Spectrum. We've got 
enough to write articles that fly like toilet paper down the 
toilet. # Lyadsvo one and only. Want to yell obscenities, and 
curse the mother of Billy and Clive. Thought move to the PC 
problems with a loss of texts diminished or even disappear 
altogether - so fuck you. Crud like that. Shorter review

included three demos, four new
newspapers, and five new editions of the magazine. So
same codes to KOLOBOK 2, a description of events
"HACKER_STOP'99" and fresh news about CH.V.2 ...

    ALL FEMALES and reptiles crawling and stinking ...
THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU ..... :((((((

    yyyy yyyy r r r r r r ggggg

    r r r r r r r r r he

    shhhhh r r r r r r he r r

    r r r r r r r r r he

    Mr. shhhhh yyyy ggggg g g g g


 In our application has been flashing ROM
 but, unfortunately, you already have ...

 And we have some news:

     ARTY assured us that the super
SCENERGY project is nearing completion and another
A new journal: the name -
ALTERNATIVE. According to the description KVAZAR'a it will log 
about the AMIGA and SPECTRUM. Release dates of both magazines 
are uncertain; = { 

Other articles:

CHAOS ZONE'99 - On the demo CHAOS ZONE'99.

DEAD TOP - the top 10 games and 3 magazines.

PC-RULEZ - an unlucky note or how I became pisyukom.

PHD - Another Humble opinion about the PHD, or why everything is so gloomy?

RAGE - Rage Technology - an inside look ...

VIRTUAL TR-DOS - A new site in Internet'e.

Tales from the Crypt - The story about the navigator.

Nove - of updates: Don News 1, Deja Vu 7.

From the authors - Preparations are under way to hang your computer ...

Reflections - Introduction to the world of the Spectrum.

Wreck Time - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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