Polesse #17
31 мая 2000 |
Weakly go? - Seaquest.
WEAKLY pass? SEA QUEST "Sea Wolf" (C) KVAZAR Somewhere in the middle of the 21 th century, on Earth outbreak of World War III. It lasted 25 years and led to almost complete destruction of mankind. Few survived this hell, but they are passing through the generation scary mutants, after Ten thousand years have evolved into a new human race, the truth is very different from their predecessors. Mankind had to re-learn, comprehend and invent something that a hundred centuries back irretrievably lost in nuclear flames. Archaeologists were able to find traces of ancient civilization, one step at restoring history of their ancestors. So they learned about the terrible war. But at the same time, it was concluded that day of reckoning could be prevented. To do this, in our time, William was sent to the cyborg, whose main task was do everything to save the Earth ... Such is the exposition of this fantastic story. How did you bring it to the authors the game is another question. So far, we have a crude demo with ill-conceived plot, lots of glitches and elementary errors. But in any case the game is and we decided to publish her little SOLUTION. (C) EAZY Arriving at the U.S. submarine ship "Sea Wolf" as a rookie, you welcome at the Captain Bridger, who immediately gives you a task to find him pack of cigarettes. So, having received such a silly task, You arrive at your cabin. For a start, You do not hurt to look around. On the table, made of cheap material, and here's the paradox - Quality, detects forged ring, a bottle of cologne "Ecology," such as Captain Bridger "Triple" and the box with the land, which has a habit of taking a a majority of American sailors, leaving for a long voyage. Glancing cloudy eyes ("Triple" - rulez) on the bed, you will see on its vast open spaces, bright white snow (soap "Commercial" - also rulez!), Thing-bag and a pair of dirty, indelible "Tide", socks, also quite different. Zanyuhav their gorgeous bouquets, vividly recalled the smell of the native barracks and climb into duffel bag, in order to discover where moldy biscuits and ionic (for some reason) razor (Although the authors think, what is at stake?) probably "Gillette" (must die!). Capturing the first socks and cologne, boldly knock foot door, reminding hatch. Passing through the corridor past the closed door, requesting a card (not Remember each step to rest, but not more than once row), you will see a crossroads at which wanders aimlessly a ghost-Thundering The same cleaner schy mop, it's easier cleaner. Politely greeted him and not engaging in the extreme, to exchange views with him on the cologne flask (not throw!) and broken videopeydzher, that our dear friend pulled out of the cabin midshipman. Go to the warrant Volenchiku that real ace in electronics and comfortably sitting on his couch, please repair the pager. But to repair the village-Our electronic genius glacial badly needed chip. Well, Well, let's look ... Take a biscuit and move on toward the basin. Marveled at a reasonable, and to the same speaker (!) Dolphin named Darwin, for some reason considers himself a fish:), feeding him biscuits. Then, using a device (in our case - By appointment) to talk with Darwin. After hearing the loathsome story of how you cheated, and takes his dolphin card. A then with a clear conscience, follow to the intersection, holding in his pocket a box of California land. Zarulivayte into the cabin to the Commander Ford. Looking around as It follows on the Floor his health. And on proposal for the early dismissal of the bank, refuses. Give Commander box to the ground. He cordially will thank, allowing him to rummage desktop Bored Commander Ford (Thanks to a strange, does not it?). Grab some plate (in this version of the game is you do not needed), and blow the locked door, that contrary to your cabin, pleading to bury her card. Satisfying her go through her another corridor and then into the cabin ... pilot. "Wow!" What a woman! ". Telling her a few compliments, give her a ring ... When lady out of the cabin. You, looking around, left alone with a box of tools. Grab it quickly (so far not taken:)) and leave it right there in the hallway near Pilot cabin. Follow on, directly along the corridor, and then go into a turn left. Pobaklaniv with unshaven inspector give him a present a remarkable ion bradobreyki. Surprised at his ingratitude, and the more distraction Pick chip, that he "accidentally" (So we believe), scattered unshaven Inspector dropped. After the departure of the dark inspector discover a strange locked door, "Room three, with the ion protection. The authors, see on the basis of ion roof gone ... :) Are associated with such a strong defense, we still not on the teeth, good health is not enough. Therefore, Go to the midshipmen and give him the kind of impudent chip. Joyful Volenchek immediately will fix you videopeydzher. Not even telling him "thank you" grab and carry a pager in his cabin. Push this thing to display, appears desirable sign that that protection to "door number three" safely removed. Go to her, according to the road picking up a box with tools neatly to burst and head straight to the lab. Presents a dangerous flask cute doctor, and instead get a jar of beer (Do not try to drink!) and a kiss;). Next go to corridor to the guards for a physician - Linda Malor at Stetson (!). Solder them beer. Path to the captain's cabin free ... After talking with Captain Bridger, you Recognize that the successful flubbed his "Event". But the cap will please you, in your all recognize that all this was only strength test, and the main work You still have to. :) All demo version is passed. Left only wish the authors to release the full version, but without such horrible glitches and bugs like this.
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