ZX-News #05
22 сентября 1996

Ads - Advertisements and announcements ...

<b>Ads</b> - Advertisements and announcements ...

Published in this section PAID ads. Why pay - read the first
room ...

The cost of one ad at 0.5 kbps - $ 1 (5.000 USD).. It can be
on any topic, not necessarily related to computers.

          Omega group presents

           "MACRO-MODEM" v2.1

  "Macro-modem" - a new terminal

  program that gives you

  opportunity with maximum comfort

  work with Vicomm-modem.

  Reception of applications for its acquisition

  from both retail customers and from


  Money is still no need to pay - patched
  those when you come for the disk:

    Retail: 5.000

    distributors. Package: 100.000

   Inquiries by phone: (812) 186-13-58

   23:00 to 00:00, Alex

Sale Vicomm'y. With the registration of (expensive) or without 
registration (cheaper). 

Proposals to submit to the editor.


 I sell parts for car ZAZ

           Very cheap !!!!!

         Obrashaytes to the editor.


Other articles:

BBS on ZX?! - BBS on SPECCY - this is real.

FIDO novice - Modem. First steps. - Work with the BBS.

Glitches in News'e - about a glitch that had been in previous issues of the newspaper.

News - Appeared video about Enlight'96.

Ads - Advertisements and announcements ...

From the Editor - About the authors of the newspaper.

Letters - A. Lebedev, "How do kvoting or decorate the letter otpryavlennye network.

Letter of On-Line - tips and criticism from OLDMAN'a.

Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales in Avtovo.

Humor - Joke edition.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
Crossing Dragon - Promotion of the game Finders Keepers.
BBS-List - List Vicomm-compatible BBS.
Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales of firm Welcome.
Humor - Fidoshny humor - Dictionary lamer.
Contest - Competition for the best virus continues.

В этот день...   1 May