ZX-News #05
22 сентября 1996

FIDO novice - Modem. First steps. - Work with the BBS.

<b>FIDO novice</b> - Modem. First steps. - Work with the BBS.
          "Modem. Getting Started."

                Part III.

              Working with the BBS.

      (Nachalo. Continued

           in the next issue)

Before you call the station, you
should read this article
which is nothing but a redacted version of the file 
"MAINBBS.TXT", which you can download on many bbs.

"So, why, and why it was then published in
newspaper? "- you ask. And because before you get out on the 
bbs, user must though, would be about it

is, and not to press all the buttons in a row
studying the menu system by the "educated bet" ...

It should be noted that these sites bbs
the menu may look different, but
basic facilities provided
bbskami no different.

         Main Menu (Main)

The main menu system called the Main-menu. You see him after 
you finish the registration in the system (the so-called 
logon-procedure). Here we describe standard commands Main Menu

      > MAIN MENU <
 M: Cloud Message F: Cloud. Files
 S: Statistics U: Spies uses
 C: Changing the mouth of V: ​​Version BBS
 B: News O: reading Home
 Y: Call operas
 G: Exit?: Help

?: Help

Clicking on the "?" in any of the menu, you can
a brief background on any of the
items of the menu. At first, it is recommended to do this more 
often ... 

M: the message area

The team goes on the menu MESSAGE, where you can post and read 
messages received by email system mail. Details on this menu 
you can read the next issue of "ZxNews".

F: Field File

The team goes to the menu FILES, in which
You can browse lists of files
upload files to the BBS or out, etc.
The description of the menu and we will return to
next time.

S: Statistics

Command displays statistics for your
work with bbs, such as working with the
system, the time remaining to you before the end of the 
session, how many times have you joined station in the past, 
the volume loaded and read your files, in kilobytes, currently 
available for reading the metadata (He's limited) and, 
possibly, kakuyulibo additional information. On the screen 
output is about the table: 

Your statistics for Jul-21-93 21:32:12

 Time on line, this call ...... 8 minutes
 Time remaining for this call. 13 minutes
 Calls to date ................ 6
 UL (from you )................ 7 k-bytes
 DL (to you ).................. 36 k-bytes
 DL today ..................... 9 k-bytes
 DL available for today ....... 41 k-bytes

That's what it all means (some lines
This table may not be available):

- The time you're on the line
- The time that you left before the end

- The number of previous calls to the system
- Total volume of files downloaded by you in

- The total amount of files read by you from

- The total amount of files read by you from

  system today
- Available memory files to read


Additionally, you receive information on the effective 
transmission speed at the last sending a file (CPS - CPS), as 
well as on your credit for sending the network address. More 
details about these characteristics will be discussed in the 
relevant sections in the next room. 

U: List

Command displays the full list
users of the system. As a rule, for this list is required
very high level of access ...

C: Changing the settings (SetUp)

The team go to the menu Change SETUP in
where you can edit the information that describes you as a user 
bbs. This information includes your name, password, phone 
number, the display settings of your terminal, etc. 

V: Version BBS

Command displays information about
software and hardware of the computer, which provides job

Y: Call sysop

At bbs hear "ding", and if sysop
close, then he would come to the phone, and you
be able to talk to him a voice ...

G: Exit from the station (Good bye)

This command allows you to end the session
communication. Never break off the relationship, not doing it, 
as some stations could "hang" for such a withdrawal, which 
could deprive users of a certain time opportunities to work 
with the system. After entering, bbs ask you podtverzhdenie to 
break ties. If you answer 'Y', you will be asked not

whether you want before going to leave a message sysop. If you 
answer 'Y', then enter the editor and you'll score

your message. After this session
connection is completed.

For the first time is enough. Understand how to work with the 
main menu, and Then the rest will not cause you special

complexities. The next time you will learn
download / upload files on the bbs, and read your mail!

         To be continued ...


Other articles:

BBS on ZX?! - BBS on SPECCY - this is real.

FIDO novice - Modem. First steps. - Work with the BBS.

Glitches in News'e - about a glitch that had been in previous issues of the newspaper.

News - Appeared video about Enlight'96.

Ads - Advertisements and announcements ...

From the Editor - About the authors of the newspaper.

Letters - A. Lebedev, "How do kvoting or decorate the letter otpryavlennye network.

Letter of On-Line - tips and criticism from OLDMAN'a.

Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales in Avtovo.

Humor - Joke edition.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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