ZX-News #05
22 сентября 1996

Glitches in News'e - about a glitch that had been in previous issues of the newspaper.

<b>Glitches in News'e</b> - about a glitch that had been in previous issues of the newspaper.
             Glitches ZxNews ...

In the first three issues of our readers found the following 

1. If you press "H", then "E" for
to come out of aid, of course you leave ... Yes, just more of 
the key "H" is not work.

2. If you repeatedly call the help, then
change the picture border to border

3. If you quickly press the up / down at the end of the last 
article, then gradually on the screen begin to derive all sorts

"Left" characters are duplicated lines and
etc. Through nakotoroe time such a "hunting" the program hangs.

Of course, all these bugs we fixed.
Thanks to our readers for having helped to find them.

Spence's first law states: "If someone
finds errors in another program, it
means that the program works, but
does not mean that the program is bad. "

Corollary: "Better a desired program with
glitches than a hundred are not needed, but without the 
glitches "... 


Other articles:

BBS on ZX?! - BBS on SPECCY - this is real.

FIDO novice - Modem. First steps. - Work with the BBS.

Glitches in News'e - about a glitch that had been in previous issues of the newspaper.

News - Appeared video about Enlight'96.

Ads - Advertisements and announcements ...

From the Editor - About the authors of the newspaper.

Letters - A. Lebedev, "How do kvoting or decorate the letter otpryavlennye network.

Letter of On-Line - tips and criticism from OLDMAN'a.

Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales in Avtovo.

Humor - Joke edition.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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