ZX-News #36
02 июля 1997 |
Network News - Rules ekhi BBS.INFO
Network News July 1, 1997, a new ehokonferentsiya - BBS.INFO. This ehokonferentsiya intended to advertise BBS'ok, information on opening hours, etc. Attention! Because this ehokonferentsiya not processed at the Central Hub, send in her message to the address netmaylom 812/10.02. The sending type "Text" is prohibited. ----------------------------------------- Echo BBS.INFO ----------------------------------------- Moderator: Andrey Bukin; KoModerator: Vacant; Addresses Moderator: 812/10.02 @ SpbZxNet.org 144:232 / 10.1 @ SpiritNet.org E_mail: serrom@admiral.ru ----------------------------------------- Rules ekhi BBS.INFO ----------------------------------------- 1. Echo BBS.INFO - is an echo, dedicated Publicity and information about the BBS. 2. In this echo enabled: Yes. Publications file lists; b. Publication of work rules; at. Publish any other information associated with BBS. 3. Advertising is permitted on any BBS komyuternyh platforms. 4. The information must contain: Yes. Hours BBS; b. Modem and voice telephone number; at. BBS addresses in computer networks; Characteristics of the equipment BBS. 5. In the remaining cases are common other rules ehokonferentsy. 6. Geytovanie this ekhi to other networks allowed. 7. Send messages to echo only to the address 812/10.02, not messages **- bbs. ----------------------------------------- Moderator ----------------------------------------- __________________________
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