ZX-News #17
03 декабря 1996

Ot author - Fidoshnye column in the ZX-News.

<b>Ot author</b> - Fidoshnye column in the ZX-News.
               From the Editor

    Here and seventeenth "News" came out ...

        Reserve tune, with a buffer distance,

        Crystal light of dawn,

                  light over the world standing up,

          I understand your age-old grief

       Bialowieza Forest, Bialowieza Forest.

                          A. Pakhmutova

               Hello everyone!

  Two rooms to "From the authors, one of the
most popular among the people in the permanent
sections of the newspaper ZxNews (according to some sources), 
was temporarily "covered" because of lack of space ... : ( 

  But here, the place appeared, moreover, that
many of the things that could go to Newskah already passed 
through the echo area "ZX". However, this does not prevent us, 
if the material will be really interesting to insert

it in the newspaper, as we sometimes do with
information from Fido. Some, however,
believe that the abundance of fidoshnyh headings, which was 
observed especially in the first room, it is not good, but our 
deepest conviction that one of the most the main criteria for 
evaluating a computer, yes and not just the newspaper is the 
speed from which all news, all the fun out of what is happening 
in the world ZX, comes to user. And from where come from the 
latest news, especially from other cities country? Where they 
occur most rapidly? That's right, in FidoNet. ;)

  I admit that the emergence of the aria "ZX", which at first 
will be the only SpbZxNet, strongly influenced the work on

newspaper. I'm much easier to send "draft" article in the echo 
than to lick her, correcting mistakes and typos, selecting and 
replacing words and phrases, smoothing out "irregularities" in 
his speech. Clearly, any self-respecting a publication must 
contain as much as possible fewer errors in the texts, whereas 
in echo on literacy few people pay attention to:

sometimes it happens that free time
It takes an hour and have a dozen letters to write and
another two dozen to answer. :) What really
here "spying" for the mistakes ...

  That's what I personally like in the aria "ZX",
is the fact that all the people who write
there mesagi (msg) or simply "readers"
work with the Speccy. In Fido in this regard
things are much worse - 90% sit "under
emulator, with pisyukov. This, of course, also
bad that people even took to the PC, remember sometimes its 
Spectrum, but the problems they already have a little wrong, 
and pisyuk, as if they did not abused, yet

takes its ... And here - all its own, Petrograders,
and also on _Skorpah_ and the Pentagon on
Prof. and ATM'kah, and just to "homemade"-machines. And because 
of this as something good for the soul is ... ;)

  And lastly I want to proanonsirovat eighteenth number, which 
will be released as specials. release tomorrow or the day after 
tomorrow, and will contain several articles came from our 
readers, the scheme vikomm-compatible modem, as well as the 
results competition for game UFO-2. Do not miss out!

  By creating the seventeenth rates ZxNews

             were relevant:

 Codes: Alexander Mayorov (* MAS *)

 Editor: Alexei Mikhailov (Arno)

 Music: Alexei Mikhailov

 Graphics: Konstantin Bykov (Investigator)

 Layout: Alexander Mayorov

    Free "ZX-NEWS" is available at

    Some BBS St. Petersburg ...

          The newspaper is distributed:

           Company Scorpion

           Studio VIks

           Death studio

           Softland studio


           Welcome corporation


        We are not against commercial

         distribution of the newspaper!

   Now, how to contact us:

 Alex Mikhailov
 198095, St. Petersburg, Stachek, Building 15, kv.13
 (812) 186-1358, Alex (from 21 to 22:00)


 FidoNet (2:5030 / 362.2) @ Aleksandr Majorov

    SpbZxNet (812/01.00) @ Alex Mikhailov

  Announcements, suggestions and letters to newspaper editorial 
board in addition to taking still and studio VIks, you can find 
on the weekends on the market in Avtovo, as well as firm 
Scorpion, that Metro Baltic.

      -= Welcome to the paradise =


Other articles:

Ot author - Fidoshnye column in the ZX-News.

Information - What is the code '73 '.

Letters - What are ZX'y ... : 48K, Moscow, Baltic, Moscow, 128K, Leningrad 1, Pentagon 48.

Programmers - Catching Reset'a on 128k machines (for example, the game Doble Xinox).

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Network News - Schedule BBS'ok.

System Program - Translator (BBS Utilites) - replacement of the letters H, P, V on Latin. Killer - pruning mussora tekstovgo at the end of the file. Adder - "stitches" the files into one.

Scorpio-256 - Repair Scorpion with his own hands (part 2)

Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales of firm Welcome.

Humor - Fidoshny humor - Dictionary lamer.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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