ZX-News #17
03 декабря 1996 |
Humor - Fidoshny humor - Dictionary lamer.
Humor Prepared for publication in ZxNews Ilya Fomin SELECT FIDOSHNY HUMOR. Continued, and by the end is far away. (Before reading sit down ...) FUN N4 C L O B A R A L A M E R A -------------------------- Part I. A B O R T s: ALEXANDER SKORODUMOV 2:5030 / 61.42 DIMA TOCHINOV 2:5030 / 541.6 OLEG UMANSKY 2:463 / 170.0 IGOR ELANSKIY 2:463 / 170.9 Under the general redaktsiey ALEXANDER VLODEK 2:463 / 170.30 ---- User - the person nerazymny not ymeyuschy plainly obschatsya with machinery, the possibility of their communication ogranicheny poslyshnym you press pary acquaintances buttons. Obrazovanie and vozrast - any, vyrazhenie litsa - typoe. Vnimatelnye chitateli samoychitelya - yvy, rather it is on the vas. Takzhe see Lamer, Chaynik. CHAYNIK - ny very neobrazovanny user. Takzhe see Lamer. Lamer - ny very voinstvyyuschy chaynik. Takzhe see Syks and Mast day. MACHINE TACHKA - computer. Shtyka not chaynika (see), poetomy details here apparently neither chemy. PISYUK - the same as mashina, tachka. Yes only the more erotic. BRAIN - byvayut, HOW nor stranno, y mashiny (see), a not only y vas. If you hear this first - prededyschee proposal sledyet chitat: "... a not only y vas. RULEZ (rulez) - what prelschaet in life: beer (see), sex, OS / 2 (see). SUKS and MUST DIE (suxx and must die) - is that otvraschaet of life: lamery (see), chayniki (see), Win95 (see). BEER - beer. Takzhe see Rylez. PROGRAMER - the same as programmist. But togda So why can not it nazvat programmistom? And So why do not you nazyvaete terapevta MD, a assenizatora - atmosfery cleaner? ZHELEZYACHNIK - a man capable sobrat computer from any devaysov (see), including including sneakers, pampersov and tampaksov, a takzhe explain unto you than "mama with mozgami" otlichaetsya from "mamy no brains." However, direct approach to nemy with takim issue not rekomendyetsya - most likely in response to you yslyshite that lamer (see) - syks and mast day (see). Device - some of which zhelezyachnik (see) can sobrat tachky (see). Same subject, pribambas, shtykovina. But more erotic. MODEM (he MOMED) - devays tachek to connect (see) through telephone lines in network (see), devays (see) a telephone line for zasoreniya uzhasnym wheezing and hissing, a takzhe for razdrazheniya lamera (see) chaynika (see), yuzera (see) miganiem lampochek and treschaniem spryatannoy ratchet under nazvaniem RELAY. Inogda serves HOW 2-nd variant ispolzovaniya shnura (see). NETWORK - a lot tachek (see) (in unison). "OS / 2" and "Win95" - operatsionnye system which unto you znat neobyazatelno. Odnako normalnyh many people povody that follows from this syks, a what pylez, vedyt vesma Active military action. HAKER - we are tyt chaynichestvy svoemy not dare. Kto takoy haker, pyst unto you explain spetsialisty. Widely and comprehensively. :) MAMA - live, HOW stranno nor, in some tachke (see). It zhelezyachniki (see) vsovyvayut, HOW pravilo several devaysov (See) is definitely obespechivayuschih funktsionirovanie tachki. It also vsovyvayut brains (See) while they do not exist or malo. But if mame no kamnya, the brain can be thrown out. Therefore zhelezyachnik sperva vybiraet kamen, climbs in tachku (see), thrust it into the mamu, after which produces the above-mentioned actions. SCREW - devays, which contains razum tachki (a not mozgah, HOW podumali some). Vyzyvaet bewilderment in children starikov and chaynikov. PISIBRYAKER - PC speaker (he matyugalnik, he's blyuster) otlichayuschiysya naibolee drebezzhaschim nasty sound. For neytralizatsii his raboty, HOW pravilo not do without zhelezyachnika (see), which mamu (See) must vstavit some other devays (See). FLOPPOVOD - The drive, also known as a gap (for vsovyvaniya floppy disks), which, in addition to floppy disks can chitat floppy disks (which on its own essentially the same thing). SIDIVOD - Sidir (he SIDYUK) ponimayuschy Kitaysko-Bolgarskie drives. KUULER - devays (see) for fixing nA kamne and sozdaniya pary extra decibels harmful shuma, a gain takzhe skvoznyaka indoors ... VIRUS - namagnichennoe creature (but not scissors), which roams the dorozhkam drives and razmnozhaetsya, postaviv to zapolnit an all disk prostranstvo. Neodomashnivaetsya, training prakticheski not poddaetsya, and therefore for the service nA granitse no good. DOS - agressivnaya sreda, in which the fetus viruses (see) Bosses - naibolee voinstvuyuschaya chast employees, all silami tormozyaschayaya process prevrascheniya lamerov (see) in chaynikov (See), a they, in turn, users (see). ELEKTRICHESTVO - Nekaya zagadochnaya sila, podderzhivayuschaya pisyuk (see) in Hapryazhenii. Inogda gets out of control and delaet hurt zhelezyachnikam (see) PROGRAM - nabor useless kommand for zamorochki brain (see). Inogda used to damage devaysov (see) Keyboards - especially prochnaya doschechka with knopochkami, nA which narisovany bukvochki. Used to absorb excess lamerov muscular energy (see). Tak is a You can use it napechatat Suks (see) Mastday (see) KLAVA - Klaviatura (see), but is more likely to use chayniki (see) and users (see). Otlichaetsya less fundamentalnym zapasom strength and can ispolzovatsya To enter in tachku (see) programm (see). DISPLAY - The TV is used not naznacheniyu. Inogda serves otobrazheniya injected with klaviatury (see), even more rarely - with Klavy (see), and in a case of single - state of the brain. PROTECTIVE EKRAN - Kusok of glass, veshayuschiysya nA display (see) and for prednaznachenny sozdaniya solar flare and the daily protiraniya cloth. CORDS - Plastmassovye or rubber rope metallicheskim core. Used: 1) for podachi Elektrichestva (see) nA mamu (cm), devaysy (see), zhelezyachnika (see) 2) for the free and unobstructed movement of viruses pisyuka (see) nA pisyuk (see) 3) if long - that for a constant spotykaniya lamerov (see), chaynikov (see) users (see), nachalstva (see). ANTI - Programma (see) for kastratsii viruses (see) Mouse PAD - mat under his arm, sdelan of synthetics and prednaznachen for nakopleniya musora, dirt, and prilipaniya zhvachek vytiraniya zapachkannyh chernilami hands. MOUSE - Devays (see) is used to sobiraniya dust, dirt, adhering zhvachek nA sharik rubber in the bottom of Maus pada (see). PRINTER - Devays (see) for raspechatki "Adventures Shtirlitsa" slovarya "Lamera" samogona and recipes. DRYUKER - Printer (cm) of clean rassy before kazhdym word pechatayuschy Gothic font razmerom 9x12 points slovosochetanie "Hayl DRYUKER. MODEM (in addition to the previous skazannomu redaktsii "slovarya ..) - Devays (see) for zasoreniya telephone uzhasnym wheezing and hissing, a takzhe for razdrazheniya lamera (see), chaynika (see), yuzera (See) miganiem lampochek and treschaniem spryatannoy ratchet under nazvaniem relay. Inogda serves HOW 2-nd variant ispolzovaniya shnura (see). SKANER - devays (see) To enter into the brains kartinok zhurnala of "Playboy." MICROSOFT WINDOWS - tiny and soft metalloplastikovye windows. MIKROSOFT - firma, kotoraya sozdaet tiny and soft vents (see), a takzhe programmki, sluzhaschie for generatsii errors in mozgah. Takzhe sozdaet DOS (see). Great Number of advanced users (see) assotsiiruyut this term with Suks and Mastday ... IBM - firma-ray for zhelezyachnikov (see) programerov (see). Vyrazhenie: "And would have gone You nA three letters "in the context of IBM HOW is the manifestation of uvazheniya. Many ona assotsiiruetsya with the notion Rulez (see). Firma zanimaetsya production mam (see) tachek (see), raznyh Devaysov (see), a takzhe razvedeniem bees, wasps, flies, / IC, bees and wasps polovinchatogo razmera. INTEL - Izvestnaya kamenotesnaya kompaniya. Produces kamni (see). Inogda - devaysy. HERZ - Familiya scientist. MC - edenitsa measuring the speed with which shakes kamen (see). DATABASE - Useless nabor informatsii. Database Management Systems (DBMS) programma (see), sluzhaschaya for competitive combat virusami (see) in question zabivaniya brain (see) and disk prostranstva informatsiey useless. The difference - the virus (See) zabivaet their offspring, and database - bazoy dannyh (see). Plotter - Devays (see), sluzhaschy for vyvoda nA bumagu biorhythms staff (if takovye available). Continued necessarily follow! __________________________
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