ZX-News #17
03 декабря 1996 |
Network News - Schedule BBS'ok.
Network News (C) Alexei Mikhailov At all evil enemies, if you can so to speak, both probes bbs work and nothing special with them happened. Still, like a week ago, walking echo area "ZX", which are sending daily from 30 to 200 different sectors mesag, though only a few people, but it is understandable - many people, especially those who have never has not worked in Fido, still not fully understood even at the station, not speak alone arias. But all the same, most users of these stations bbs optimistic about the future, because they simply like, and this says it all. At a time when vikommki again rose in price (listed on the Eldorado modems have long crossed the $ 20) and Hayes'y all continue, and continue to get cheaper (2400 all protocols can be find only $ 10), someone is difficult, perhaps, to understand what motivates those people who spend several hours a day work stations, hand-forwarding mail, just to correspond with people with whom you can talk on the phone with much more quickly than through echo area ... And this they have only one answer: They like! They know that working in a network, the first that gets people so this is new friends, and once this network will be St. Petersburg's, then and friends of those living in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and not, for example. How can one explain the fact that Den Barkov, for example, wrote in a echo "ZX", that he had week has not climbed in Fido (in Eldorado, course), and that it there is no longer pulls? He would have wanted, of course, Fidonet work, so the "Elda" it is not registered (entered under my password), communication with The station was so bad that it is sometimes out of anger at the monitor different things rushed, he does not have Hayes'a in the near future is not planned because of lack thereof of funds for 14400, and 2400, working with the Speccy, with protocols like cheap does not amount to much, now it is almost impossible found - they simply do not have to sell ... And he Either throw your modem in trash, or call the MAS-BBS. He chose the latter and it seems to me, no regrets about it - he just likes. In general, if you already have vikommka, feel free to call any of the two now existing stations in the time allotted Sysop for registration. Do not like it - Well Well, nobody forced to make will not, however, may be worth a try? Regarding the discovery: meeting sisopov postponed from Saturday to Sunday, 8 December 1996 and this date will be the opening day of SpbZxNet, our, St. Petersburg Spectrum online! This week, the station work as follows: BBS SIRIUS Time: 17:00 to 19:00 (hand mode) SysOp: Andrey Golubev Tel. : 254-5586 SpbZxNet bbs list on 04/12/1996 MAS-BBS 812/00.00 Aleksandr Majorov 583-54-48 from 22:30 to 01:00 daily Registration: from 22:00 to 22:30 Scorpion ZS 256 Turbo, two FDD (A + B) Subject: general Tornado station 812/01.00 Alex Mikhailov 186-13-58 from 22:30 to 00:30 daily Registration: from 22:00 to 22:30 Scorpion ZS 256 Turbo +, one FDD (A) Subject: almost total ... Notes: Articles for ZxNews I recall that the use of a list of more than two weeks ago, is prohibited, while more than a week - is undesirable. __________________________
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