Aspect #07
07 марта 1998

News - Closing the Gate SPbZXNet <=> Internet. The new dial-up newspaper SPbZXWeek.

<b>News</b> - Closing the Gate SPbZXNet <=> Internet. The new dial-up newspaper SPbZXWeek.
 One of the main news in the past weeks, is closing gate 
SPbZXNet <=> Internet. Igor Timashev, volunteer for this 
arduous tasks it was forced to to stop their work. As a result, 
our network controllers lost contact with the rest ZX Net.

: (((Now it is impossible to communicate with a ehah
sinkleristami other cities, we were not getting their 
electronic editions ...  Perhaps only after closing all the gate

felt its importance. But all is not lost. Gheit agreed to 
become a Roman Alexandrov. The only problem with paying your 
provider. In this regard, once again remind all members 
SPbZXNet - do not forget make money to pay for a gate! RR 5

per month - it's just ridiculous! With all questions please 
contact our "bosses". 

 Our network is a significant event happened: a new kind of 
dial-up newspaper! It 's called simply - SPbZXWEEK. Designating 
its name implies - to cover the events, proshedschie in 
SPbZXNet week. And while they are perfectly spravlyayutsya with 
tasks it is that set for ourselves. :)  Make this newspaper two 
fairly well-known in our network person - Mishel of VIRT

group, and a "virtual" Point Arny Sinen, in
real life is a man
named Igor Ovdin. Hopefully it will not be offended at us for 
what we have exposed ... ;)))

 So, ASpect'a appeared counterpart. But the nickname of 
competition between us will not! The point that before these 
very different editions are different tasks. ASpect initially 
conceived as a newspaper for Dummies, and network news we 
published simply because it is more to do there was no one. Now 
everything differently. All the network news will be promptly 
iformirovat ZX WEEK, and we will gradually educate the 
uneducated people. :)  The appearance of this leaflet is not

could not affect the content ASpect'a.
Now, from our newspapers completely disappears
BBS list, and network news, we will publish only in the event 
that will show us that this information may be of interest 
sinkleristam from other cities. Likely to "Day by Day" will 
periodically have to appear, but we promise it will not. In 
other ASpect, probably will not experience any changes.  
Editorial ZX WEEK'a set a the most difficult task - to make 
weekly networking newspaper. We, at the time, felt

it's suicide, and advance all warned that we are _not_ the 
regular edition. Well, in some of our colleagues have been 
stronger than us. :))) 

          Good luck to you guys!

 It looks like a Peter started a newspaper "boom."
Now get ready to leave yet another newspaper. She does not even 
have names yet, but the subject has already been defined. It 
will be discussion of various paranormal: UFO, Poltergeist ... 
In fact, the appearance of this edition cherezvichayno happy. 
Just like something happened on the Spectrum - In the 
electronic media was discussed only computer. But in life there 
is full of no less interesting things. At the same time, maybe 
someone astray discussed in the paper topics, but not having 
yet ZX, after reading it from a friend, decides to buy a 
Spectrum ... :))) In addition, we hope, the appearance of this 
publication will stimulate for others, to create electronic 
newspapers in non-computer subjects.  Finally, we note that, 
most likely, this newspaper will be published in an already 
familiar to you ASpect'ovskom viewer'e.

 In the next issues we will tell ASpect'a
More details about the new edition.


Other articles:

BBS-List - List Vicomm-compatible BBS.

Up Work Sorpa - The indicator for signaling the driver drive. Toggle switch to switch drives.

Contest - Competition for the best poster / logo for FunTop'98.

Let's start with the basics - Electrical network and Ohm's law.

New - of updates: the game Margo.

News - Closing the Gate SPbZXNet <=> Internet. The new dial-up newspaper SPbZXWeek.

From the authors - A whole month no hearing, nor spirit ...

Festival - In the spring you people!

Pro Life - The computer - a good man ...

Programming - Arrow.

Hit Parade - 10-ka best games.

Humor - The distribution of malicious programs.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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