Maximum #46
31 октября 1997

Entry - in the emergency room, all is quiet.

<b>Entry</b> - in the emergency room, all is quiet.
                    Monthly newspaper


                       ■ Press the "M" ■


 (C) Re-Animator

    Hello. In the intensive care unit, all is quiet, yet there 
are no polupokoyniki exist - there are a couple of days to 
release the next issue. In this second planned to do another 
edition, but that would be in the new year will be of the form 
on the bottom. In the meantime we will continue. Once in the 
newspaper MODERN (MODERN ka moves the number 8) was advertising 
campaign for us, DIAMOND group. Many thanks to The Left. We owe 
it did not go. From DIAMOND gro up a counter advertising 

Every Sunday on STS channel 8 in 18.30 Transfer CAREFUL

Next you want to once again congratulate ZX-SHADOW'a the 20 th 
anniversary and after having lat all the best.

At this point I will conclude the introductory part and give to 
the main ... 

Other articles:

ZXNet - List of working BBS.

Entry - in the emergency room, all is quiet.

Interactive News - Intel is planning an attack on the gaming market.

Interview - an interview with Spider.

Advertising - free advertising and obtyavleniya.

This is fresh - do not forget to cross!

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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