Demo or Die #01
28 февраля 1999

Digital Design - A new music editor for digital music.

<b>Digital Design</b> - A new music editor for digital music.
       Hello. Over the next
seven kilobytes to you I will, KENOTRON. A
the subject of our conversation will be the editor

       At first, some characteristics
Editor's Note:

 + Type - TRACKER
 + Output device - COVOX
 + Mixing frequency - 17 KHz
 + The number of octaves - 3
 + Number of channels - 3
 + Number of instruments - 16
 + The number of patterns - 27
 + Number of entries - 99

       Editor comes in two
versions: for 128K - with a mix chatotoy
17KHz, and 48K - with a frequency of 22 (!) KHz.

       Management is carried out by an arrow

       In the options for disc cursor
Command key CS +6, CS +7; 0, ENTER
- Selection; CS + SS - way out.

       When referring to drive BREAK
interrupts this process, then you can
resume - RETRY or leave - ABORT.

     At the top are options:

 1. PROJECT, which you can:

       New - clean up working memory for

               create a new module

       Open - open (download) a file

       Save - to write to the disk module

       Clear - clear all the patterns.

 2. SETTINGS - different settings:

       change the port, on / off SINCLAIR,

       selection cursor speed, the choice of length


 3. ABOUT - will tell you fast credits.

       Below the screen is divided into 2 parts,
the left half of which are:

    Play song - loses Module


    Cont song - loses Module

                selected position

    Play patt - pattern of play from the beginning

    Cont patt - Iraheta pattern from a position


    C - deletes the selected tool

    L - allows you to download

        tool. Most RULEZ

        lies in the fact that it is possible

        ship 34-kilobyte (or perhaps

        and more!) tool.

       The choice of the current tool
by arrows to the right of its
name. After downloading this tool
his number is incremented.

    Loop - sign installation

                looping tool

    Begin - displacement loops of

                beginning (in HEX).

    Edit patt - the choice of working pattern

                On / off edit

                by pressing

                FIRE or SPACE

    Octave - sets the octave

    Step - selection, on / off pitch

                displacement pattern for


    A, B, C - turns on / off channels.

       When you select the remaining three options
their contents are displayed on the right side


       It displays a list of
position-patterns, which scrolls
arrows, as well as:

    Lenght - Set the length of the module

              positions including

    Patt - pattern selection for installation


    Loop to - loop module

              selected position

    Set - a record in the selected pattern

              list of positions

    Insert - insert pattern to the list

    Delete - Remove the pattern from the list

    Home, End - to the beginning / end of list

    Autostep - Installation avtoskrolla at

               recording patterns

    Clear all - clear the list of positions


    Song - all produced changes

            will apply to all

            musical work

    Patt - the same, but the selected


    Chann - the channel, which is


    Range - a marked block.

    All - changes to the music with any


    Curr - with the current tool.

    Octave up / down - Transpose

                      octave up / down

    Halfstep up / down - Transpose

                     a semitone up / down

 Change notes:

    Source - note that you should


    Destination - note, which should


    Change - Replace the first second

    Swap - to exchange them among themselves

 Change sample - as above,

                 but it relates to

                 instruments, as well as:

    Del - delete all the notes from the source

 3. EDIT

    Range current channel - note the block

                       will be

                       in the current channel

    Range current block - the mark of all-


    Mark chan - mark a channel in which


    Mark patt - note the current pattern.

    Reset range - uncheck

    Clear range - clean the marked blocks

    Copy - copy marked block to the


    Paste - insert a block from the buffer with

            cursor position

    Clear bufer - clear the buffer

    Name - name of the file

    Tittle - you can write anything

    HOME - set the cursor to the top


       Well, with options to clear.
Now scroll to the bottom half of the screen -
field editor.

       The cursor moves through
cursor keys (CS +5 .. 8), as well as
keys I, L - up, down. Possible
cursor with the arrow
induced at the desired position, followed by
pressing FIRE.

       Each channel contains:

         C-2 3A05

                     command parameters

                     instruction code

                     tool number


       Sets the octave keys is

       The tool can be put
directly into the instrument (1-G).
If his number = 0, then played the previous
tool for a given note.

       Teams realized until two:

         A - Speed ​​Setting

              playback module (01-0F)

         B - a sign of the end of the pattern (without


       In the field notes:

         key ENTER - erases a note


         Key R - sets

                         team killing


       When you click CS +9 is a mark
(Or withdrawal thereof) to the current position of the channel
(If you selected Range current channel) or
line (Range current block).

       Oh, and another two useful functions:

            SS + H - sets the cursor to the

                    top pattern

            SS + P - losing pattern with

                    cursor position.

       You can interrupt playback
pressing FIRE, CS, SPACE, ENTER.

       That is, in general, and all. Go for it!


Other articles:

Demo-Building - an algorithm to PROCESSING visibility of surfaces 3D-figup.

Demo-Building - Fill the triangle Gupo shading, texture mapping.

Demo-Building - Proetsirvoanie 3D> 2D.

Demo-Building - filtration pastpovyh izobpazheny. An algorithm to postpoeniya bugpyvistyh of surfaces. Flame effect. blurring in fast movement. Sharpening

Digital Design - A new music editor for digital music.

Greetz - Greetings to all who have not yet dropped the most Kulnev complex in the world - Spectrum!!!

Partys - Sonstructions Chaos 1999 about budschem demopati.

Slang - Slenogovy dictionary demoscene.

Turbo / Slow - The scheme uskoryalki and Lagsters com.

Video - Converting animation on the example attribute the video.

Interview - Random / Chaos Constructions.

Interview - An interview with Lithuanian musicians zHenYa / zERo.

From pedaktsii - From the authors.

Application - Pinkword, Digital Desing.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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