Demo or Die #01
28 февраля 1999

Demo-Building - Fill the triangle Gupo shading, texture mapping.

<b>Demo-Building</b> - Fill the triangle Gupo shading, texture mapping.

(C) by Wolf / eTC / Scene

   Fill the triangle.

   Gouraud shading.

   Texture mapping.

   Based on the fact that the computer
3D-graphics all the 3D-objects in the main
consist of elementary triangles in
This article will describe the algorithm
Fill a one-color triangle. Since
on the Spectrum in normal mode (50fps),
at each point can not be your color,
we consider the triangle filled with white

             Take any triangle with

             points ABC. Where A.X -

             X coordinate of point A, and A.Y

             - Y coordinate of point A

             respectively, etc.

             Fill it will

             horizontal lines

             as This method is

                the fastest and easiest.

   First of all we need
sort the points of the triangle ABC in
Y coordinate in ascending order. Minimum
Y coordinate of a point A, the maximum
point C, and the average between the value
point B.

   Now, knowing that it is necessary to pour
triangle with horizontal lines of
point A to point C, must be visually
construct the triangle along the lines of (not
flooding it), but not drawing it on screen, and
maintaining a buffer for all three coordinates X
sides forming a triangle.

   Ie we have two arrays
edge1 [hgt_screen] and edge2 [hgt_screen], where
hgt_screen - is the height of the screen. In these
arrays and will be located coordinates
X, and which must be connected
horizontal lines between them.

   For simplicity and understanding, we will
build a visual line by interpolation
X coordinate. To do this, let us have
interpolation procedure
inter (x1, x2, len, buffer), where x1 - the first
coordinate (from where), x2 - the second
coordinate (where), len - count ichestvo
steps, buffer - address of the buffer where
procedure will be put interpolated
values. For those who do not know what
interpolation (in this case applies
linear interpolation) - a finding
function values ​​corresponding
intermediate values ​​of the argument,
which are absent in the table (this way we
at the institute told). Well, if you explain
the "fingers", then here's an example of interpolation:

        X1 = 3

        X2 = 9

       len = 3

   With such initial values,
interpolation values ​​are as follows
3,6,9. Here you even mathematical

        K = (1-step) * X1 + step * X2

   where K - the missing intermediate
value, step - a step that should
vary in the range [0 ... 1], and X1 and X2 -
the initial and final importance

   Here's an example to ASME:

; Best idea: Wolf / eTc / ScEnE;
; Perfect code: Devil / eTc / sCeNE;
; B = X1;
; A = X2;


        CP B

        LD C, A

        LD D, A

        LD A, # 04

        JR NC, INTER6

        LD A, # 05

        LD D, B

        LD B, C

        LD (INTER5), A

        LD (INCDEC), A

        LD A, D

        SUB B

        LD B, HX

        CP E

        JR C, INTER0

        JR Z, INTER0

        DEC E

        LD D, E

        LD (HL), B

        JR NC, INTER5

        INC L

        INC L

        LD (HL), B

        ADD A, C

        DEC D

        RET Z

        JR INTER4


        LD C, A

        LD D, E

        LD A, E

        JR NC, INTER2

        ADD A, E

        INC L

        INC L

        DEC D

        JR NZ, INTER1


   Thus, we construct a visual line
triangles (only the coordinates of X) in

   {For understanding, in Pascal}

   procedure visual_draw;


     inter (A.x, C.x, abs (A.y-C.y), edge1);

     inter (A.x, B.x, abs (A.y-B.y), edge2);

     inter (B.x, C.x, abs (B.y-C.y), edge2 +

     abs (A.y-B.y));


   {For those who do not know the function abs () -
is the module number}

   Interpolate these coordinates,
we have two arrays with coordinates X-s
all three sides of a triangle. And in
one array one side and the other two
the other side.

   Now we have nothing left to do
how to write a procedure for constructing
horizontal line. We call it
Hline (x1, x2, y), where x1 and x2 -
horizontal coordinates of the line, and y -
actual y coordinate of the line.

   And then "fill in the" triangle
horizontal lines, the following cycle:

 y: = A.y;
 for cycle: = 1 to abs (C.y-A.y) do


    Hline (edge1 [cycle], edge2 [cycle], y);

    inc (y);


   That's all, now if you've got it,
you know how to fill what or triangles

   And now I'll fill algorithm
the same triangle on Gouraud. Guro
- A linear interpolation of illumination
the image face on the screen.

   To do this we need to create more
Two arrays color1 [hgt_screen] and
color2 [hgt_screen], which will store
interpolation values ​​of illumination. A
also assign each point of the triangle
intensity of illumination (Ac, Bc, Cc,
where c - the intensity of light).

   That is a process for filling the boundary
array for a triangle of Guro, she
such a same as for casting
triangle with color, but with
adding interpolation illumination:

 procedure visual_draw_gouround;


   inter (A.x, C.x, abs (A.y-C.y), edge1);

   inter (A.x, B.x, abs (A.y-B.y), edge2);

   inter (B.x, C.x, abs (B.y-C.y), edge2 +

   abs (A.y-B.y));

   inter (A.c, C.c, abs (A.y-C.y), color1);

   inter (A.c, B.c, abs (A.y-B.y), color2);

   inter (B.c, C.c, abs (B.y-C.y), color2 +

   abs (A.y-B.y));


   Having the procedure for constructing
horizontal line with a linear
interpolated color Hline_gouround (x1, x2,
c1, c2, y), where x1 and x2 - primary and
the final value of the horizontal
coordinates, and c1 and c2 - initial and
the final color, we will write a procedure
Fill the triangle on the lighting model

 y: = A.y;
 for cycle: = 1 to abs (C.y-A.y) do


   Hline_gouround (edge1 [cycle],

   edge2 [cycle], color1 [cycle],

   color2 [cycle], y);

   inc (y);


   With the same success here can also
"Trailer" and texture mapping, but
It is necessary for each point of the triangle
assign texture coordinates (u, v), where u
- X coordinate in the texture, and v -
Y coordinate in the texture. Well, still, and four
array to create.

           edge1u [hgt_screen];

           edge1v [hgt_screen];

           edge2u [hgt_screen];

           edge2v [hgt_screen];

   Then the procedure for visualization
Textured triangle will look
as follows:

   procedure visual_draw_texture;


     inter (A.x, C.x, abs (A.y-C.y), edge1);

     inter (A.x, B.x, abs (A.y-B.y), edge2);

     inter (B.x, C.x, abs (B.y-C.y), edge2 +

     abs (A.y-B.y));

     inter (A.u, C.u, abs (A.y-C.y), edge1u);

     inter (A.u, B.u, abs (A.y-B.y), edge2u);

     inter (B.u, C.u, abs (B.y-C.y), edge2u +

     abs (A.y-B.y));

     inter (A.v, C.v, abs (A.y-C.y), edge1v);

     inter (A.v, B.v, abs (A.y-B.y), edge2v);

     inter (B.v, C.v, abs (B.y-C.y), edge2v +

     abs (A.y-B.y));


   And now remains only to write
procedure for filling the triangle necessary
texture, but for this we still
need a procedure for constructing
horizontal lines with color values
from the texture Hline_texture (x1, x2,
u1, v1, u2, v2, y), where x1 and x2 - primary and
the final value of the horizontal
coordinates, u1 and u2 - the initial and final
X value in the texture, v1 and v2 - primary
and the final value of Y and the coordinate y,
which indicates where the output
horizontal line on the screen.

   And here is the procedure for filling:

   y: = A.y;

   for cycle: = 1 to abs (C.y-A.y) do


     Hline_texture (edge1 [cycle],

     edge2 [cycle], edge1u [cycle],

     edge2u [cycle], edge1v [cycle],

     edge2v [cycle], y);

     inc (y);


   Of course in this article, I did not describe
optimization methods for these procedures (this
will in the next issue), but still
I would like to say a few words.

   Given that on the Spectrum - Guro,
texture mapping, etc. done with
by "chunks" 4 * 4, one can see that
Textures "chunks" very "big" does not
There are (as the "chankovky" screen is
size 64 * 48). From this it follows that it is better
all have the texture memory
addresses multiple of 256 (# c000, # c100, # c200
...). I do it this way:

                org 25000

                call init

start: halt

                call action


                jp start

                org ($ -1) / 256 * 256 +256
texture1 incbin "morda"

   This is to ensure that you
interpolated not only coordinates
texture, and immediately address them. Senior
byte of the address would be consistent
coordinate Y, and the low byte of the X coordinate
texture. And then interpolate
senior and junior addresses texture
clipboard, you already have absolute addresses.

   That's like until all for today. If I
somehow not correctly put it, or you
any questions, write to me on such
addresses: 2:4635 / 8.18 or

Other articles:

Demo-Building - an algorithm to PROCESSING visibility of surfaces 3D-figup.

Demo-Building - Fill the triangle Gupo shading, texture mapping.

Demo-Building - Proetsirvoanie 3D> 2D.

Demo-Building - filtration pastpovyh izobpazheny. An algorithm to postpoeniya bugpyvistyh of surfaces. Flame effect. blurring in fast movement. Sharpening

Digital Design - A new music editor for digital music.

Greetz - Greetings to all who have not yet dropped the most Kulnev complex in the world - Spectrum!!!

Partys - Sonstructions Chaos 1999 about budschem demopati.

Slang - Slenogovy dictionary demoscene.

Turbo / Slow - The scheme uskoryalki and Lagsters com.

Video - Converting animation on the example attribute the video.

Interview - Random / Chaos Constructions.

Interview - An interview with Lithuanian musicians zHenYa / zERo.

From pedaktsii - From the authors.

Application - Pinkword, Digital Desing.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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