#Z80 #01
07 мая 1998 |
Resources - ZX-Spectrum: Resources on the Internet ...
ZX Spectrum Resources on the Internet. (C) DiVER / FDM If you have already experienced net surfer, then this topic unlikely you will find very interesting, since it is designed more for beginners online than for the pros. The point here will focus on web and ftp sites on Speccy. Material for this column I intend to read as follows: 1. Overview of link pages already known sites (So you can gather information about already less well-known websites) 2. Search the Web with various search machines, such as: HotBot'a, MetaCrawler'a or Russian Rambler'a. (So you can find poregistrennye searchable pages, in which the search text, and using ftpsearch (Http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no) can posharit and registrennym ftp-sites, though, that's a shame - Spectrum, many of our sites are not familiar with this search machine:)) As a result of the search, I'll have a whole bunch of addresses. The best what can be done Given the infrequency of our publication, and the good sites are updated almost every day, will not review new products sites, just an overview the sites themselves, the nature of their work: how often they updated that there are interesting things about the software, how full page of links a site if it there generally is. All this information will be useful you if you visit on the Internet is not too often and cherish their network time. If you see yourself in the network every day, then you more interested with the address list. And if Online you can only dream of or you do it sneeze, then all information will be purely familiarization. NDA-ah, something has tightened I join, get down to business. First of all, let us with web monsters. World of Spectrum (WOS) (Http://www.void.demon.nl/spectrum.html) That's really really monstrovy site. By design / volume of information and its quality, he privoshodit all existing. Number visitors to this site has already exceeded 100.000! On this site you can find: Games (5000), among them, though there are repetition (but in different formats), demos (453) adventyury (659), utilities (897), educational prog (83), and any other stuff (210). Basically all the software in the tap and z80 formats. Good source branded versions of games. Also: three-dimensional sections on emulators, PC Utilities to deal with spekovskimi files, various documents and more another. And of course the sea of links to Western sites. This site has an interesting little thing - Search Machine specializes in finding software for the Speccy (though only for a few Western sites). WOS is updated almost every day, there ability to automatically send pages what's new in html format via e-mail. If you're used to downloading software via ftp, then look at ftp://ftp.gns.getronics.nl/pub/os/ - Here are stored all files WOS. In fact, there are many foreign websites dedicated to ZX Spectrum. Through them all in a row I'm not going to (possibly I'll do this in future reviews). If you do so interesting for him crawl, then use page usage options WOS. Now we go to our native sites. Such web monsters, like World of Spectrum and the Planet Sinclair we have of course not, but there is something more interesting (I mean content). Our and western sites, as it were divided: the West sites primarily focus on virtuals sitting to a variety of emulators, and our sites more will suit those who are sitting on real Spectrum and uses BetaDisk (read TrDos). In short, All spekovskie bend our sites - in a format hobeta / trd / fdi / ... Well, sometimes td0 (teledisk - such a universal thing, for copying all sorts of protected discs, not all of course:)). Fatality Archive (Http://i-connect.ru/ ~ fatality) (Http://ftl.da.ru) The most interesting of the Russian language. Though still unfinished, but still links page here The most complete, and begin the journey to hobeta-archives is, perhaps, it is here. In addition, here you can find almost anything Releases Fatality. Update: Fatality links, updated quickly, but that it is refreshed you can only learn fully reviewing this page, as the last update date site on the main page for some reason always lags behind the actual date when the last changes :))). Now about the ftp sites. The most interesting in the availability of new software, of course, are our sites, so for them and will be discussed today. Acid Nature (Ftp://ftp.ogre2vsk.edu.lv/acid-nature/speccy) Very, very interesting ftp-site. FTP-server is located in the town of Ogre, which is not far from Riga. Website created Raver'om. Here you can find Bulk demos, Gift, releases, games, utilities and so on. Can be attributed to the uniqueness of the collection photographs of famous personalities Spectrum scene. Now a little about the shortcomings: killed old file whatsnew.txt ... (Just blossomed Raver:)). One would be easy - look at all the catalogs and dates of files to quickly determine that new and what's not, but ... link to this site from Permian, and from Yaroslavl - and generally no therefore a site for me, for example, generally available : (And I still have not seen any pictures or some interesting releases. But this seems to be because of the quality of my connection, and so knowledgeable People say that Acid-Nature dvuhmegabitny channel, so go ahead:) (Ftp://bbs.ogo.ru/spectrum) Vobschem something is not Spectrum bbs-ka, but one subdirectory to the Speccy has a direct relationship - Then quickly come fresh issues newspapers, and sometimes some other things like infoshek different - usually every two to three days. Relationship with her is not bad, is always at your service info file, although I do simply: take CuteFTP, I go to this site, sort files by date entry to the site - the newest on top. That is, if and there is something new, it is immediately obvious. Thus, out to make sure that nothing new here No, it takes me 30 seconds. Ascendancy FTP site (Ftp://ftp.telecom.grodno.by/zxspectrum) FTP-site of Ascendancy. Nothing notable is the same, a good selection of not A very old software. If you've never been, then sure you check out. At one time I found here several new demos and almost immediately after the downloaded Condommed and PSC 1.03. Yes, and now constantly go there, although the site is updated too often. ZX-Museum FTP site (Ftp://zx-museum.org.ru) There is also a self-titled web-site, but ftp, In my opinion, more interesting is the fact that it collected reflection of several tens of ftp-sites on Speccy! / The reflection of the site - read, copy of the site, made in a particular time. Including bbs.ogo.ru, and WOS, and Ascendancy ftp and so on., Though there is no reflection Acid-Nature: (. How often updated these reflection, I do not know exactly, but we hope that the one who creates them, will desert it is not a very useful thing - for communications with many prototypes reflections ten times worse than reflections (at least for me:)). In addition to reflections on this site is very directory is, it's called SoftStar. Judging the number of files in it in the format td0 (for teledisk'a) - is a complete disc collection SoftStar'a. On this long round out. Until the next issue. DiVER
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