Subliminal Extacy
01 апреля 2001 |
The Prince Of 4096 Bytes Conquers New Lands
The Prince Of 4096 Bytes Conquers New Lands Or... "I Am A Free Man", He Said And Went On Wanking By Raver Yes, it's him. The noble freeman Serzhsoft, one of the scene's die-hard hermits, who's living high in the mountains, has achieved a new record. Of course, you know this (almost) haxxor for his famous 4K intros, which contained a shitload of effects and stories, being incredibly long and boring. Now, with the release of the 1K intro named "Life", he surprised all of us once again. Nobody expected so much boredom in only 1024 bytes! Effect after effect, Done minute, two, three, the show goes on! Of course, this masterpiece was #1 at the party it was made for, PHATO. Not only that, but since a lot of our regular readers were questioning whether Serzhsoft was joining slovak legend ЗSC Hardcore, we performed a little investigation into it. Our reliable sources have reported that some unknown scener (Achtung! Reveal his name to us and win a NEW Porche 911) was talking with Serzhsoft and asking him, why the hell he don't join some group (haxxors of course, how could you doubt it?) to become a real king, not just a lousy prince. As always Serzhsoft started to moan that he is a free man, who will never be the sexslave of any group, unless... it's ЗSC Hardcore! Yeah, hardcore is the way! No more childish titfuck! Being polite, Baze agreed to take Serzhsoft into the group, so he kinda joined. Though later on, Serzhsoft experienced an enlightenment and understood that he still has to grow up to join any group. "I am a free man", said Serzhsoft. Oh well, good luck finding your 32 megs simm, Serzh, I got only 16 megs for ya atm D;)
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