01 января 1994

       >>>>>> How To Use Subliminal Extacy Disk-Mag <<<<<<      
                    -= By L.A. Of Extacy-3 =-                   
Hello humble speecy user! Welcome to SUBLIMINAL EXTACY -        
Extacy-3's new Disk Mag for all spectrum disk systems           
(NOTE: This was originally made for the +D disk drive system, if
you wish to convert it to another disk system then change the   
basic syntax for the loads!).                                   
WHAT IS A DISK-MAG?                                             
A disk-mag is basically a magazine (e.g. Your Sinclair) on disk 
(minus all those wonderful mugshots!). There have been (and     
still are) disk-mags on speccy, but Bogie, Brainer and Me (L.A.)
decided to make our own top quality disk-mag to show just what  
we can do!                                                      
SUBLIMINAL EXTACY - THE USER GUIDE                              
To read the text use the following keys:-                       
RIGHT ARROW (>) = NEXT PAGE                                     
LEFT ARROW (<) = LAST PAGE                                      
SPACE = RETURN TO MAIN MENU                                     
Insert new keys here as you put 'em into the code!!             
SO WHERE DO YOU COME IN?                                        
Simple, all you (The humble speecy user) has to do is write     
articles on anything and everything and send them on +D or +3   
disk or Tape in normal ASCII format (64 Chr$ wide), TASWORD 2   
files are fine! Also we have a special graphic mode, known as   
med-res mode!!??!! These are the normal low res graphic         
characters, but half their original width! For more info on them
read the med-res part of this article!!                         
WHERE TO SEND THOSE ARTICLES                                    
Send all files to either of the following addresses:-           
14 DEVEROSE COURT                                               
BRISTOL    BS15 ЗSW                                             
28 WILSHIRE AVENUE                                              
BRISTOL    BS15 ЗQT                                             
Both addresses are in ENGLAND.                                  
                  All Code by BOGIE of EXTACY-3                 
                 All Grafix by L.A. of EXTACY-3                 
                  All Music by L.A. of EXTACY-3                 
              Edited by BOGIE and L.A. of EXTACY-3              
NOTES ON WRITING ARTICLES                                       
Remember to have all articles in ASCII format at least. If the  
file is too long to fit into the space we allocate it then it   
will be edited! All views are welcomed. Anyone may write        
articles. Just follow these easy to follow rules -              
             No Handwritten or Typewritten letters!             
  All articles must be submitted on +D 3.5 inch,+3 disk or Tape 
                 No Other Formats are supported                 
                         No Time-wasters                        
                 No other text format than ASCII                
Your Text file must be displayable on a 64 Chr$ wide text viewer
              (e.g TASWORD 2 in 64 Chr$ width mode)             
If you want your disks and tapes returned then please enclose   
                         return postage.                        
                      I Think that is all!                      
                           |    /                              
                           /   /  |                             
                           |  |___|                             
                          |  .|   |                             
                          | ___   |.                            
                          |/   _                               
MED-RES MODE!                                                   
Above you can see an example of the sort of graphics you can    
use!! They are basically the normal low-res graphics (You know  
the ones you get on keys 1-8 in Graph mode). We use the         
graphics mode in Tasword 2.                                     
That seems to be all you have to worry about!! I hope to be     
reading your articles soon! (Don't forget... Subliminal Extacy  
will be distributed all over the world e.g. Germany, Poland and 
Czech Republic.)                                                
'Till next time                                                 
                   Cheers M8 Sortid! C U L8R!!                  
                        L.A. of Extacy-3                        

Other articles:

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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