City #28
15 сентября 1999 |
Beech - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.
BEECH ****************** ******************** Shtirlitsa adventures and other adventures Bormann continued Biennial Shepherd, prepared for the experience, sitting in a cage, and seeing Shtirlitsa, bared teeth, giving him thereby to understand that this experience will be more complicated. - Gestapo - viciously Stirlitz said, calling the name of your favorite organization. He opened the cage door, the dog jumped out and began barking heart-rending. - Dura - resentfully said Stirlitz and another dose vials crumbled to the floor. Where once was the front door, seemed to Bormann. - Stirlitz! - He said enthusiastically, looking like Russian intelligence officer struggling with a dog at the same time, tending to tear his uniform pants, and a mountain tubes. - What are you, bought me a dog? - I believe that he bought - said Stirlitz, "If thou hast gathered from me this plague ... Borman resigned his lips and tried to whistle, but instead of whistling he turned snake hiss. A dog left Stirlitz and stared on Parteigenosse. Borman took from his pocket made two weeks ago, collar with leash and put it all on the neck animal. Then he looked kind of professional dog's mouth and said that this dog. - I'll call him Adolf, - he said, showing his devotion to SPCA. - Although Joseph - said Stirlitz, critically examining the ripped pants. - Well, your teeth Adolf ... - All in the Fuhrer - said Borman, bringing a dog in the corridor. In the office, where he stayed Stirlitz heard ringing broken dishes. Leather muzzle, bought seven Bormann Reichsmark, the dog did not like. Viciously chihnuv, she dropped her cute some dirty trick to boot Shtirlitsa and ominously growled, refusing thereby to possible claims. Boots hissed, and began to smoke came down fast. On top of all the metal floor laboratory was formed healthy hole. At the bottom was ladies' room, where sat Frightened lab. - Got the beast - Stirlitz growled, moving his big Paltz feet - with pyroxylin plant in the ass. Bormann was frightened for himself and for his priobretenitse, but luckily for him Stirlitz distracted from his boots and turned his languid eyes down on the weak half of humanity. Weak half paralyzed, staring up at the glowing face of the great scout which is already getting out from his pocket his favorite stew. "Now someone someone would treat" - gleefully Parteigenosse thought, knowing the generous nature of his idol. Stirlitz for a moment distracted by Bormann gave the cuff, said: "Not one, but the greatest spy of all time companion background Stirlitz or simply Maxim Maximich Tikhonov sense Isayev " and once again stared down. Of radio operators Stirlitz not seen. He accidentally dropped the jar down (Not up, naturally), put one of the radio operators and splashed robe and hair the other. Russian intelligence officer politely excused himself, frowning, looking at Bormann, and they delivered the biological laboratory of its presence. Borman dragged elektoroprovod and a broken switch. He was so pleased with his adventures, that dreaming of a world revolution, and did not notice the sly column, it hurts him to ogrevshy sweaty forehead. - Tell Stirlitz - asked Borman very soul - What do you think now? - On the barbecue and stew pot - Stirlitz said grimly. Bormann wanted to say: "but here I am - of a world revolution," but refrained. During the sudden thought you could shlopotat Shtirlitsa of the mug. Parteigenosse drew her to a dog, get away due to a long leash to the forty feet, and continued his thoughts. CHAPTER SEVEN Morning direct supervisor Shtirlitsa expressed his subordinate everything he had against the attacks on the achievements of science. - Stirlitz, you are not a kid, dammit! - Thompson shouted. - Do not swear - asked Stirlitz quietly built from broken matches pyramid. - But Stirlitz why you broke all available in the Laboratory test tubes? - I was drunk, - said indifferently Stirlitz .- I have a headache. I'm very drunk - "Thompson said - and I have a very headache .. after yesterday's ... But I'm not going to Laboratory to beat the tube! - And what, there's still something left? - Worried Stirlitz. - Well, what it can to stay? - Surprised the chief of intelligence. - You have worked there yesterday, that turned us the entire program of biological research for ten years ... maybe twenty ... A dog you why stolen? - Dog's do not touch - the voice zapravskogo felon Stirlitz said. - He is my friend mom replaces ... - Mom - it's good, "said Thompson. - In general, Stirlitz, I'm not so unhappy ... Come on, those chtoli, a restaurant ... and even though after yesterday noggin pops ... to be continued ...
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