City #28
15 сентября 1999

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 21).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full disassembler ROM (part 21).
  *************** ****************** LIKBEZ

(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


4754 RST 24; print a message

      POP HL; recovery addresses the 19 th

                    descriptor byte disk

      LD C, (HL); take a number of deleted files

      CALL 7588; print it

      LD HL, 4261; print DEL.FILES

      RST 1924

      LD HL, 4382; print FREE SECTORS:

      RST 1924

      LD HL, (23759) 4-byte

      LD BC, 4

      ADD HL, BC

      LD C, (HL); take a number of free seconds

      INC HL

      LD B, (HL)

      CALL 7593; print it

      LD HL, 4398; print FILE NAME, START, LENGTH,


      RST 1924

      POP BC; restore BC and the current

                    addresses in the buffer

      POP HL

      LD B, 16; print information about the 16 files
4789 CALL 4528; check reaches the end of Buffet

      CALL 15744; newline

      PUSH BC; preservation of the remaining
                    Xia files

      PUSH HL; and current address in the buffer

      CALL 10552; print file name and extension

      LD BC, 13, the 13th byte of the file descriptor

      POP HL; recovery current address

                    in buffer

      ADD HL, BC

      LD C, (HL); take the file size in sectors

      PUSH BC; save it

      LD A, C; load it into C

      LD B, 2, print 2 spaces before the number

      CP 10, the file length is less than 10 sectors?

      JR C, 4816, and if so, print gap

      DEC B; print a single space
4816 CP 100, file length is less than 100 sectors

      JR NC, 4825, and if not, what gaps not printing
4820 LD A, ""; seal gaps

      RST 1916

      DJNZ 4820
4825 POP BC; restore the file length in


      CALL 7593; print it

      LD HL, 4298, 16 spaces

      RST 1924

      POP HL; recovery address descriptor

                    file in the buffer

      PUSH HL; and then save it

      LD BC, 9, 9-th byte of the descriptor

      ADD HL, BC

      LD E, (HL); take the address of the file download

      INC HL

      LD D, (HL)

      PUSH HL; to save the current address in

                    file descriptor

      EX DE, HL; transfer of load address fi
                    la in HL

      CALL 4445; print it

      LD A, ""; gap

      CALL 15746

      POP HL; recovery current address

                    a file descriptor

      INC HL; the following address

      LD E, (HL); take the length of the file

      INC HL

      LD D, (HL)

      EX DE, HL; transfer it to the HL

      CALL 4445; print it

      POP HL; recovery address descriptor


      PUSH HL; and then save it

      LD BC, 8, 8-th byte

      ADD HL, BC

      LD A, (HL); take the file extension

      CP "B"; a "B"?

      CALL Z, 4891, and if so, print the line cars

      POP HL; recovery address descriptor


      POP BC; and counter files

      LD DE, 16; address of the next descriptor fi

      ADD HL, DE

      DJNZ 4789; repeat until the end

      PUSH HL; preserve address descriptor


      CALL 15744; 2 times newline

      CALL 15744

      JP 4760; repeat from the beginning

Address 4891. Print auto-line program
BASIC. In HL put the address of the file descriptor plus
8 and install 23,759.
4891 LD BC, 5, take the address of the file length in seconds

      ADD HL, BC

      LD B, (HL); take this length

      INC HL; the following address in the descriptor

      LD E, (HL); take the address of the file on disk

      INC HL

      LD D, (HL)

      DEC B; load will be 2 sectors

      JR Z, 4917

      DEC B

      JR Z, 4917, if the file length is not greater than 2

                    sectors, the loading


      LD A, 16, 16 sectors per track
4908 INC E; next sector

      CP E; the end of the track?

      JR NZ, 4915, and if so,

      LD E, 0; next sector 0

      INC D; and take the next track
4915 DJNZ 4908; repeat until the end
4917 LD HL, (23759) take the address of the workspace

      LD BC, 33, 33 bytes are already occupied

      ADD HL, BC

      LD B, 2, load 2 sectors

      PUSH HL; conservation load address sec

      CALL 7741; boot sectors

      LD A, 128, we seek the end of the program

      POP HL; recovery sector addresses

                    in memory

      LD BC, 512; length of the region - 512 bytes

      CPIR; search for the end of the program

      LD A, (HL); take the next byte

      CP 170, is 170?

      RET NZ; if not, return

      INC HL; take the line number of auto-

      LD C, (HL)

      INC HL

      LD B, (HL)

      LD A, B; is 0?

      OR C

      RET Z; if so, return

      PUSH BC; preserve line numbers car

      LD A, ""; print space

      CALL 15746

      POP BC; recovery line number


      CALL 7593; print it

      RET; Returns

               to be continued ...

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Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 21).

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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