City #27
09 сентября 1999

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 20).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full disassembler ROM (part 20).
    ************* **************** LIKBEZ

(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 4558. Runs the command LIST. Set
23825 and 23611.
4558 CALL 1067; check the second character string

      LD BC, 2; default print in stream 2

      LD (23771), BC

      JR Z, 4163, if the second character string ENTER

                   , The output directory

      CP "#"; if the second character string "?

      JR NZ, 4600, and if not, then set disk

      LD (23645), HL; installation CH_ADD

      CALL 7691; reception rooms flow

      CALL 7564; take the current character

      CP 13; it ENTER?

      JR Z, 4163, if so, then the output directory

      CP ","; it "?

      JP NZ, 7450, and if not, then the error

      CALL 7722; the next character

      CALL 7613, receiving the name of the drive onto the stack


      JR 4603; installation drive
4600 CALL 7647; CH_ADD installation and reception of the name

                    drive on a stack calculator
4603 CALL 7541; if there is a check in syntax

                   Then return

      CALL 7605; removing the name of the drive from the stack


      EX DE, HL; redeployment of its address in HL

      CALL 7297; installation drive
4613 CALL 7541; if there is a check in syntax

                   Then return

      LD A, (23798) loading drive name v23801

      LD (23801), A

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      LD A, (23771) take the number of flow

      CP 2, a 2?

      PUSH AF; save it

      CALL Z, 7555, and if so, clear the screen

      POP AF; restoration of flow rates

      CP 17, he is more than 16?

      JP NC, 7450, if so, the error

      CALL 7556; opening flow

      LD A, 255, the buffer is not clear, the memory of

      LD (23800), A

      CALL 4433; allocation of labor on

      LD HL, 24070; beginning of the disk into the buffer 

      LD DE, (23759) take the address WORKSP

      LD BC, 32; the length of the descriptor disk

      LDIR; saving disk descriptor

      CALL 1000; loaded into the buffer sector 0
                    Cones 0

      LD HL, 23845; buffer address

      PUSH HL; preserving its
4670 LD HL, 4275; address messages TITLE:

      PUSH BC; preservation of BC

      RST 24; print TITLE:

      LD HL, (23759) take the address WORKSP

      LD BC, 20, 20-byte

      ADD HL, BC

      RST 24; print the drive name

      LD HL, 4282; print DISC DRIVE:

      RST 1924

      LD A, (23798) take the number of drive

      ADD A, "A"; calculation of the drive name

      CALL 15746; print it

      CALL 15744; newline

      LD HL, (23759), the third byte of the descriptor disk

      LD BC, 3

      ADD HL, BC

      LD A, (HL); take a number of files on the dis

      LD HL, (23759), 19-byte

      LD BC, 19

      ADD HL, BC

      SUB (HL); calculation of the amount nestertyh


      PUSH HL; save an 19-th byte

                    descriptor disk

      CALL 7587; print number nestertyh


      LD HL, 4266; print FILE (S)

      RST 1924

      LD HL, (23759), 2-byte disk descriptor

      LD BC, Feb.

      ADD HL, BC

      LD A, (HL); take the disc type

      LD HL, 4302; address message 40 TRACKS, S. SI

      CP 25, is 25?

      JR Z, 4754, and if so, print a message

      LD HL, 4322, addressed to the 80 TRACKS, S. SI

      CP 24, is 24?

      JR Z, 4754, and if so, print a message

      LD HL, 4342; address message 40 TRACKS, D. SI

      CP 23, is 23?

      JR Z, 4754, and if so, print a message

      LD HL, 4362, addressed to the 80 TRACKS, D. SI

            to be continued ...

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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