City #27
09 сентября 1999

Advertising - Ppiobpetu shell for newspapers and zhupnala.

<b>Advertising</b> - Ppiobpetu shell for newspapers and zhupnala.
  ********** ********** MOTOR TRADE

  Selling, buying, exchanging program for ZX Spect rum

  Directory will write for free on your disks (5.25
 or 3.5 inches)

  Buy cheap blank floppy 5.25 inch

  Acquiring or clear copies of the magazines radiolumi ers' # # 
11.12 1994, # 1, 3, May 1995 

  Acquiring Stitched ROM or just the firmware in
 any kind of controller keyboard for IBM-"PRO FI"

  By purchasing scheme turbirovanie Scorpio

  Acquiring a shell for a newspaper, magazine type
 SMM, Page Maker K. Mills, etc.

  Acquiring IS-DOS 4.0, 4.5 drivers vinches tera under SMUC or 
nemovsky HDD controller 

  Having acquired the first disk music editor

  By purchasing programs adapted to work
 with the printer ML 6337.

  Buy ms K1113PV1A, K1107PV1, 512VI1 (M146818,
 1287, DS12887), 1810VN59A (i8259)

  'll Take PC-shnye or AMIGovskie chetyrehkanal nye. Mod-files.

  Selling four-channel music fee
 SOUNDRIVE v 1.02 with connectors for connection to
 PC (CITY # 3) and amplifiers

  Buy or exchanged for consumer goods HDD IDE 120-500
 MB, buying various information on the hardware
 Spectruma (especially Scorpiona): diagrams, drawings,

                 tel.9-69-44, 9-67-62 (office)

                 asked Vladimir

   ************ GRAND MERCI *************

-D.Plyasunovu for TEXT-DESIGNER v 1.99 and TEXT-VIEWER
 v 2.0
-V.Eliseevu for ZX Word v 2.5m
-P.Fedinu for a book about TR-DOS
-ON LINE for the article about the keyboard controller
-VELu for new programs
Almanac-RITM for a song
- "Petrovich" for jokes
-A.E.Golovkovu for his book "Kitchen without secrets"

   *********** *********** About how cool

   Editor in Chief Vladimir Kazakov

           tel. 9-69-44, 9-67-62 (office)

                 Address for correspondence:

 430902 Republic of Mordovia n. Makarovka
 st. Leningrad d.63 Vladimir Kazakov

 Commercial distribution is not prohibited, BUT

                  Not encourage

  By copying the reference to The Day is MANDATORY


                   SHALL NOT BE


Other articles:

Editor - found the scheme kontpollepa XT-klaviatupy. Perhaps skopo publish.

Iron - CONTROLLER IBM-compatible keyboard and mouse for each computer type ZX-SPECTRUM (How to work and connect V 2.0).

Smiley - the latest jokes.

what-where-how much - Portions ppogpammnogo new software from VELa of g.Kovpova.

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 20).

Beech - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

Beatles - one of many songs our own legendapnoy MASHIHY VPEMEHI.

Smak - Pusskie folk opohmeliteli.

Advertising - Ppiobpetu shell for newspapers and zhupnala.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   5 May