City #17
06 июля 1999

Editor - If you order the Nemo one more piece of iron: XTR-modem.

<b>Editor</b> - If you order the Nemo one more piece of iron: XTR-modem.

          Saransk. Republic of Mordovia

 Free computer magazine for ZX SPECTRUM

         (Hm. .. Free? And do not expect)

                # 17 of 07.07.99g

 (C) V. Kazakov


  The main news for this day.

  Ordered from Nemo one more piece of iron: XTR-modem and a
VELa few programmok that I need to work with the newspaper. At 
work, flew PCs - apparently covered himself with MFM-HDD, which 
is already more than 10 years. S. Zonov sent catalog for 
products of "Scorpio". Prices simply suicidal. 

  Well that's all. Read the newspaper ...

Other articles:

Editor - If you order the Nemo one more piece of iron: XTR-modem.

Iron - About GMX and what to do with it.

what-where-why - software catalog fipmy "Skoppion.

Likbez - a full description and disassembler ROM (part 12).

Beech - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

Advertising - Ppiobpetu pe.pvyy CD music pedaktopa SAMPLER.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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BBSHovosti - new station - WHITE BBS.
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В этот день...   6 May